FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report

August 21, 2015 thru August 27, 2015

This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past week;

however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.



Officer Mynard received a call from dispatch regarding an impaired individual on a shrimping vessel in the CarrabelleRiver. Officer Mynard and P. Cook located the vessel aground on a sandbar at the mouth of the river. The vessel was not on anchor and as they boarded the vessel, it floated off the sand bar and started to drift with the current. Officers Mynard and Cook conducted field sobriety tasks of the individual onboard and found him to be impaired. The subject was transported to the Franklin County Jail where he provided breath samples of .160 and .170. Officer Mynard charged the individual with BUI and resisting without violence.


Officer Pifer was on vessel patrol conducting boating safety and state fisheries inspections in the Santa Rosa Sound in Fort Walton Beach.  That night, Officer Pifer observed a westbound vessel traveling with no bow navigational lights displayed.   Officer Pifer initiative a vessel stop and identified the vessel’s operator.  While conducting a boating safety inspection, Officer Pifer immediately detected a strong odor of alcoholic beverage emitting from the operator’s breath.  Based on Officer Pifer’s observations of the operator, he requested the individual to perform field sobriety tasks. The operator was placed under arrest for BUI. The subject refused a breath test.  The operator was cited for operating a vessel with no navigational lights and refusal to provide a breath sample.

Officer Pifer was conducting boating safety and state fisheries inspections near the Marler’s Bridge and the DestinPass.  Officer Pifer stopped a vessel at CrabIsland and while conducting a boating safety inspection, he observed signs that the vessel was returning from a fishing trip.  During the fisheries inspection, Officer Pifer observed an undersized red snapper.  The red snapper measured 12.5 inches in total length. Red snapper season is closed.  The vessel operator was cited for possession of red snapper out of season and issued a warning for undersized red snapper.

Later, Officer Pifer observed an individual snorkeling in the DestinPass around the Destin West jetties without a divers down flag.  As Officer Pifer approached the snorkeler, the individual dove down below the surface of the water and then resurfaced a few moments later. Officer Pifer observed a spear gun laying on the sea floor just below the individual.  The individual was issued a citation for spearfishing near a jetty and a warning for no diver’s down flag. 

Officers Pifer and Corbin were conducting state fisheries inspections in the DestinPass when they stopped a vessel returning from the Gulf of Mexico.  The fisheries inspection revealed three large red snapper on board.  The vessel’s operator acknowledged he knew the season was closed for red snapper.  The vessel operator was issued a citation for possession of red snapper during closed season.

Officers Rockwell, Maltais, Pifer, Molnar and Corbin conducted vessel patrol in ChoctawhatcheeBay, Santa Rosa Sound and bayous during the Annual Poker Run.  This is a big fund raising event.  There were over 150 vessels registered and participated in the event.  The majority of the vessels are high performance boats.  Due to the large volume of additional vessel traffic, the officers patrolled extended hours for public safety.  The officers’ efforts resulted in no reportable boating accidents, 170 boating safety vessel stops, 545 user contacts, 19 uniform boating citations and 18 written warnings issued, and 1 physical arrest.


Officers Pineda and Clark worked the Navarre Fishing Pier in response to several complaints of people keeping undersized Spanish mackerel.  The officers set up and conducted surveillance of the pier.  When the subjects in question left the pier, the officers conducted a fisheries inspection of their catch. Officers found one person to be in violation and possessed four undersized Spanish mackerel.  The subject stated that he knew the rules and must have been in a hurry when measuring the fish.  The subject was issued a notice to appear for possession of undersized Spanish mackerel and the illegal fish were seized.

OfficersLand and Cushing were patrolling offshore on the FINCAT (patrol vessel) over the weekend.  During one of the vessel inspections, OfficerLand discovered five red snapper. The owner/operator of the vessel claimed they were blackfin snapper. OfficerLand explained the difference between the two and issued him a state citation for possession of red snapper during closed season.



Officer Rockwell attended the Emerald Coast Poker Run Captains meeting in Destin.  Officer Rockwell answered questions concerning boating safety issues and local knowledge of the waterways.



Lieutenant Dickson noticed headlights under the CrossFloridaBargeCanalBridge south of Palatka. The vehicle was stopped due to being in a closed area and the male occupant became very argumentative about the stop. A short time later, Officer Chriest arrived on scene as a back-up unit and began Seated Field Sobriety Tests on the subject after smelling alcohol emitting from his person. The subject was placed under arrest and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and warned for being in an area closed to vehicles.

