Roll Tide, y'all

Someone asked me about Labor Day and I forgot it is next weekend. Really? Roll Tide, y’all. Autumn Equinox is September 23.

Fall is just around the corner and I can’t wait. There’s something about walking outside on a fall morning and feeling a slight bit of chill hit my face or going to a football game and needing a sweater. The crisp feeling ignites my energy, whereas summer’s humidity pokes a leak somewhere and I feel it ebb slowly away, leaving me lethargic and irritable. It’s interesting fact most people take for granted that summertime means being outside and having fun, but for me, it’s just the opposite. Summertime finds me inside doodling away but cooler temperatures make me come alive.

Fall’s beauty is picturesque with vibrant color: mums, pumpkins, changing leaves, golden hay, white cotton fields; the once a year fragrance of cinnamon, brown sugar and all spice. I can’t wait to wear flannel shirts and cowgirl boots to stomp around on crunchy leaves and sit in front of a bonfire sipping homemade apple cider, singing funny songs and roasting marshmallows for dessert.

Fall also brings a plethora of festivals to Santa Rosa County, celebrating the harvest of peanuts, heritage, Halloween and giving thanks so well it’s almost exhausting. There’s something to do every weekend. It’s exciting how it flows right into our hometown Christmas celebrations. Fall at my house finds me baking from scratch, making white chicken chili and also putting up pumpkin for the summer. Pumpkin is my favorite squash and, to me, it’s a valuable commodity. The first time I bit into a piece of pie made from a Long Island cheese pumpkin I never wanted to go back to store-bought canned variety.  The scent of freshly baked pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin soup, achieves the comforts of home during busy weekends celebrating fall, football and harvest. Let’s not forget about fresh cranberries and freshly shelled pecans and chopping wood for a fire in the fireplace.

I am eager to dusting off my road bike and ride the Blackwater Trail, hiking on Navarre Beach and watching SEC football with my family. There’s so much to do and so little time. This year we will educate our newest grandchild on understanding the glory of being a fan of the Crimson Tide.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Roll Tide, y'all