FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report

This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past week;

however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.


Liberty County

Officer Henderson cited an individual from Franklin County for attempting to take deer over bait in the Florida River section of the Apalachicola National Forest. The site had been baited with a commercial deer attractant.

Lieutenant Parker cited an individual from FranklinCounty for placing bait in the Apalachicola Management Area near the River Styx area. The site was baited with soybeans and corn.

Lieutenant Parker and Officer Henderson worked a detail using the replica alligator. A pickup truck with two individuals drove past the location where the replica was placed near Kennedy Creek in the ApalachicolaNational Forest. The passenger instructed the driver to backup. The passenger then took a 22-mag rifle and fired three shots at the replica. Officer Henderson stopped the vehicle and cited the individual for attempting to take alligator without a permit.


Officer Molnar conducted an investigation of a derelict vessel in the Destin Harbor. The vessel, a 1974 37‑foot sailboat, had sunk along the bank of the harbor.  Officer Molnar had previously cited the vessel owner for failure to title/register the boat.  The derelict vessel was in a junk and dismantled condition.  The vessel had an inoperative engine. Further, the hull of the vessel had wood rot which caused the vessel to sink.  Upon completion of the derelict vessel process, Officer Molnar issued the owner a citation.

Officer Maltais was on vehicle/foot patrol conducting resource protection on the Eglin Wildlife Management Area (WMA), when he located and identified two archery hunters with whole kernel bait corn in the Jackson South Management Unit. Officers Nichols, Corbin, Molnar, Investigator Armstrong and K-9 Officer Pineda responded and located additional information. The individuals were issued two citations for violation of the management area rule regarding placing of bait. Eglin Range Patrol officers responded and issued both hunters 30‑day Reservation permit suspensions.


K-9 Officer Pineda and Officer Clark were patrolling the Yellow River WMA looking for hunters hunting over illegally baited areas.  They came to an area where a vehicle had been parked recently and deployed K-9 Kane to ascertain where the occupants of the vehicle may have gone.  K-9 Kane tracked from where the vehicle was parked to two freshly baited areas. One of the spots had a ground blind and the other had a climbing tree stand on it. The officers checked the area several times and two days later observed a vehicle parked in the area. They split up and located two subjects, as well as, a third baited site. The subjects stated that they distributed the bait (corn) out onto the WMA a few days before. They also stated that they had been knowingly hunting over bait at these three spots several times since the opening of archery.  Both subjects were charged with hunting/ distributing bait on a WMA.

While on patrol, Officer Miller heard the Florida Highway Patrol was in pursuit of a truck pulling a stolen trailer nearby. Officer Miller noticed on CAD that the suspect vehicle was headed towards the Yellow River WMA and went to assist in the event the suspects fled into the woods. The suspect driver wrecked and then stole a truck and traveled southbound on Highway 87 hitting patrol vehicles on the way. The Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office pursued the suspect south into Navarre and Officer Miller followed behind in case the suspect went into Eglin Air Force Base. Shortly after the Sheriff’s Office ended the pursuit, the suspect rolled the stolen truck and Officer Miller then responded to assist with securing the suspect until he could be removed from the truck. Once the suspect was secured, Officer Miller met Officer Barnard to assist Santa Rosa Crime Unit with locating weapons that were thrown from the suspect vehicle during pursuit. Officers recovered three handguns and a magazine to a fourth weapon. The following morning, Officer Miller and K-9 Officer Pineda returned to the scene to assist again in the search for the fourth weapon. The officers and K-9 located another handgun magazine and other items dropped by the fleeing suspect.


While off-duty, Officer Boutwell received an anonymous complaint regarding two deer that had been killed out of season.  The information was immediately passed along to Officer Raker who obtained pictures of the two deer after the kill.  He talked to landowners and workers in the general vicinity of the alleged kill and showed them pictures of the deer.  Three individuals recognized the deer and two were able to produce personal photos and videos of the deer confirming the general location of the deer and that the season was not open for harvest.  Officer Raker contacted FWC Intelligence Section and they provided additional information that assisted with the investigation.  Officers Stephens and Nelson arrived and assisted with inspection of the general area to locate a possible kill site.  After additional intelligence was obtained, Officers Boutwell, Raker, Nelson and Stephens returned to the area at a later date and interviewed multiple suspects. The officers obtained a confession that the deer were taken with a rifle during closed season, were shown the kill site, and recovered the deer parts from both deer as evidence.  Charges are being filed for the take of deer during closed season.