Officer Florence and Harris were on water patrol when they observed a vessel actively hunting for alligators on the St John’sRiver near Welaka. After checking the alligator hunting permits of the operator, it was found that he was hunting out of his designated area. The subject was issued a Notice to Appear for violating his permit by attempting to take alligators out of the designated area.

Lieutenant Dickson and K9 Officer Simpson were on foot patrol at the Palatka City Docks on the St John’sRiver conducting fisheries inspections. During this time, Lieutenant Dickson inspected a cooler containing shrimp, shad and a game fish. It was determined that the game fish was taken with a cast net (unlawful method) and the subject fishing did not have a fresh or salt water fishing license. The subject was issued a Notice to Appear for taking freshwater game fish by an unlawful method and was warned for not having fishing licenses.

A call was received from the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office about possible missing swimmers under the Dunn’s CreekBridge. Upon arrival, one subject was found and was being treated by Fire/Rescue and the other subject was still missing. Lieutenant Dickson, K9 Officer Simpson, Officers Campbell and Chriest began searching the shoreline near the point the subject was last seen. Someone was heard coughing a short time later to the east of the incident location so all of the responding officers proceeded through waist deep water in an attempt to locate the subject. The subject was located a short time later intoxicated, nude, and hiding in lily pads approximately 25 yard offshore in the waterway. After giving verbal commands the subject started swimming back toward the bridge and was helped by Officers Florence and Harris. Upon exiting the water the subject was placed under arrest for disorderly conduct.

Major Duval, Lieutenant Dickson, and K9 Officer Simpson responded to a theft call on the St John’sRiver near the Palatka City Docks. The call came in from the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office and advised that the operator of a Sea Ray vessel had just stolen an anchor off of a moored vessel and was still near the scene. Units arrived by land and maintained a watch on the suspect vessel until Officers Florence and Harris arrived by boat and made contact with the suspect. During the investigation the suspect was found to be operating the vessel while impaired. The suspect was transported to the Putnam County Jail and charged with boating under the influence. The anchor was returned to the owner who declined to prosecute for the theft.

The off-shore patrol vessel Seahawk was patrolling offshore in the Oculina bank when they encountered a small fishing vessel in the closed area.  A boarding was conducted and a red snapper found still alive on the deck.  A thorough search of the vessel revealed two more filleted red snapper hidden in a compartment.  Federal charges are pending regarding the closed area, closed season, and whole condition violations.


Officers Malicoat, West, North, and Wingard encountered a variety of marine resource violations in the coastal waters of VolusiaCounty this week.  Violations included possession of undersized redfish, over the bag limit of dolphin, undersized vermillion snapper and undersized mangrove snapper.

Officer North was on night patrol in TigerBayStateForest when he heard shots coming from the public campground.  He arrived to find a man shooting an AR-15 rifle at trees in the campground.  It was after dark and the subject was using a flashlight for illumination.  There were several children present in the immediate area.  Officer North issued the man a citation for discharging a firearm in a public place.



FWCCitrusCounty officers worked the shrimp and stone crab zones and observed a commercial shrimp boat actively shrimping in the Bid Bend Nursery. The captain of the vessel was plotted to be .25 mile inside the closed area. The captain was issued a citation to pay or appear in court. This was a first offense violation so no gear was seized. The CitrusCounty officers also worked a detail with the SW Region vessel Guardian to target the shrimping violations in the Citrus and Hernando Counties’ gulf waters. No violations were noted.

Over the weekend, the vessel Fin-cat Crew worked offshore federal waters and while returning to dock, the crew stopped two vessels for Manatee Zone violations and discovered one of the operators was impaired. The operator was arrested and the results of his breath test revealed he had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .123. He was issued a citation for the manatee zone violation and booked into jail for Boating under the Influence (BUI).

While on patrol, Officer Seiler observed a subject driving a vehicle on Highway 19 in a manner consistent with someone who was impaired. A traffic stop revealed that the operator was impaired which led to the man’s arrest and transportation to jail. At the jail, the driver’s breath test revealed he had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of.151.


