NAS Whiting Field gives a blessing

NAS Whiting Field Commander Captain Todd Bahlau and Chaplain Roy Fondren drop off bags of pre-packaged non-perishable food for the third year of the base’s participation in the Feds Feed Families program, a federal initiative supporting the Bay Area Food Bank during the summer, a typically low season of giving. NAS Whiting Field collected 3,238 lbs of food in 2013 and 2,338 lbs in 2014.

According to NAS Whiting Field Chaplain Roy Fondren, 17 percent of Florida’s population is under nourished. So by Whiting Field’s participation in the Feds Feed Families program, the base has “the ability to give a blessing” to the community, Fondren said. Nationwide, he said the program is a federal “initiative to participate in reduction of hunger across the world.” Jay Cope, Whiting Field public information officer said the base partnered with its commissary to provide a central location for base members to purchase and drop off donations.

Fondren said every squadron gets a flier about the initiative.

“They can purchase non-perishables and drop them in the bin. They can also buy $5 or $10 preset bags. The third option they can provide a financial blessing.”

The program, launched in 2009 as part of President Obama's “United We Serve” campaign, began July 15 and runs to October 2. Cope said most food donation drives run around the holidays. “Summer is when collections are low,” he said. “It’s a way for federal employees to give back to the community.” According to Cope, NAS Whiting Field collected 3,238 lbs of food in 2013 and 2,338 lbs in 2014.

According to Cope, the local program is run by the base chaplaincy. Fondren said the chapel will provide a monthly donation to add to the base’s overall gifts. During the program, Fondren said a portion of the regular weekly giving by its congregation will go to buy food during the program, and all of it goes to replenish the Bay Area Food Bank.

Captain Bahlau, commander of NAS Whiting Field, said the Santa Rosa County community is so supportive of the military. “It’s a way for us to give back. It allows everybody to give back and provide for families in need,” he said. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: NAS Whiting Field gives a blessing