Lieutenant Lee and his crew of Offshore Vessel Seahawk were patrolling state waters approximately 5 miles offshore from Port Canaveral when they intercepted a vessel returning from a day of offshore fishing.  The boarding team, Officers Bohne and Humphrey, discovered fish filets wrapped in a plastic bag in the bottom of one of the coolers on the vessel.  The vessel captain told the boarding officers they were tripletail fillets.  The officers were able to verify the captain’s statement from the skin that was still on the fillets.  The filets were seized as evidence and the vessel captain was issued a citation for possessing tripletail not in whole condition.

Officer McDonough and crew of Offshore Vessel Osprey were conducting water patrol approximately 5 miles offshore from Ponce Inlet when they intercepted a vessel returning from offshore fishing. The boarding team, Officers Cogburn and West, inspected the vessel for fisheries violations and found the crew was in possession of red snapper in Federal waters.  Officers issued a federal citation for the violation.  Later that same day the Osprey boarded another vessel inside of Ponce Inlet.  Two individuals were found to be in possession of less than 20 grams of cannabis, in addition to having several safety infractions and resource warnings.


Officers North and Demeter responded to a call about possible destruction of a gopher tortoise burrow.  The officers arrived to find a tractor operator clearing brush on the property.  The complainant advised the officers of the location of a burrow that had been completely destroyed by the suspect.  The officers were able to locate the destroyed burrow and dig out the entombed gopher tortoise.  The equipment operator was cited for destruction of a gopher tortoise burrow.

Officer Rice received information that individuals were hunting a dove field, possibly over bait, in northwest MarionCounty. Officers Rice, Simpson, and Lasher responded to the property and heard the hunters actively shooting. The officers were able to pin point the field that the hunters were hunting and watched them for a while from a concealed location. The officers announced their presence and conducted a license check and resource inspection on the hunters. During the inspection, the officers located bird seed and crack corn throughout the field that was being hunted. The hunters were issued notices to appear for taking migratory birds over bait.

Lieutenant Dipre, Investigator Nelson, and Officer Bresie performed duties in funeral services for retired FWC Officer Ralph “Shorty” Donaldson. The church service was held in Blountstown in the Florida panhandle, followed by interment services in Bonifay.  The Honor Guard performed casket guard at the church.  During the interment service, Investigator Nelson and Lieutenant Dipre performed a two-man flag fold of the U. S. Flag and Lieutenant Dipre presented the flag to the surviving daughter, Kim.  Officer Bresie concluded the service with a presentation of “Taps” on the bugle.   The church service was well attended by numerous colleagues, many of whom were also retired officers, several officers of the FHP, several current FWC officers from the local area, and citizens of the community.


Officer Tavano observed a subject carrying a back pack walking around picking up items off the ground on private property next to Little Big Econ WMA.  From a concealed location he watched the subject pass through a gate into the WMA. When Officer Tavano made contact with the subject he stated that he was “foraging” and picking up grapefruit from the WMA and private property. Officer Tavano pointed out two “no trespassing” signs that the subject walked past and asked him if he was given permission by the landowner to be on that property and the subject said “no”.   During a consensual search of the subjects backpack, Officer Tavano located six mushrooms and 13 grapefruits that the subject admitted to taking from both the private property and the WMA.  The subject was issued a notice to appear for removing vegetation from a WMA and a warning for trespassing on private property.


Officer Sumpter received a complaint from dispatch that an individual was armed trespassing on private property bordering the Ocala WMA in central Marion County. Upon arrival, he identified the suspect and began an investigation. The suspect was uncooperative during the initial investigation. Officer Simpson and K9 Moose arrived on scene to assist.  During the investigation, K9 Moose was able to locate a freshly killed deer that had been hidden in the bushes. The deer had spots still visible on its hind quarters. The officers found drag marks where the deer had been dragged from the private property to the WMA where it was hidden. After this evidence was found the suspect became more cooperative. He admitted to hunting with a modern rifle during the muzzleloader season and did not have any hunting licenses. He was charged with armed trespass, taking a fawn deer, and taking a deer by illegal method. He was booked into the Marion County Jail.