Environmental investigators Terrones and Holleman were notified of an illegally dumped vessel behind a shopping center in Jacksonville. Their investigation revealed that a male and female had responded to a Craigslist ad for a free boat which they then stripped of its engine, metal parts, tied to a tree and abandoned. The couple then scrapped the parts and trailer at a nearby metal recycling business. The suspects were later interviewed and confessed to the dumping. Arrest warrants were subsequently obtained and entered into the National Crime Information Center/Florida Crime Information Center (NCIC/FCIC).

FWC Resource Protection Squad Officers McGregor and Shearer conducted a joint enforcement agreement patrol, making cases for violation of rules pertaining to red snapper, vermillion snapper and black sea bass. Several citations and warnings were issued including one Federal Notice of Violation to a man in possession of four red snappers in closed federal waters.

Officer Hayes was on patrol in PumpkinHillCreekPreserveState Park when he observed a subject drinking an alcoholic beverage in violation of park rules. While issuing the subject a warning for consuming alcoholic beverages in a state park, Officer Hayes discovered that the subject had two warrants out of DuvalCounty. Officer Hayes placed the subject under arrest on the active warrants and transported the subject to the Duval County Jail.


Officer Ransom was on foot patrol at Five Hole Boat Ramp when he observed a subject fishing along the bank. While verifying that the subject’s freshwater fishing license was valid, Officer Ransom discovered that the subject had a warrant for failure to appear out of CollierCounty. Officer Ransom placed the subject under arrest on the active warrant and transported the subject to the Hamilton County Jail.


Officer Ransom was on land patrol in the MadisonBlue SpringsState Park when he observed a subject violating park rules by jumping from a large rock into the springs. While discussing the violation with the subject, Officer Ransom discovered that the subject had a warrant out of SumterCounty. Officer Ransom placed the subject under arrest on the active warrant and transported the subject to the Madison County Jail.


Officer Gill and Lieutenant Huff were working illegal running of deer by dogs in north UnionCounty. Shortly after daylight, the officers heard a pack of dogs running through several blocks of timber consistent with deer dogs. The officers came out of their concealed location and began to flank the dogs and the subjects running them. Officer Gill found the location where the subjects cast the dogs on the dirt road which the deer had crossed earlier in the morning. The officers made contact with the subjects and after interviewing them, they admitted to casting out and running deer. The subjects were charged with running deer during the closed season.



Officer Martinez and Baker were on land patrol in the area of the LecantoBridge. While on patrol, they performed a fisheries inspection on an individual fishing from the bridge. Upon completion of their inspection, they found the individual to be in possession of one undersized red drum. The subject was issued a criminal citation for possession of undersized red fish.


Officer Price and Lieutenant Ruggiero were on water patrol when they observed a commercial blue crab vessel pulling traps that did not match what was displayed on the vessel, so they stopped them to conduct a fisheries inspection. The two men on board admitted they were pulling traps that did not match the vessel but were pulling traps that belonged to their other brother who gave them verbal permission to set new traps and check traps that were already in the water. The officers called the trap owner and verified that verbal permission was given to work the traps, however, they did not go through the proper procedures to gain permission from the FWC to do so. They admitted they had been doing it for over a week but said they didn’t have time to get the permissions from FWC in that time frame. They also admitted that none of the approximately 130 traps had any current commercial blue crab trap tags attached to them. A license check revealed that the trap number was issued 600 tags for the current year. Two misdemeanors and two warnings were issued. The men were directed to correct all the violations. After the stop, the officers decided to inspect a few of the traps to verify the traps did not have any tags attached. Upon inspection, they found that not only did the traps not have tags attached, but the escape rings were all blocked by the chicken wire that was used to make the traps. A follow-up interview with the trap owner is going to be conducted and additional charges are going to be issued.

Officer McColgin and Furbay received information about an individual who killed a deer that did not meet the new antler restrictions in OK Slough management area. After doing some research, they located the man living in LeeCounty and went to his house to interview him about the possible violation. During the interview, the man admitted to killing the deer in the management area and knew the deer was illegal. He stated that his friends wanted to keep the deer so they took it and left the management area without checking it out at the check station. The appropriate citations were issued.

