Speak Out December 5

Not all calls can be published in our print edition because of space limitations.

November 30

This is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. This is about the shooter that shot up the people at the Planned Parenthood building. What he did was wrong. He had ideas of what was going on inside the building but it’s still wrong to kill unless it’s in a time of war, but inside that building they’re killing babies by hundreds so which is the worse sin, his sin or their sin? All right, thank you.

December 2

Good morning, this is George. Our wonderful president has stepped on it again. I understand he was in the Middle East. He was lecturing a president of a small country over there about closing his borders and the president of the small country said, “Why don’t you close your borders?” I thought that was very appropriate. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

December 3

Hello, this is JL. I always enjoy reading Speak Out. I would like to give the gentleman who wrote the letter on November 25, 2015 considering the courthouse a great big amen. He was right on target about not relocating the courthouse downtown. The cost of removing our old courthouse is not financially feasible. Also, the proposed location south by the railroad track near the sewage treatment facility flooding, drainage problems, and taxpayers having to pay for more parcels of land that has been recommended by some people. This is not applying common sense or good judgment. From the voters overall choices for downtown location was 17,466 votes to a combined total vote for East Milton, and Highway 90 24,275. This represents downtown is not the best choice. Land is available and already cleared in East Milton. The site is close to the jail which would be cost effective in transporting prisoners to crowded Highway 90. Please let’s give this serious thought in making a very serious decision on a very expensive facility like this. Thank you very much. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out December 5