At the beginning of the 2015 Hunting Season, Officers Nichols and McDonald located a tree stand on water management property. Utilizing investigative techniques, the officers determined that the individual hunting was using a modern day firearm. Officer McDonald went to the house that he believed the individual came from and he was met in the yard by the homeowner who was also the father of the hunter. He admitted to the officer that it was his 14-year old son who was hunting on Suwannee River Water Management Property. The 14-year old was retrieved from the stand. The father was issued a citation for allowing a minor in possession of a firearm, unsupervised. Warnings were also issued for using a modern day firearm during the Muzzleloader Gun Season, placing bait and hunting on water management property.

Duval County

FWC Resource Protection Squad officers targeted the heavy boating traffic associated with the Florida Georgia Football Game, in Jacksonville over the weekend. They conducted endangered species protection patrol in the St. Johns River. Several warnings and citations were issued for manatee zone and boating safety violations. Citations were also issued for oversized redfish and possession of marijuana and its paraphernalia. At the end of the patrol, one individual was arrested for boating under the influence and a test of his breath revealed a breath alcohol level of .128 four hours after initial contact.


During an offshore patrol over the weekend the Sentinel crew, Officers Read and Lieutenant Givens stopped a vessel with four people on board approximately 15 miles east of PonteVedraBeach, to conduct a boating safety and fisheries inspection. Officers Geib and Read boarded the vessel to conduct an inspection and discovered multiple fisheries violations. The fishermen were found to be in possession of two undersized black sea bass, three red snappers, which are closed to harvest and possession in federal waters as well as 28 red snapper filets. All the people on board were issued federal citations for the possession of undersized black sea bass, possession of red snapper during closed season and snapper not in whole condition. The charges will be filed with the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA’s) National Marine Fisheries Service for prosecution.



During a late night shift Officer Lehman noticed a truck pulled off the road next to a barbed wire fence that was on private property. A closer look revealed that the truck had a dog box in the back and open beer bottles in the cab. After waiting for approximately 30 minutes, Officer Lehman noticed a light coming from the woods and heard both male and female voices. He watched as two females crossed the fence. Upon making contact with the females, they stated that their boyfriends were drunk and lost in the woods. After talking to the women for a few minutes, Officer Lehman told the women that he knew that their boyfriends were hiding out in the woods and told them to have the men come out. They were called on their cell phones and promptly came out, along with two dogs. Officer Lehman asked if there was anyone else in the woods, and they said that there was not. About 5 minutes later one of the suspects said that his little brother was still out there. He also came out, along with two more dogs. The two oldest males were charged with trespassing.

Officer Lehman received a tip that three individuals, known to be gang members on probation for animal cruelty charges, were in possession of an alligator. The tip originated from two Facebook photos that showed the three subjects with an alligator whose limbs and mouth were bound and taped. Officer Lehman coordinated with the subject’s probation officer and Tampa Police Department detectives who were familiar with them and went to their residence. All three were arrested for violation of probation, and were also charged with illegal possession of an alligator.

Officer Wolf and K-9 Chaos conducted a K9 track and located a lost hunter. The hunter was scouting the upper Hillsborough WMA and was missing for approximately 24 hours. Officer Fagan assisted us on the track and Officer Pulaski transported us by vehicle when needed. The lost hunter was 71 years old and has a severe disability with his legs. He was approximately 3 to 4 miles from his vehicle.


Officer Perry and Salem were on water patrol near Captiva Pass when they observed a vessel trolling. The officers conducted a vessel safety and resource inspection on the trolling vessel. The occupants stated that fishing was bad, but had three gag groupers on board the boat. While measuring the fish for compliance, none of the fish were of legal size to possess. The operator was cited for possessing three undersized gag grouper and was given a mandatory court date.



Officer Delatorre was on patrol on the Dania Beach Pier conducting marine fisheries inspections. He spoke with a fisherman that had caught some fish. After an inspection, the fisherman was found to be in possession of two undersized mutton snapper. With information gathered, the fisherman was given a criminal notice to appear before the county judge for possession of undersized mutton snapper. The two dead mutton snappers were seized as evidence.