Officer Price was conducting fisheries inspections near Sanibel when he stopped a vessel that had several undersized red grouper on board. The man became argumentative that the fish must have shrunk while on ice. Officer Price gave the man a fish board to prove the fish were short and asked the man to measure the fish. The man placed the fish on the board but moved the fish down the board an inch or two in order to make them appear that they were long enough. When Officer Price tried to correctly measure the fish, the man tried to resist moving the fish to the correct spot on the ruler. The man eventually let go and all the fish were verified as undersized. A misdemeanor for possession of undersized red grouper was issued.


Officer Cocke and Balfour responded to a complaint of individuals cleaning deer at a residence in the New Port Richey area. Upon arrival, the Officers observed a cooler in plain view with blood and deer hair present. Through an investigation, the Officers identified four individuals that were responsible for taking the deer. The cooler, a bow, and several arrows were seized as evidence. The Officers will direct-file charges on the individuals through the State Attorney’s Office.


Lieutenant Hinds was on land patrol in the area of the North Skyway Fishing Pier. While on patrol, he performed a fisheries inspection on an individual who had been fishing around the pier. Upon completion of his inspection, he found that the individual was in possession of an undersized and out of season snook. The subject was issued a criminal citation for possession of snook out of season and given a warning on the size of the fish.

Officer Ferguson was on land patrol in HoneymoonIslandState Park. While on patrol, he performed a fisheries inspection on an individual fishing from the shoreline. After completion of his inspection, he found the subject was in possession of one undersized and out of season snook. The individual was given a criminal citation for possession of out of season snook and a warning for undersized snook.  

Officers Bibler, Bibeau and Lieutenant Hinds were on water patrol in the area of Pass-a-Grille. While on patrol, they stopped a vessel to perform a boating safety and fisheries inspection. After completion of their inspection, the captain of the vessel was issued a criminal citation for possession of undersized triple tail fish. The captain was also given several other warnings for various violations.  

Officers Bibeau and Bibler were on land patrol in the area of BlindPass. While on patrol, they performed a fisheries inspection on a subject fishing from a seawall in the pass. After completion of their inspection, they found that the subject was in possession of one undersized, out of season and not in whole condition snook. The subject was cited criminally for possession of snook out of season and given several warnings for the other fisheries violations.

Officer Martinez and Investigator Schefano were on land patrol in the area of the CourtneyCampbellBridge. While on patrol, they performed a fisheries inspection on an individual fishing from the bridge seawall. After completion of their inspection, they found that the subject was in possession of one undersized and out of season snook. The subject was cited criminally for possession of snook out of season and given a warning on possession of undersized snook.



Officer’s Vacin and Matthews were on patrol at a local boat ramp. They stopped a vessel coming in, to conduct a saltwater fisheries inspection. During the inspection, they discovered one undersized dolphin and three undersized tripletail. Citations were issued for the violations and the undersized fish were seized as evidence.

Officer Brock was on water patrol on the North end of BrowardCounty. He stopped a vessel coming in from offshore to conduct a saltwater fisheries inspection. The inspection revealed that the subjects onboard had harvested five undersized dolphin and one undersized mutton snapper. The responsible subjects were cited for the violation and the undersized fish were seized as evidence.


Officer Barber and Lieutenant Brown were on vessel patrol on Lake Okeechobee when they observed an airboat heading in their direction.   They hid in a nearby canal as the airboat slowed to an idle speed a couple hundred yards away. After approximately 30 seconds, the airboat increased its speed and continued passed their location and then slowed down again a few hundred yards away.  The officers made their way back out to the area the airboat initially slowed down and found an unattended free-floating baited jug.  The airboat made a U-turn and headed back towards the jug.  Officer Barber and Lieutenant Brown moved about a quarter mile away to avoid being seen and waited for the airboat to return to the jug. As the airboat stopped and shut down on the jug, they approached and made contact with the occupants of the airboat as they were pulling the jug and bait back into the airboat.  Two misdemeanor citations were issued, one for no hand-held restraining lines or restraining lines attached to a vessel occupied by the permittee and one to the guide for Principal in the First Degree.


Lieutenant Steelman and Officers Deweese, McLendon, Greene, Teal, and Mullins participated in an operational plan targeting the Wildlife Management Areas and surrounding properties in central HendryCounty. The officers focused on the enforcement of the rules and regulations associated with the ongoing archery season. Due to the increased officer presence in the area, many public assistance calls were answered quickly and in an efficient manner. The weekend also resulted in eight misdemeanor arrests along with several infractions and warnings. Some of the documented charges include illegal entry into a WMA, hunting without a quota permit, operating a vehicle off-trail, and trespass.

