Sculptor creates animated Halloween town

Steven Ripstein, one of the volunteers who helped Roxie Platt create Creeptown finds himself inside Platt’s insane asylum with one of its creepy patients. The asylum is one of many stops in Platt’s light, sound, and motion experience opening Halloween night. Those who go can expect moving zombies and witches, chatty skeletons, Count Dracula’s castle, and much more. The event is free with the American Legion accepting donations for parking.

An entire town of creepy fun will appear out of the mist for frights and delights on All Hallows’ Eve. Creeptown, USA opens Halloween night, located at 7771 Parker Road in Milton.

Roxie Platt, sculptor and painter and now animatronics designer constructed a whole village of vampires, skeletons, pirates, aliens, zombies, psychotics and more over the last year with the help of her husband and a few friends at her home. The village includes several free-standing witches’ huts with animated witches inside, a black horse-drawn hearse complete with skeleton driver and horse, a nine foot-tall alien with towering rocket and enormous saucer, and more.

Platt sculpted her characters first in wax, then the models she has on the grounds she finished in latex. The animatronics bring them to life. With the lights and sounds and story-telling in the center tent, a visit to Creeptown will be a full sensory experience. However, don’t expect jump scares. “We may have a few (volunteers) in costume, but no one jumping out at you.” Platt said she wants her experience to be fun for all ages, creepy but tolerable.

This year, she said her event will be free for visitors, but the American Legion will accept donations for assisting with parking.

Next year, Platt said she will charge for entry as she plans to greatly expand with “a full-sized pirate ship, a pyramid, a walk-through castle, and an insane asylum made up of four wards,” which she said she plans to open the first day of October next year.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Sculptor creates animated Halloween town