Preparing for possible crisis can bring out the worst in people

Dear Editor,

Stock Market crashes, Blood Moons, The Star of Bethlehem, all things that have been highlighted in the news over the past few weeks. We all have friends who are gathering survival supplies and preparing for global catastrophes the like which have never been seen on the earth.

I believe that we should always be prepared for events such as hurricanes, floods, natural disasters as well as man made crisis, such as market crashes and or wars etc. The same common sense which made me buy jumper cables, a spare tire for my car and extra toilet paper also causes me to make sure I have a supply of food and fuel money and tradable goods just in case of a sudden or not so sudden crisis.

However, my eyes are not focused on these types of crisis as much as on a crisis that is much more overwhelming to me then any physical catastrophe could possibly be. The calamity that I am concerned with is one that deals the hearts and souls of people.

I am not speaking of the hearts of those who do not hold to a Biblically based faith system. As much as it grieves me, I am not shocked when an atheist doctor speaks of innocent babies in terms of “crunchiness” or when godless purveyors of the mass murder of babies for the sole purpose of economic gain from the sales and distribution of organs and tissue are videotaped discussing those sales as if they were selling trading cards or Beenie Babies.

What does bring me to my knees is the words of those who do proclaim to know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who in many ways sound just as greedy and mercenary. I have listened over the past year as believers began to focus upon the possible prophetic events that are related to the Shemitah year and the Blood moons.

I have heard those who proclaim faith speaking about gathering food, water and other survival gear all of which is good and strongly recommended. However, it is the next part of the conversation, which makes every cell of my body cringe. These Bible believing proponents of the love of God, then go on to share how they will protect their provisions even to the point of killing those who would try to take them away–not to say protecting yourself and your family from attack isn't justifiable. That's a different topic.

I just cannot wrap my brain around the idea that killing a human being in order to eat one more meal (or many more meals) would not be motivated by greed. I know there are those who will disagree with what I just said but please remember that the pride of life is one of the items listed in 1 John 2:16, "For everything in the world—the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eyes , and the boasting of life—is not from the Father but from the world."

I also have difficulty seeing Yeshua on the side of the Mountain Speaking to thousands and after finishing His message then seeing the hungry crowd asking his disciples about what food they had and after finding out they only had a few fish and a couple loaves of bread. Commanding his disciples to surround the small basket of food, draw their swords and kill anyone who came to take any of the food.

To me it seems simple there is no difference killing for profit whether the profit is from killing babies for money or you are killing to keep the food (profit) that you have stored up in the back room of your home or bunker.

Rabbi Eric Tokajer, 

Brit Ahm Messianic Synagogue

Publisher of The Messianic Times

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Preparing for possible crisis can bring out the worst in people