While on routine patrol in HendryCounty, Officer DeWeese and Mullins received information about people illegally harvesting palmetto berries off of OK Slough State Forest. When the officers arrived on scene, they found fresh sign and followed the sign for about 5 miles back into the woods. They were able to locate the individuals who had hidden their vehicle and were harvesting palmetto berries. The officers then made contact with the 3 individuals, who were illegally harvesting palmetto berries. After validating the individual’s identification, it was confirmed that one of the individuals had a warrant for his arrest, out of HendryCounty. After securing that individual, the officers with the help of Officer Teal, who had shown up to help assist, escorted the individual’s back out of the woods, to the hard road. Once at the hard road, the officers confiscated approximately 200 lbs. of palmetto berries, the individual with the warrant was transported to the Hendry County Jail. The individuals were charge with removal of saw tooth palmetto from state lands, destruction of state lands by motor vehicle and possession of drug paraphernalia.

While on routine patrol in HendryCounty, Officer DeWeese received information that there were 3 trucks in the Spirit of The Wild WMA driving off trail and destroying state lands. When Officer DeWeese arrived on scene, he was able to locate the 3 suspect vehicles. He observed the 3 trucks operating off-road & off-trail, from a distance. Officer DeWeese then stopped the vehicles and escorted them back to the main grade, where he addressed the issue of destruction of state lands. Officer DeWeese issued citations for driving on closed roads and destruction of state lands.


While on patrol in MartinCounty, at JonathanDickinsonState Park, Officers Rogers and Cobo received tips from the park rangers that there were possible saw palmetto berry pickers. When the officers arrived at the area, there was a vehicle that met the description. Officer Cobo stopped the vehicle for a parking violation. When Officer Rogers and Cobo asked the two subjects in the car what they were doing they admitted they were picking saw palmetto berries. When asked where the berries were, the subjects opened the trunk of the car. The two subjects also informed the officers that there was two more subjects still picking berries in the state park. Shortly after the officers located the two other subjects. The subjects were cited accordingly and the saw palmetto berries were returned to the state park.


Officer Payne responded to the Savannas Preserve reference several subjects observed harvesting palmetto berries. Officer Payne was able to gather more information as to where the subjects were, from the Park Ranger. Arriving near the site, Officer Payne began a foot patrol to locate the subjects. Hearing movement in the bushes, he ordered the subject to exit, which he complied wielding a machete. Another subject was then located, who also was wielding a machete. One more subject was located near the site where berries were being stored and packaged. All three subjects received notices to appear in reference to the violation of harvesting plant matter from a State Preserve.       

Officer Shermetaro was on patrol near one of the mosquito impoundments when he observed a vehicle parked near one of the main entrance gates. Attempting to locate the driver and occupants in order to conduct a resource inspection he found them close by. The inspection revealed multiple violations to include: undersized sheepshead, undersized mangrove snapper, snook out of season, undersized flounder and possession of Goliath grouper. All subjects involved received notices to appear for the violations.



The FWC communications center received a call from the United States Coast Guard of a missing diver near the Vandenberg Wreck south of StockIsland. After receiving the information, FWC Pilot Daniel Willman of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission was Patrolling in the FWC Fixed Wing Aircraft in the Middle Keys and responded to the search and rescue at the Vandenberg Wreck. FWC Pilot Willman arrived on scene and started coordinating the search from the air to the vessels on the water. Pilot Willman started a search pattern utilizing a left hand orbit and race track pattern throughout the area. During this time, a USCG small boat and helicopter arrived on scene to assist. FWC Lieutenant Peters and FWC Officer Garrison were also on the scene assisting with the search. During a left hand orbit back towards the north, Pilot Willman noticed a bright green object in the water, almost resembling a swimming pool noodle. It caught his attention and it was certainly an object out of the ordinary. The green object was in front of a darker object that I suspected to possibly be the missing diver. Pilot Willman vectored Officer Garrison to the location of the missing diver. Officer Garrison arrived at the diver and retrieved the diver and his gear and checked to see if he needed medical assistance. The diver was tired and exhausted from the ordeal but did not require any medical assistance.  Officer Garrison then returned the diver back to his dive party near the Vandenberg Wreck. The friends and family were very grateful for the efforts from all the agencies.

