FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report

This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past week;

however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.



Over the past three weeks (11 harvest days), 42 officers from the Northwest, North Central, Northeast, Southwest and South B Regions have participated in the reintroduction of oyster monitoring stations within Apalachicola Bay. The oyster monitoring stations are being used as a resource management tool to assist in the recovery of oyster populations within the bay. The primary focus of the oyster monitoring stations is to inspect all commercially harvested oysters from public oyster bars within the bay for compliance of size tolerance. During the 11 harvest days, officers inspected 1,011 harvesters and over 2,500 bags of oysters. Twenty-four warnings were issued for size tolerance as well as 27 citations for size tolerance violations. Other violations cited were for non-compliance with Executive Order #15-18 as it pertained to bag limit for oysters, no saltwater products license, no Apalachicola Bay oyster harvest permit and boating safety equipment and vessel registration violations.


While on patrol in the Apalachicola National Forest, Officer Mims spotted a vehicle shining a spotlight after dark. Officer Mims approached the vehicle and observed a loaded 12‑gauge shotgun sitting in the bed of the pickup. After a brief investigation, it was determined the man was attempting to shoot deer. Officer Mims issued the man a citation for attempting to take deer at night with gun and light.

Lieutenant Parker was on land patrol near Florida River Island. He observed two individuals hunting hogs with dogs in the area closed to the use of dogs. Both individuals were cited for the violation.


Officers investigated the following fisheries violations:  (1) Officers Pifer and Corbin were on vessel patrol when they conducted a vessel stop under the DestinMarlerBridge. The vessel operator stated they had caught two mangrove snapper.  Upon inspecting the fish, the officers determined that the vessel operator was in possession of an undersized red snapper during closed season.  The vessel operator was issued a citation.  (2) Officer Bartlett was on vessel patrol conducting boating safety and state fishery inspections in Bayou Cinco.  He initiated a vessel stopped.  The inspection revealed the operator had insufficient number of life jackets.  During the inspection, Officer Bartlett determined the operator was returning from a fishing trip.  The fisheries inspection revealed the operator was in possession of eight spotted sea trout, all of which were undersized.  The operator was issued a citation for possession of undersized spotted sea trout, a warning for possession of over the bag limit, and a warning for insufficient number of personal flotation devices.


Officer Jones arrived at the Bob Sikes Fishing Pier at PensacolaBeach for the purpose of checking fishermen and their fish.  While on the pier, Officer Jones observed a female with a cooler walk to the opposite side of the pier from all of the other fishing activity and stop at the railing.  He also noticed that she was not carrying a fishing rod.  Suspecting that she may dump illegal fish, Officer Jones quickly moved towards her.  He observed her remove a large fish (red drum) from the cooler, at which point he shouted to her not to throw the fish.  She briefly looked at the officer and then threw the fish off the pier.  When Officer Jones approached her, she stated that it is too late. Officer Jones told her that it was not too late and charged her with obstructing an FWC officer in the performance of his duties.


Saturday was the opening day of small game season on the Choctawhatchee River Wildlife Management Area (WMA). The officers patrolled by water, inspecting 35 vessels and checking 72 users. Minor boating registration violations were addressed.

After receiving information regarding subjects possibly hunting illegally on East RiverIsland in the Choctawhatchee River WMA, Officers Letcher, Tison and Yates worked the area and located three subjects.  The officers determined that one of the individuals had been illegally hunting with a crossbow and had a boating violation. The officers also determined that the subject matched the description from a theft case two days earlier.  Walton County Sheriff’s Office was notified and the subject was found to be in possession of two stolen generators.  The subject was issued resource and boating citations. The theft investigation was turned over to the Sheriff’s Office.



Officers White and Maltais attended the angler’s meeting for the Marina Village Bass Tournament held at the SouthWaltonHigh School. The officers addressed boating safety compliance and weather related concerns as the low temperature would be in the 40s overnight. There were 75 anglers, staff and volunteers for the fund raising event. Early on Saturday, the officers provided security for the start of the tournament at sunrise.



While conducting a boating safety inspections at Mullet Lake Boat Ramp, Officer Cogburn checked a center console for required safety equipment. During the inspection, the owner produced an expired registration.  It was discovered that the vessel was registered as a homemade vessel, however, the vessel was clearly manufactured.  The vessel was also missing the Hull Identification (HIN) plate.  A confidential HIN plate was located.  The vessel was seized and was investigated for title fraud.  The defendant was cited for operating a vessel with no HIN.  After further investigation the defendant was charged with fraudulently obtaining a certificate of title, making a false statement and committing fraud in application for title, possession of outboard motor with defaced serial number and three counts of perjury on an official statement.



