Who Will Be America's Next President?

Glenn Mollette

By Glenn Mollette

Most Americans cannot tell you how many Republicans are running for President. If they are like me at this point, they don't care. I suppose if ten more people announce their candidacy we would just nod our heads sort of like Linda Blair did in the movie The Exorcist. If you didn't see the movie it wasn't pretty.

There is not much pretty right now about all the political rhetoric in our country. I guess we shrug our shoulders and say, "That's politics in America." Actually it's entertaining and will become more so. We have Lindsey Graham shattering his cell phone after Trump gave out his phone number. Rand Paul tried to become theatrical sawing up a copy of the tax code.   Ted Cruz recently called Mitch McConnell a liar and Mike Huckabee has the Jews at the door of a furnace if the Iran nuclear arms deal goes through. Personally I don't like the idea of trusting anything to Iran either. If they get a bomb we will be the second people they will drop one on, right after Israel. All the while Trump's hairdo has not changed. If I had $10 billion dollars I would at least get a different haircut. While the Republicans get louder Hillary is still dealing with her email problems and Bernie Sanders is turning up the chase just a bit.

Trying to answer the question of who will be our next President is a little scary. Just exactly who will be our next Commander in Chief? Who really has the best ideas and the leadership ability to pull this country together and save us from going the way of Greece?

While politicians slug it out Americans are dealing with their own worries. How long will we have Social Security for retirement? How will Medicare ever pay all the growing medical bills? My wife recently had three tests done in one of our esteemed clinics and the bill was over $10,000! Fortunately our insurance paid $7,700 but that left us with a nice balance. In my opinion the three tests were worth about $2,300.00. I suspect we paid the bill and our insurance company was slammed for the $7,700 of gravy money. Stuff like this is happening all around. We have University Presidents in this nation making close to a million dollars a year while 22 year old kids try to pay back their $60,000 college loans. All the while many of the corporations and unions that promised to pay generous lifelong retirements plus all the medical bills are trying to renege or at least edit what they promised.

Many Americans watch the news and they know that ISIS and terrorism are growing. They know our jobs are leaving America. They know education is expensive. Even with Obamacare  going to the doctor is often cost prohibitive. They know our country is being flooded with illegals and they have realized that in many cases our kids may not have the American life that our parents did.

In the midst of all this many Americans are depressed and feel hopeless and many don't give an iota about who is a Democrat or a Republican. They want somebody that gives them a feeling of hope. The man or woman who for the next sixteen months can convince the average American that he or she can pull this country together and truly make us a leading and prosperous nation again will be our next President. 

Glenn Mollette is an American Syndicated Columnist and Author. He is the author of eleven books and read in all fifty states.

   This column does not necessarily reflect the view of any organization, institution or this paper or media source.  

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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Who Will Be America's Next President?