Officer DeWeese observed a spotlight working in the groves. When Officer DeWeese made contact with the individuals, they advised him that they were gator hunting and had permission. The individuals were unable to produce the valid paperwork for the gator hunting and had no written permission to be on the property. The officer escorted the individuals off the property, and charges are pending.

The first Florida Bear Hunt in decades ran smoothly in Hendry County thanks to the collective effort of multiple law enforcement officers from across the south region. FWC officers worked alongside FWC biologists and staff at Okaloacoochee Slough and Dinner Island WMA check stations to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all members involved. The cooperation between ground units and FWC’s aviation assets played a key part in the operation’s effectiveness. Major Soverel, Lieutenant Steelman, Carpenter, Garzaniti, Aviation Lieutenant Colon, Investigator Leathers, Officers McLendon, Greene, DeWeese, Teal, Mullins, Strader, Trawinski, Church, Norbrothen, Rogers and investigative staff all contributed to the safe and successful weekend.

Lieutenant Colon and Officers McLendon, Greene, Teal and Norbrothen were working at the Dinner Island check station during the recent bear hunt when multiple gunshots were heard from the direction of a county road outside of the WMA. Officers Greene and McLendon witnessed two subjects run across the road and jump into a truck. When questioned, the two subjects admitted to shooting off the road with a handgun and two .40 caliber shell casings were found where the subjects were first seen. Charges for discharging a firearm on a public road are pending.


Investigator Douglas received a compliant regarding a subject illegally taking a whitetail deer.  The complaint information also included a post from a social media site (Instagram).  The Instagram post was a digital image of a subject posing with what appeared to be a dead deer. Investigator Douglas was able to identify and interview the subject in the digital image. During the interview, the subject stated they did not kill the deer, but was present with friends when the deer was killed.  The subject stated the deer was killed in GladesCounty. Investigator Douglas was unable to confirm the deer was killed at the location.

Investigator Douglas conducted a follow-up interview with the subject.  It is reported the subject made a spontaneous utterance “I’ve been expecting to see you again”.  After being advised of his rights, the subject gave information indicating herself and three other subjects were hunting on a buggy at night, on a ranch in MartinCounty when the deer in the Instagram post was killed.  Investigator Patterson assisted investigator Douglas in conducting follow-up interviews/investigative efforts based on the new information. Subsequently a total of 4 subjects were issued a citation for a violation of Florida Statute 379.404 (1) No person shall take or kill any deer or wild turkey, or possess any freshly killed deer or wild turkey during the closed season (level three violation/1st degree misdemeanor); 1 firearm, 1 spot light and 1 antlered deer head was seized as evidence.  

While conducting pro-active fisheries patrols along bridges in Martin County, Officer Willems attempted to inspect a local fisherman’s catch. The fisherman initially denied having caught any fish; however, Officer Willems discovered he had kept an undersized Spanish mackerel. Additionally, Officer Willems learned the fisherman had recently received a written warning for the same violation at the same location. Officer Willems issued the fisherman a criminal citation for the offense.


Officer Hofheinz and Reserve Officer Allen were patrolling the SW Corner of the KissimmeePrairieState Park. They saw a boat tie up to the bank of the Kissimmee River and several men exit with loose dogs into the No Name Public Use Area, which at this time of the season, dogs are not allowed to be used off leads in Public Use Area. The subjects then walked a short distance into a safety No Hunting Zone and then crossed over a fence into private property and started working the dogs. Officer Hofheinz and Allen worked their way to them and saw them actively working the dogs and approach the Kissimmee Prairie State Park fence and put the dogs thru the fence and sent them to hunting again. The officers made contact with two of the subjects at the fence and Officer Hofheinz had to go into the woods and find the third subject. A check of our system showed two of the three had been warned before about leaving Public Use Area and going onto private property. All three were issued citations for leaving a Public Use Area by unauthorized exit/enter point, working hunting dogs on private property without permission, pending charges of Hunting on the State Park and Trespassing on private property. 


