Speak Out November 21

Because of space considerations, not all Speak Out calls will make the print edition.

November 17

This is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. This is pertaining to the immigrants that Obama wants to come over here. Since there were terrorists in them and that’s one that crept into Paris, nobody wants them over here because you don’t know what they are and 27 states so far have refused them. It seems that congress could override all this and do something about it. They have power to do it and Obama needs to say that he just doesn’t know what to do and let somebody that knows more than he does tell him what to do. There are refugee camps in the country right next to them and they need to go there in their own country because they’re not wanted over here.

November 18

This is Mike. The county commissioners need to show some backbone. They let this issue where the county courthouse is going to be linger way too long. They need to make a decision based on cost, room for expansion, easy access, and not a flood zone be involved in the situation. This is a county courthouse and take that into consideration and not to be so influenced by the historical society and the city. They have already bottle-necked Highway 90 for too many years already, not to mention doubled the cost of the new Highway 90 bridge to tax payers whether it be state, local, or federal taxes. The commissioners have handled it so badly that tax will mostly likely will never pass. We, the voters, need to clean house. Thank you.

November 18

This is Bobby. I’ve been watching on the TV about all the killings in France. Obama’s determined to bring a bunch of refugees in this country and that’s where some of them came from that did all the killing over there. Of course he says they’re going to vet them and they’re going to be checked out real good. Well when they’re checking them out, when they’re doing their physical they out to unknowingly put a chip in every one of them and keep track and see where they go. It would be easy to catch them then when they do something wrong. Thank you.

November 18

Hello, this is Walter down close to Garcon. Last week I was invited by my granddaughter and AvalonMiddle School to have  a free lunch for Veterans Day. My wife and I met our granddaughter at school and we were escorted to a room where we watched taped excerpts of students and teachers expressing their gratitude to vets that they knew. After everyone had gathered, we all started for the cafeteria. As we opened the door and started down the long hall, there were students, teachers, and workers lining the halls all smiling, clapping, and waving at us. It was so unexpected and so heartwarming. After a wonderful lunch we got another ovation as we entered the building. It couldn’t have been any nicer. Our sincere thanks to everyone and we will never forget it.

November 18

Have you noticed how charitable organizations are always soliciting money? You send them a donation and what do they do? They send you back enough labels (I’ve collected enough to paper a room) with a request for more money. Thank you, but utilize what you have because I’m not sending any more money. There, I said it, bye.

November 19

This is Kenneth. There’s a couple things I don’t really understand, one of them is the price of gas in Milton. The price in Brewton was $1.84 Monday when I came through there. I get to Milton and the price is $2.06. Whenever I was in South Carolina the same day, the price was as low as $1.76 a gallon. I don’t know what is going on here in Milton. We’re much closer to the refineries than they are in those places. Another thing I don’t understand, a 25 mph speed limit on Berryhill. When you go to Park Avenue the speed limit is 30 mph and a lot of other places in the City of Milton the speed limit is 30 mph. I really feel the city council ought to get off their duffs and review some of the speed limits they have in the city. I see no particular hazard on Berryhill that would cause the speed limit to be 25. You can go 35 and 40 past the schools but you can only go 25 down a street where there is no school. I don’t understand the reason for the speed. Thank you.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out November 21