Speak Out September 2

Thursday, August 27

Yeah this is Renaldo, I was just wondering if Santa RosaCounty has a truancy officer, you know on any given day you can go to Wal-Mart, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and you can see a lot of these kids running around the store. They should be in school. I stopped one lady and asked her why the kids are not in school. She said they were being home schooled. Well, if they are home school, then should be at home between the hours of 9 and 3, just like everybody else. Okay, thank you very much. Bye.

Friday, August 28

Hi, This is Kelly. I want to speak about our chief, I live in the City of Milton, Chief John Reble, for writing such an eloquent note about the rebel flag. He is poignant in everything he speaks and he is poignant in everything he does as the Milton Fire Department. I have had to use his fighters several times and they are always professional. Thank you Chief Reble, for standing up. Now we will rely on the council to do what is right and not what the mayor thinks is right. Thank you.

Saturday August 29

This is Joe. If we have $4 million dollars to be spent on decorating the bridge, surely we can come up with a shelter or something to help the families of Santa RosaCounty that are without shelter. $4 million dollars will by a really nice place to help families. Thank you.

Saturday, August 29

Hi, this is Jim. There are three things I would like to say about Saturday’s paper. First, Walter Williams maybe a great guy, but if you got any kind of intelligence or education, back when the Press Gazette published his articles, a person would have to read between the lines to see Walter was saying things to start a racial war. Second, I agree with Joann and everyone else that is thinking the bridge is taking too long to get finished and two, the longer it takes the more money it will take for this long historical bridge.  And third, if you are complaining about the school superintendant, just remember who voted him in, in the first place. Thank you, Press Gazette.

Saturday, August 29

Hi, this is Ray and I have been a subscriber to your paper for 15 years. Do you ever cover the PaceHigh School or any Pace students? All I ever see is Milton students. Thank you, keep doing a good job.

Saturday, August 29

Yeah, this is Bobby. I don’t expect this to be in the paper because I call you at least once a week and used to you had me in there a lot and you hadn’t put anything I have printed in there for a month. People keep writing and wondering why you moved Walter Williams, well its plain, he wasn’t liberal enough for you. That’s why you got Kent Bush, an ultra liberal. Thank you. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Yes, this is James. I have called in about this several times before, but I guess Chief Reble at the fire department don’t care. I came by Ace’s around 8:30 and I went and washed my car. I came by an hour later and they were still sitting there with a Milton fire truck and a emergency vehicle there with everything and that $3 dollar an hour diesel fuel with that engine running. So I would like to know why we built that brand new fire  department up there with a kitchen, indoor plumbing, running water, stove and everything for my tax dollars to sit up there at these restaurants two or three times a week while they eat. So, they keep going up on the fire rates, so I guess they need more money to sit up at Ace’s and these other restaurants all day long and eat with that engine running. So I guess this is another wasted call, because Chief Reble ain’t going to do nothing about it because, he is probably sitting up there with them. Thank you very much, have a great day.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out September 2