Lieutenant. Laubenberger, Officers Brock and Warne responded to the end of Lox Road at the request of the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The US Wildlife Service was requesting the FWC’s assistance in reference to an individual that had committed suicide. A patrol vessel was possibly needed and the FWC officers responded with an airboat. Upon their arrival the officers assisted the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office and the Palm Beach County Medical Examiner’s Office in retrieving the deceased individual.

While in the area of the above situation Officer Brock saw a vehicle that was on fire at the State side of the Lox Road Boat Ramp. Lieutenant Laubenberger, Officers Warne and Brock immediately responded to the vehicle that was 1/4 mile away. An elderly individual was in the vehicle trying to get the car off a rocky area and had set a little area of grass ablaze and disabled his vehicles engine and tires in the process. The officers made sure the individual was alright, secured the vehicle and grassy area, and had Parkland Fire Rescue to check him out. The individual was not injured from this incident. The vehicle was towed to a local tow yard and Officer Matthews made sure the individual got home safely.

FWC officers from the South Region worked a Bear Hunt Protest at the FWC South Region, Regional Office in West Palm Beach.  The protest was peaceful and ended without any violence.

Officer Spanier responded to a vessel on fire and people in the water just outside of Palm Beach Inlet.  Upon arrival, he found the 47’ sport fishing vessel was fully engulfed in flames and anchored just outside the inlet. The 2 people on board had been rescued from the burning vessel by a Riveria Beach Police Marine Unit and transported to shore.  The vessel burned to the waterline and sank.  The vessel owner has contracted with a marine salvage company to remove the vessel.  Officer Spanier is investigating the boating accident.

While investigating a vehicle crash, the Palm Beach County Sherriff’s Office found a spiny lobster in one of the vehicles.  They asked for assistance from FWC to determine if there was a violation and Officer Spanier responded to the scene.  Officer Spanier determined that the lobster had been speared and spoke with the operator of the vehicle who admitted to spearing the lobster. It was also determined that he did not have the requisite lobster permit.  The man was cited accordingly.

While en-route to patrol the Corbett Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Officer Church noticed a vehicle driving erratically in front of him.  The driver of the vehicle was swerving to the right to the point that the passenger side tires went off the road and then back to the left into oncoming traffic.  OfficerChurch initiated a traffic stop, during which the operator was exhibiting signs of impairment.  The operator was asked to preform standardized breath alcohol tests.  During the course of the tests OfficerChurch determined the operator to be impaired and he was arrested and booked into jail.  At the jail, the operator provided a breath sample of .232, almost 3 times the legal limit.

The Lake Worth Regional Communication Center received a complaint from the Busch Wildlife Sanctuary in Jupiter, that some of their animals had been stolen from the property. Investigator Booth responded to the facility and initiated an investigation. Investigator Booth was able to interview employees and review video surveillance footage from the sanctuary to positively identify the suspect vehicle and come up with a good tag number. The suspect’s vehicle was registered to an address in Martin County, Florida. Investigator Booth then advised Investigator Patterson and Reserve Officer Pride about what had occurred thus far and decided to meet up in order to formulate a plan in moving forward. As Investigator Booth, Investigator Patterson and Reserve Officer Pride were pulling out of a parking lot on the corner of Indiantown Road and Central Blvd, Investigator Booth noticed an SUV matching the description of the suspects pass their location. Investigator Booth noticed that the first three letters of the tag also matched the tag of the suspect. A traffic stop was conducted on the suspect vehicle in question. The suspect was arrested on that day for drug possession and paraphernalia charges and booked into the Palm Beach County Jail. After being advised of his rights, an interview was conducted by Investigator Patterson, which was beneficial in building and ultimately solidifying a case against the suspect for criminal mischief, theft, and illegal possession of gopher tortoises without a permit. Further charges were pending against the suspect for the crimes committed against the Busch Wildlife Sanctuary.

