Speak Out July 18

July 13

I just wanted to ask Mary which religious rights of hers are being taken away. I hope she’s not talking about discrimination because it’s not a religious right and God speaks of and against discrimination. Jesus accepts all and went out amongst all seeking and accepting. Do you? For those who shout Sodom and Gomorrah, I shout the flood. I also pose the question who with whom introduced sin into the human race? I believe it was not Adam and Steve but a straight couple called Adam and Eve. Now we are left with growthless churches, living the same fruitless routines decade after decade. I can say this all boils down to Adam and Eve.

July 14

I’m so happy a 21-year-old won $50,000. It should be a law that we don’t have to reveal ourselves when we win. For those who have threatened her or said she’s too young, get a life.  Your jealous and that’s worse than anger, Proverbs 27:4. Thank you.

July 14

I just wanted to make a comment on all the crime, the robberies and murders and everything in the area. I’m an old-timer from a Midwest town and we used to have quite a bit of crime for a town of 40,000 people. We got new county commissioners and city managers. They all got together and came up with a law and anybody that had a voter’s registration card, all they had to do was go out to the sheriff’s department and they would be issued an open-carry permit. Now the town’s crime-free. They hadn’t had a robbery or any murders, carjacking, no crime whatsoever, other than maybe somebody kicking a neighbor’s cat, for seven years now since they issued that order. They’re taking away all the good people’s guns so they can’t protect themselves. You can take everybody’s gun and the crooks are still going to get a gun. That’s my comment for the day. Thank you very much.

July 15

This is George. I am an American born, 78 year old, patriotic, Marine Corps, Korean veteran. I served my country and put my life on the line for my country. I did everything I promised my country I would do, but my country lied to me. All these 78 years, the hardest battle I have ever fought in my lifetime is our veteran affairs disability program. I do not know where these people come from but I do know they do not like veterans. To them, we are all wimpy, lazy liars. First of all, our service records were burned up in St. Louis when the building burnt up, then they were not. They were found but do not reflect your battle or injury, then they do, but you are not bad enough for disability even though you’re in a wheelchair and on oxygen and helpless. Our Congress knows this but too boneless to do anything about it, afraid they will lose a vote. What good is it to have a Congress anyway? If I had it to do over, I would have never joined the Marine Corps. Thank you.

July 15

Hi, this is Rita. I wanted to call and say I appreciate the opportunity to have Speak Out. We are so blessed to have this to give our opinion this day and time. I just wanted to say I did appreciate the article about the Confederate flag written by Pamela Holt. That was a great article and it was so true. I also read the article by Glen Molette, the columnist, that writes and I really liked his article this week about the people should get back to standing up, more or less, for things they believe in pertaining to the best interest of our country and for our freedoms. I just wanted to give my opinion and I sure do thank you and I’m thankful for this paper. I read it at least twice a week. It’s just a good paper to have to read and I appreciate it. I thank you and have a great day. Good bye.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out July 18