FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report

This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past week;

however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.



Officers T. Basford, Brady and Hellett responded to a 911 call to the Bay County Sheriff’s Department regarding a vessel caught in bad weather and was in distress.  A severe weather cell was passing through the area and the vessel was taking on water on the bayside of Shell Island.  The officers immediately responded in the bad weather conditions and located the vessel which was swamped.  The officers assisted the occupants and the vessel to safe harbor.

Officers Etheridge and Goodwin responded to a single vehicle crash at St. Andrews State Park. The officers arrived at the scene and while investigating the crash, the operator showed signs of impairment. They completed the vehicle crash investigation and then began a criminal investigation concerning the operator driving under the influence. The operator agreed to perform field sobriety tasks and at the conclusion of the tasks, was taken into custody for driving under the influence. The operator was transported to the Bay County Jail where he refused to give a breath sample. He was then booked into the jail.

Captain Lee and Officer T. Basford were on vessel patrol when they observed a PWC operating in a careless manner on a congested waterway.  It was also noted the operator wasn’t properly wearing their life jacket and the lanyard wasn’t attached as required by law.  The PWC was stopped and the operator was found to be 18 years of age, had no boating safety ID card, and showed signs of impairment.  Field sobriety tasks were given and failed by the operator.  The operator was arrested for BUI and later refused to submit to a breath test.  The operator was booked into the Bay County Jail and charged with BUI, failure to submit to a breath test and no boater ID card.

Officers Hellett and Price while on vessel patrol observed a dingy with three subjects on board coming around Deep Water Point from the Panama City Pass. Boating traffic was heavy in the area and the officers stopped the dingy to conduct a safety inspection. While conducting the boating safety inspection, the operator appeared to be impaired. Officer Hellett asked the operator if he would perform field sobriety tasks. Upon completion of the field sobriety tasks, the operator was taken into custody for operating a vessel under the influence. The operator did provide a breath sample. The results were .209 and .207. He was then transported to the Bay County Jail.


Officers Land and Cushing were on patrol on the FinCat in the Gulf of Mexico on the Fourth of July. Officer Land conducted 12 fisheries inspections. During one inspection, he asked the crew if they had any fish. They replied that they had one greater amberjack. Officer Land discovered a total of three greater amberjack, two of which were undersized. Federal citations will be issued for possession of greater amberjack during closed season and undersized greater amberjack. On another vessel, Officer Land discovered persons in possession of red snapper and gray triggerfish during closed season. Citations for the violations will be issued.

Officer Clark and Lieutenant Lambert were on vessel patrol when they noticed a vessel having trouble navigating in an idle speed zone. During a vessel safety stop, Officer Clark noticed several signs of impairment from the operator. He performed poorly on field sobriety exercises and was arrested for BUI. After providing a breath sample of .130 g/210L, the operator was transported to the Escambia County Jail.


Officer Marlow and Robb were conducting boating safety and fisheries inspection in the Carrabelle River.  An inspection of a commercial oyster vessel with two occupants revealed 2.5 pints of scallop meat in one container.  A second container was located which contained approximately 3 pints of scallop meat for a total of 5.5 pints of scallop meat.  The bag limit is 1 pint per person or 2 pints total.  Notice to appear citations were issued for the violations.

Officer Marlow and Robb were on water patrol in the East Point area of Apalachicola Bay.  They located several commercial oyster vessels harvesting oysters before legal sunrise.  They stopped two of the vessels whose occupants were actively observed harvesting and were in possession of oysters.  The four harvesters were issued notice to appear citations for the violations.


Officers, Investigators and the Aviation Section worked a detail in federal waters concentrating on the harvest of reef fish in closed season. Officer M. and H. Webb checked approximately 15 vessels, five of which were in possession of red snapper and greater amberjack during closed season.

Officer Lipford was working Port St. Joe Bay when he conducted a resource inspection on a vessel with numerous subjects on board. As a result of the inspection, the subjects were found in possession of 12 1/2 gallons of Bay scallops. The vessel operator was issued a citation for possession of over the 10 gallon vessel limit.