Investigator Booth received a call from the Director at Busch Wildlife stating that another animal had been stolen from the property in the same manner. This time an American alligator had been stolen. Investigator Booth responded to the sanctuary and was able to identify the same suspect and same vehicle from the previous theft involving the gopher tortoises. Investigator Booth notified Lieutenant Ornold of the information. Lieutenant Ornold then advised that he wanted to involve the use of two investigators to conduct undercover surveillance on the suspect’s residence located in Martin County, Florida. At the same time, Lieutenant Garzaniti conducted surveillance at the last know location of the person who was believed to have bought the alligator. He was unable to be located at that address. Investigator’s Wiernicki and Van Buren were able to locate and identify the suspect in his front yard. They relayed the information to Lieutenant Ornold who then joined the two undercover investigators. Lieutenants Booth and Patterson remained a few houses down as the cover team. Lieutenant Ornold and Investigator Van Buren were able to conduct a mirandized recorded interview with the suspect and ultimately got a solid confession for all the crimes committed. The suspect even made a phone call to a guy he sold the animals to and went and retrieved the animals and then turned them over to Investigator Booth whom ultimately returned the animals back to the Busch Wildlife Sanctuary. It was a great team effort involving supervisors, both sets of investigators and uniform patrol that ultimately got the job done. The suspect was issued six misdemeanor court dates for two counts of criminal mischief under $1,000, two counts of petit theft, illegal possession of gopher tortoises without permit, and illegal possession of American alligator without permit.

Officers worked in the Corbett WMA between Muzzleloader and General Gun seasons.  They were assisted by an FWC helicopter to track down violators.  The main focus was on illegal hunting and destruction of state lands off trail.  Several citations were written for Off-trail and daily use.  The detail was a success with several educational contacts too.



Officer Bresie, Investigator Nelson and Lieutenant Dipre participated in the funeral services for retired FWC Officer Ralph “Shorty” Donaldson.  The church service was held in Blountstown, followed by interment services in Bonifay.  Honor Guard performed casket guard at the church.  During the interment service, Investigator Nelson and Lieutenant Dipre performed a two-man flag fold of the U. S. Flag and Lieutenant Dipre presented the flag to the surviving daughter, “Kim.”  Officer Bresie concluded the service with a presentation of “Taps” on the bugle.  The church service was well attended by numerous colleagues, many of whom were also retired officers, several officers of the FHP, several current FWC officers from the local area and citizens of the community.

During late night patrol a Monroe County Sheriff Depute was shot; however, his life was saved based on him wearing his bullet proof vest. Officers McHenry, Richards, Adams and Lieutenant Robison all responded to the scene. In a multi-agency task enforcement, all officers participated in multiple search’s clearing houses, boats, and trails through the woods. The following day the suspect was apprehended without further incident. All officers relied on training from our FWC active shooter class and were in sync with other agency while these adrenalin situation where taking place.

Officer Garrison and Boyd received a call from Tampa Dispatch stating that Monroe County Sheriff’s Office may have a possible missing person from Sunshine Key. The subject’s vehicle had been parked on the boat ramp with the trailer in the water and had not returned for several hours. Officers searched the area around the marina and made their way out to the dock near the northwest side of the island.  As both officers searched the area they noticed two males and a dog aboard a vessel that was adrift without power. Both subjects and the dog were ok. The subjects returned to the marina and were able to recover their vessel and vehicle safely. Monroe County Sheriff’s Office was notified that the subjects and vessel were recovered and okay.

Officer McHenry and Richards made contact with three individuals that appeared to be fishing on the SpanishHarborBridge. One of the subjects was pulling a cooler behind him when Officer McHenry approached and asked if they had been fishing. After identifying all the fish in the cooler both men were in possession of twelve mangrove snappers, which is two over the bag limit. Four of the mangrove snappers were under ten inches. Both subjects were also in possession of three undersized mutton snappers. Both subjects were charged with over the bag limit of mangrove snapper, undersized mangrove snapper and undersized mutton snapper.


Officer R. Almagro was on water patrol recently in the area of Biscayne Channel when he stopped two vessels for the purpose of conducting fisheries inspections.  On the first vessel, the officer discovered that two subjects were in possession of seven undersized mutton snappers; both of them were cited for the violation.  The fisheries inspection of the second vessel revealed that the one subject on board was also in possession of five undersized mutton snappers for which he too received a citation.  


Lieutenant Duhart, Officers Veloz and Washington with the help of Mrs. Lilly from People First Human Resources Department attended The First 100 Black Men Career and Job Fair Expo held In Miami. Over 200 exhibitors and over 1200 guest attended.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report