The FWCMonroeCounty team successfully arrested and removed a suspected commercial lobster poacher from the water. After receiving multiple detailed reports from concerned citizens in the local commercial fishing industry, Investigators Munkelt, Cox, and Morato, Officers Plussa, Garrison and Trueblood made a joint effort in searching for the suspected trap robber for multiple weeks. Recently, Officer Plussa and Investigator Munkelt staked-out an area of previous trap theft, observed the suspect, and arrested him on multiple misdemeanor charges relating to commercial lobster fishing. Because of the diligent efforts of FWC Duty Officer Supervisor Roberson and Duty Officer Dunn in gaining timely intelligence from the suspect via the phone and the assistance provided by the local Florida Department of Corrections Probation Unit, this suspect was charged with felony violation of probation. Despite the incredible joint-effort by the law enforcement personnel involved, removing this suspected trap thief from the water would not have been possible without the detailed information provided to us by the vigilant local commercial fishing industry.

Officer McHenry was on patrol and witnessed a subject walk down South Pine Channel toward a red pickup truck holding a spear gun. Officer McHenry made contact with the subject and his friend at the truck. Officer McHenry conducted a resource inspection and asked the subjects if there was any fish in a cooler in the back of the truck. The subjects replied yes and stated they had hogfish and lobster. After the subjects pulled out the hogfish and lobster they were asked if that was all the fish in the cooler. As Officer McHenry was going to look in the open cooler the subjects answered no and pulled out a Nassau grouper. The subject that admitted to spearing the Nassau grouper was citied appropriately.

Officer Munkelt was on plainclothes foot patrol at TomsHarborBridge when she observed a snorkeler in the water along the shoreline. She could see a spear gun with the subject. The subject continually watched her as he continued to search the rocky shoreline. She continued along and found a second subject also with a spear gun and a catch bag. Once the two subjects were in close proximity, the officer identified herself and requested to see the catch bag. The second subject dropped his gear. Officer Munkelt requested to see the gear and the subject produced a disarmed spear gun with two lobsters on the shaft. Subjects were cited for speared and undersized lobster.

Officers Hein and Baumgartner were on state land patrol at Harry Harris Park when they observed a white van with a group of people, including numerous children, actively engaged in fishing. The officer’s conducted a resource inspection and discovered several fish inside the group leader’s cooler. Upon further inspection of the fish, the officer’s concluded there were four undersized mangrove snappers and one prohibited bonefish. The man was cited for possession of undersized mangrove snapper, and illegally harvesting a bonefish from state waters. The man was also cited for having an expired shoreline recreational saltwater fishing license.

Officers Hein and Baumgartner were on state land patrol when they noticed two individuals actively snorkeling along the shoreline just south of the ChannelFiveBridge. The officer’s parked their vehicle and continued to watch the individuals as they came closer to land. While waiting for the two males to exit the water, the officers made contact with two other individuals on land who were friends with the males in the water. Officers Hein and Baumgartner found one of the males in the water to be in possession of two undersized lobsters and not in possession of a measuring device. When the officer’s asked for Florida identification from the four individuals, the officers were able to detect a strong odor of marijuana emitting from the vehicle as they opened the door. After a thorough search of the vehicle, the Officers located two containers of paraphernalia that contained 20 grams of marijuana, as well as a bottle of prescription drugs, which the individual did not have a prescription for. The subject was subsequently arrested and transported to PlantationKeyDetentionCenter.

Officers Hein and Baumgartner were on land patrol when they identified several people snorkeling with no dive flag in the Long Key area. The Officers made contact and conducted a resource inspection. At the conclusion of the inspection, all of the individuals were cited for not having a dive flag while diving and one individual was cited for possession of undersized spiny lobster.

Officers Hein and Baumgartner were on land patrol in the Islamorada area when they identified a diver in the water with no dive flag. The Officers made contact and conducted a resource inspection. At the conclusion of the resource inspection, the individual was cited for not having a dive flag while diving and spearfishing in the upper Keys.

Officers Hein and Baumgartner were on land patrol in the Islamorada area when they conducted a resource inspection on an individual that had just finished diving. At the conclusion of the resource inspection, the individual was found to be in possession of undersized spiny lobster and cited accordingly.