Lieutenant Castaneda and Officers H. and M. Webb were on water patrol in St. Joe Bay. The officers received a vessel in distress call from FWC Dispatch.  The call stated there was a rental boat inside of the Gulf County shipping channel that was taking on water due to severe weather. The winds were approximately 60-70 mph with 6 – 8 foot seas. The officers spotted the vessel south of the location given to them and arrived at their location within minutes.  The occupants of the vessel were all accounted for, but were wet, cold, and frightened for the safety of their young children. The officers assisted the party safely back to St. Joe Marina.


Lieutenant Parker was on land patrol in the River Styx area of the Apalachicola National Forest. He observed dogs trailing wildlife near Forest Road 115. A short time later, he conducted a resource check of several individuals near the same location. The subjects were in the process of attempting to locate and catch their dogs. The individuals were cited for taking wild hog with dogs during closed season.


Okaloosa County Officers made several BUI cases over the July 4th weekend. Officer Molnar arrested three individuals for BUI. Two of the three individuals provided breath samples resulting 0.136 and .142 G/210L. All three individuals were arrested and transported to the Okaloosa County Jail. While on another vessel stop, Officer Molnar noticed the operator showed signs of impairment. After conducting field sobriety tasks, Officer Molnar determined the individual was not over the .08 G/210L. However, the operator was under 21 years of age. He was arrested for operating a vessel with a breath alcohol level of over .02 G/210L. Officer Corbin arrested two individuals for BUI. Both individuals refused to provide a breath sample.  They were both arrested and transported to the Okaloosa County Jail. Officer Pifer arrested one individual for BUI. The individual provided a breath sample resulting in .193 G/210L.  After providing a breath sample, he was transported to the Okaloosa County Jail.

The offshore patrol vessel Vigilance conducted federal fisheries inspections in federal waters.  Officers P. Rockwell, H. Rockwell, White, Lieutenants Clark and Suggs assisted during the three days of patrol.  Five federal citations were issued.  The operator of the first vessel was on a recreational vessel/fishing trip and harvested two undersized red snapper during the federal closure.  The second vessel operator harvested an undersized greater amberjack during the recreational closure.  The third vessel operator was on a recreational vessel and harvested six red snapper during the federal closure.


Officer Hutchinson received information that several subjects had been illegally night hunting and had taken two bucks in velvet.  He and Lieutenant Hahr conducted an investigation and determined that four subjects had activated a deer depredation permit, but hunted three other fields that were not covered under the permit.  The officers located two velvet horned bucks that had been removed from the fields just long enough to pose for photos and to remove the back straps from one of the deer.  The deer had been dumped and left to rot.  The officers determined the bucks had been taken on the fields not covered under the permit and were taken from the county roads adjacent to the fields. They located nine empty rifle casings and blood on the roadways where the deer were shot.  Two subjects were charged with three counts of taking deer at night with a gun and light and taking wildlife from a public right of way.


Officers Kinney and Jackson were on water patrol at Holmes Creek when they encountered a boat being operated carelessly.  A boating safety check led to suspicion that the operator was impaired and field sobriety tasks followed.  The operator was determined to be impaired and placed under arrest.  The subject refused any other testing or interview and was booked into the Washington County Jail for BUI and issued a citation for careless operation.



Lieutenant Fugate and Officer Scrambling were conducting a vessel safety inspection on two individuals with a young child on board. Subsequently, to their investigation Lieutenant Fugate, and Officer Scrambling found multiple violations. Officer Scrambling issued the captain of the vessel one citation for; child under six with no life vest, and several warnings. During the duration of the stop, Lieutenant Fugate and Officer Scrambling had received conflicting information from the individual and dispatch. Scrambling arrested the individual for providing false information (name) to law enforcement officers and having a warrant in Wisconsin. Officer Sweat of Polk County transported the subject to the Polk County Jail.