Officers Ransom and Wilcox were on land patrol when they observed a vehicle parked next to the middle of the Aucilla Wildlife Management Area. As they drove pass the vehicle, they noticed the driver dressed in camouflage standing next to the driver’s door and appeared extremely nervous. The officers decided to take a second look, but by the time they turned around the vehicle had left the area. As the officers inspected where the vehicle was parked, they discovered an illegal spike buck shot and lying along the tree line. The officers thinking that the suspect may return to pick up the deer, waited in a concealed location and monitored the area. Approximately two hours later, the suspect returned with a passenger and began loading the deer in the trunk. Officers Ransom and Wilcox emerged from the bushes and identified themselves. After a brief interview, the officers obtained a confession to the crime and recovered all evidence associated with the case.


Officers Pekerol and Korade were on land patrol when they received information from the Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office that a deer had been shot at night. The officers responded to the scene and discovered a spike buck lying in a farm field displaying signs of having been shot with a high-powered rifle. A deputy on the scene provided witness statements detailing the crime and identified a possible suspect‘s vehicle. The officers identified a residence associated with the suspect and discovered a vehicle matching the description parked in the yard. After a brief interview, the officers obtained a confession to the crime and recovered all evidence associated with the case. Charges will be filed with the Suwannee County State Attorney’s Office.



Officer Ferguson was on land patrol in the area of AncloteGulfPark. While on patrol, he stopped and performed a boating safety and fisheries inspection on two kayakers returning to the park. During the course of the inspection, he found that one of the kayakers had caught and kept five red fish, four of which were undersized. He gave the man two misdemeanor citation for possession of over the bag limit of red fish and possession of undersized red fish.


Officer Balfour received information from an internet tip of several individuals that harvested oversized red drum. Several photographs were received showing the individuals in possession of the red drum. Officer Balfour contacted the individuals, who admitted to the harvest of the fish. Charges will be direct-filed through the State Attorney’s Office.

Officers M. Bibeau, R. Bibler and Investigator Dallarosa were on water patrol in Johns Pass. While on patrol, they stopped a vessel that was returning from offshore without the use of its navigational light. During the boating safety inspection, the operator of the vessel advised the officers that he had some grunts and sea bass onboard. Investigator Dallarosa conducted a fisheries inspection and located eight undersized red grouper. The operator of the vessel confessed to catching all of the grouper and was written a misdemeanor citation for possession of undersized red grouper and over the bag limit of red grouper.


Officer Pulaski and Senior Wildlife Assistant Biologist Scotten delivered information regarding feeding wildlife to over 60 residents of two communities. Officer Pulaski discussed the laws pertaining to prohibited feeding, and Biologist Scotten provided suggestions to improve individual opportunity to see native wildlife.



Officers Davis and Toby responded to a search and rescue on the north end of Lake Okeechobee. After receiving the call, Officers Davis and Toby quickly launched a patrol vessel and were able to locate the lost vessel with three individuals on board in one of the Marshes on the Lake. All three individuals were in good health, however, their vessel had some mechanical/lighting failures and they did not know how to get back to the boat ramp in the dark. Officers Davis and Toby safely escorted the vessel back to the boat ramp where the individual’s vehicle and trailer were waiting.


FWC Dispatch received a report of divers spearfishing under the 707 Bridge in Jupiter. Officers Hankinson and Norbrothen along with Lieutenant Morrison responded. Captain Schaeffer was in plain clothes and being nearby offered to observe the area and note violations. He quickly reported a swimmer with a spear gun and a supporting vessel under the bridge. Officers Hankinson and Norbrothen responded to the area by boat and Lieutenant Morrison proceeded by land. The swimmer and boat operator noticed they were being observed and the swimmer positioned himself directly under the bridge structure and among the fender pilings where Captain Schaeffer could no longer see him. After arriving on-scene, the officers were unable to locate the swimmer. However, they did locate and stop the supporting vessel at a local marina. While conducting the vessel stop, Officer Webb arrived by land to assist. After conducting a thorough inspection of the vessel, Officers Hankinson and Norbrothen located a snook that had been taken by use of a spear gun. Officer Webb located six additional speared snook, the operator had attempted to hide from the officers. The operator of the vessel had an extensive history of boating safety and resource violations. The officers cited the operator for taking the seven snook via an illegal method, over the bag limit and undersized. In addition he was cited for two boating safety violations.

