Death to the Iran deal

Dear Editor,

Death to America? Death to Israel? I say death to the Nuclear Iran deal. Already approved by the U. N. Security Council, it’s in Congress for action. For years some of us warned America to get out of the United Nations.  Shame on Obama and the administration for attempting a deal. Iran gets everything, America gets nothing. What insanity! Iran can’t be trusted. Remember the horror when American hostages were held for 444 days. Now they’re holding 4 hostages including Pastor Saeed Abedini. The administration had previous opportunities to demand their release and never did. Obama’s busy, pardoning prisoners convicted by juries. Some of them are drug dealers responsible for ruining many lives, adding to ultimate violence rampant in America today.

We need a leader with guts like Netanyahu, a true patriot who loves his country, fighting the deal with his all. Israel is battling Hezbollah on the north, Hamas on the south and ISIS elements to the east while radical Islamists and the Muslim brotherhood cause chaos in Israeli neighborhoods. He keeps on keeping as should Christians, speak out without fear. By the way, ISIS is training children to behead by using dolls. What barbarism!

They Ayatollah declares no change in policies toward America. Iranians rejoice in the streets still chanting ‘Death to America.’ As for ‘Death to Israel’ forget it. Where is Ahmadinejad who declared Israel will be wiped off the map. Israel, the apple of God’s eye, will be protected by God, who neither slumbers nor sleeps. If America doesn’t support Israel, she will be cursed, says God Almighty, who gave Israel the land.

Prophet Israel was right on (Ezekiel 39: 21-22), regarding Israel’s final and complete deliverance. Scoffers, mockers, check it out. God keeps his promises. Read your Bible, history before it happens, the greatest book ever written, never to be superseded. This world’s only hope is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ in this wicked and perverse generation. Even so, come quickly Yeshua Hamaschiach. Open “King Obama’s” heart and mind before it’s too late. Our President needs to know he’s not king. God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha.

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Death to the Iran deal