Relocation of Syrian Refugees to the United States

The recent November 13 tragic terrorist attacks in Paris, France highlight both the difficulty in defending against a well-organized enemy intent on killing and maiming, as well as the need for strengthened security measures both in Europe and in our own Homeland. As a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, it is abundantly clear to me that this Administration has no credible plan for screening Syrian refugees coming into this country through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. 

Prior to the attacks, I joined 22 of my colleagues in sending a letter to the President on October 9 to request details on the Administration’s plan to properly vet Syrian refugees before resettling in the U.S. In addition, I have cosponsored several legislative efforts, including measures that would 1) suspend the admission of refugees in the United States, until Congress passes a resolution to authorize the admission (H.R.3314); 2) require a joint resolution approving the number of refugees who may be admitted in any fiscal year and giving priority to refugees who are members of a persecuted religious minority community (H.R.3573); 3) prohibit federal funds from being used to admit refugees of which their country of nationality is Syria or in the case of a refugee having no nationality, the country in which they last habitually resided was Syria (H.R.4031); and 4) require that supplemental certifications and background investigations be completed prior to the admission of certain aliens as refugees (H.R.4038).  H.R.4038 passed the House last Thursday by a vote of 289-137, which when you add the two House Republicans who were not able to make the vote to the 289 Members who supported the bill, H.R.4038 would constitute a veto-proof majority in the House.   

The lack of proper vetting creates a gaping hole in our homeland security and presents an imminent danger for Americans here at home. We must be vigilant in defending our shores, and I will continue to oppose any attempt to relocate Syrian refugees to our country, until I am assured we have a foolproof vetting process in place that will ensure American lives are not put at risk.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Relocation of Syrian Refugees to the United States