During a late night shift on land patrol of Corbett WMA, Officer Norbrothen observed several violations of WMA specific rules. Officer Norbrothen observed two groups of vehicles, one group in areas closed to public access and one group on trails closed to the public except during hunts. Upon contacting both groups, he was able to determine that the occupants were not hunting, but rather driving around the WMA.  Officer Norbrothen identified violations for day use permit of the WMA, operating vehicles on trails closed except for hunting, and alcohol violations. As a result of his multi-vehicle stop, Officer Norbrothen issued a total of 11 citations to the various vehicle operators and passengers.

While on federal fisheries patrol offshore of Jupiter Inlet, Officers Moss and Trawinski preformed a fisheries inspection on a vessel.  The inspection revealed one of the vessel occupants to be in possession of an underside red grouper.  The man stated the fish died while he was reeling it in, and he didn’t know what to do with it.  The officers explained to the man that the fish should have been returned to the resource and Officer Trawinski issued the man a citation for possession of undersized red grouper.

Officer Church responded to a call in the Corbett WMA in regard to a disturbance at a campsite.  OfficerChurch arrived to find the campsite abandoned and in total disarray. The officer noticed a significant amount of blood around the campsite, and began contacting local hospitals as well as the local Sheriff’s office to see if anyone had been admitted or transported to the hospital from that location.  An injured individual claiming that his injuries were sustained at that location was located at a local hospital.  Through the course of his investigation, it was determined that while camping two individuals had a disagreement that ended with the suspect running the victim over with a car.  The victim was treated and released from the hospital.  The suspect was arrested and booked into the Palm Beach County Jail.

While preforming boating safety inspections at CurriePark in Palm BeachCounty, Officer Spanier stopped a vessel that was returning from a fishing trip.  During the course of the inspection, three undersized mutton snapper were located.  The owner of the vessel was charged accordingly.



Captain Dipre, Lieutenant Cabanas, Officers Lopez, Dion, Plussa, Garrison, Bulger, Boyd, and Martino conducted public safety foot patrol at FortZacharyTaylorState Park for the opening day of The Annual Offshore Powerboat Race in Key West.  Hundreds of additional people entered the park to get up-close waterside seats for the boat race.  Our FWC officers provided law enforcement and first responder services within the park, including crowd control, beach patrol, and first-aid to injured persons and enforced Florida Administrative Code relating to state park rules.

Officer Plussa and Boyd responded to an endangered wildlife in distress call in the Key Deer National Wildlife Refuge on Big Pine Key.  A young buck had fallen off of a sea wall and into a concerned citizen’s boat docked in a canal.  It was trapped in the boat for an estimated three hours before the boat owner became aware of it and reported it to FWC.  Officers Plussa and Boyd responded to the citizen’s property and relocated the animal to a remote part of the protected Key Deer Refuge. Though it was startled, it was rescued safe and returned to the wild unharmed.

Officers Foell and Richards spent a day patrolling the waters from the Lower Keys north to the Florida Everglades in State and Federal waters.  Throughout their patrol, they conducted inspections on numerous commercial spiny lobster and stone crab vessels.  The officers encountered multiple violations throughout their patrol, including two different commercial stone crab vessels possessing undersized stone crab claws.  One vessel had eight undersized claws and the second had eleven along with two whole dead stone crabs found in a crate onboard one of the commercial vessels.  The subjects were charged accordingly for the resource violations.  On the last vessel stop of the day, the officers encountered a subject with an active warrant out of Miami-DadeCounty.  The subject was placed under arrest, transported and booked into the Monroe County Detention Facility, without incident.


Officers Steinmetz and Peska assisted the “Ladies Lets Go Fishing “Seminar in Tavernier over the weekend which is a FWC Sponsored Event to introduce women into fishing.  Officers gave a presentation on the Core Missions of the FWC, boating and safety tips. Officers also, answered questions from the 100 plus participants in attendance.



Officer Ludtke assisted staff from the Everglades Foundation at Cooper City Middle School for a special event.  Officer Ludtke spoke about native and non-native wildlife to the students, faculty and the roles that FWC Officers do in protecting and managing wildlife.  There was also a slide preservation of Everglades wet lands and what can be done by the students to help preserve it for the future to approximately 500 hundred students.

Officer Veloz participated in the Miami River Walk Festival Boat Parade in DadeCounty.  There were several other Police Agencies that also assisted in the parade and events along with several Fire-Rescue Departments displaying water works.  All vessels in attendance were also on display. There were over 3000 people that attended the event.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report