Officers Hein and Baumgartner were on water patrol in the Tavernier area when they conducted a boating safety and resource inspection on a commercial fishing vessel. At the conclusion of the inspection, the Officers determined the operator to be in possession of undersized gray triggerfish and did not have a proper aerial display. The operator was cited accordingly.

Officers Hein and Baumgartner were on land patrol in the Islamorada area when they conducted a resource inspection on a diver that did not have a dive flag displayed while diving. Upon walking up to the group, another individual noticed the Officers and picked up the dive flag off the ground and threw it in the water. The Officers asked if they had caught any lobster and the person in the water said “no”. Upon closer inspection, it was determined the individual was in possession of (3) undersized spiny lobster. The individual was cited for each individual spiny lobster and the gear utilized to harvest the illegal product was seized.

Officer Foell was on water patrol off of Key West when he observed a vessel displaying a divers down flag. Officer Foell proceeded towards the vessel and observed a diver exiting the water with a catch bag of spiny lobster. Once alongside the vessel, a fisheries inspection revealed 8 lobsters in total in the bag, with 5 being undersized. The diver was cited for over the bag limit and undersized spiny lobster.

Office McHenry saw the above subject in the water diving off of the SpanishHarborBoatRampBridge with no dive flag. While doing the inspection, the subject was in possession of 1 spiny lobster. Upon further investigation, Officer McHenry noticed a cooler in the subject’s truck. I asked the subject what was in the cooler. The subject pulled the cooler out and dumped it on the ground. Inside the cooler where 12 spiny lobster he harvested today, making a total of 13 spiny lobster 2 of which were undersized. In addition to the lobster the subject was in possession of a Bahama starfish and long spine urchin both of which are prohibited species. While searching the rest of the subject vehicle for tow, he was also found to be in possession of cannabis under 20 grams and 2 kinds of pills, 15 white circular AN 627 markings, Thera tramadol-60/ Tramadol HCL oral tablet 50mg and 11 TEVA blue pills Diazepam 10mg both of which schedule 4 and verified through American Association of Poison Control Center.

Officer Golden overheard a call over the VHF radio of a male subject on a vessel reporting a medical emergency.  A female subject was apparently having a seizure.  Officer Golden arrived at the vessel, off shore of Marathon and found the female subject laying on the deck conscious and alert.  Officer Golden and a male occupant transferred her to the patrol vessel and transported her in shore to awaiting EMS to the hospital.

Officer Boyd observed a vessel with a diver in the water; dive flag was not at the highest point.  Officer Boyd conducted a marine fisheries inspection and it revealed the subject to be in possession of 1 undersized schoolmaster snapper, 2 undersized mangrove snapper, and 1 undersized hogfish. I issued a notice to appear to the subject for the resource violations and issued warnings for the dive flag not at the highest point, no registration on board, and the dive flag being the wrong size for the vessel.

Officer Boyd was near Sand Key Light and observed a vessel fishing inside the SPA. Officer Boyd came alongside the vessel to conduct a marine fisheries and boating safety inspection. The inspection revealed 5 yellowtail snapper, 3 of them were undersized.  Citations were issued to both male subjects that were fishing in the Sanctuary Preserve Area for undersized snapper. Warnings were issued for not having a saltwater fishing license and for not keeping the snapper in whole condition.

Officers Steinmetz and Pino were on water patrol when they were waived down by a female on board a small bay boat. The officers came alongside the vessel and immediately noticed an elderly male laying on his back near the stern of the vessel not responsive and having trouble breathing. The young lady on the vessel explained that the victim was in the water diving for lobster when he became frantic and started to swallow salt water. After assessing the victim, Officer Steinmetz and Pino instructed the young lady to follow them into the Boy Scout Camp near the 73 mile marker where fire rescue units were in route. Once at the camp, fire rescue units stabilized the victim and transported him to MarinersHospital.

Officer Pino was on land patrol in the upper Keys when he received a call reporting that several juveniles were diving in a channel without a dive flag. Once Officer Pino arrived on scene he hid his patrol truck and began to watch the subjects. It wasn't long before one of the juveniles held up a lobster to his fellow divers. At that point Officer Pino moved in and detained the trio. One of the subjects was cited and the others were warned about their illegal activity.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report