Officer Meurlot responded to investigate a reported boating accident that occurred on the Indian River in Edgewater.  After concluding his accident investigation, he discovered that one of the vessel operators had attempted to hide his cooler on the shoreline.  In the cooler he discovered undersized spotted seatrout and snook. The adult male operator was subsequently issued citations for possession of undersized spotted sea trout and possession of snook during the closed season.

Officers West and Meurlot were on water patrol over the holiday weekend in the Ponce Inlet area and stopped a personal watercraft operator for a slow speed zone violation.  They observed signs of impairment and asked her to performed field sobriety tasks. The adult female operator was subsequently arrested for boating under the influence and transported to the Volusia County Jail.

Officers West and McDonough were on water patrol in the Daytona Beach area during the holiday weekend.  They stopped a vessel for a boating safety inspection and observed indicators of impairment.  They arrested the adult male operator for boating under the influence and transported him to the Volusia County Jail.

Major Duval and Lieutenant Baer were on water patrol checking vessels engaged in recreational shrimping.  During one their stops, the officers learned that the vessel operator had an active warrant out of Volusia County for failure to pay child support.  The man was arrested and transported to the nearest boat ramp. He was turned over to a Volusia County Sheriff’s Office prisoner transport unit for delivery to the county jail.


While returning home from water patrol, during the holiday weekend, Officer Greenier observed a passenger vehicle consistently drifting (failing to maintain a single lane) in Palm Coast.  Suspecting that the operator may be impaired, Officer Greenier conducted a traffic stop.  During his contact with the driver, Officer Greenier observed several indicators of impairment from the driver.  Officer Greenier requested that the driver perform Standard Field Sobriety Tasks, which he could not complete.  The driver was arrested for driving under the influence and he refused to provide a breath sample at the jail.  While booking the driver into the Flagler County Detention facility for the traffic violation and driving under the influence, Officer Greenier discovered that the driver was on probation and was restricted from being away from his home between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and using any intoxicants.



While on water patrol during the July 4th weekend, FWC’s Citrus County officers encountered and issued the following:

•              Eight reckless citations for violation of vessel conduct in proximity to a vessel displaying a diver’s down flag with divers in the water. All cases involved operators who were within 120 feet of the victims’ vessels.

•              One BUI arrest was made on the Homosassa River.

•              One citation issued for possession of alcohol by a person under 21.

The FWC Fin cat crew worked two search and rescue missions where five persons were pulled from a sinking vessel. A sudden severe storm caused the vessel to take in water and a call for help was sent out. The vessel occupants were taken to a local ramp while Sea Tow recovered the disabled vessel.

Citrus County officers responded and investigated two boat crashes which involved vessels and channel markers. No influence of alcohol was noted, but operator inexperience was ruled as the cause of the crashes.


Officers from the FWC Resource Protection Squad, uniform patrol and investigations, teamed up to work several commercial blue crab complaints that centered on the northern section of the St. Johns River. After conducting surveillance, a crabber was identified working the area at night. He was located and observed pulling traps just after midnight. A stop revealed a partial box of crabs on the vessel and the subject admitted to pulling traps at night. He was issued a notice to appear for the violation.


During the 4th of July Holiday, FWC’s Taylor County officers and investigators worked a busy scalloping weekend. They wrote a total of two notices to appear for the reckless operation of a vessel and four Infractions for careless operation, along with several warnings involving dive flag violations. They wrote a total of five notices to appear for over the bag limit of scallops along with five written warnings for bag limit violations. There were also some uniform boating citations and fishing license tickets written as well.

Investigator McMillan and Officer Wilcox received information on two individuals taking deer out of season and in possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Investigator McMillian and Officer Wilcox requested a search warrant, which led to the arrest of these individuals. They were assisted by Officers Korade and Brookes.

The new patrol vessel Sentinel was delivered to Jacksonville this week. Crew members Officers Geib, Read and Lieutenant Givens, as well as Captain Martin and Major Krause were there to take delivery of and put the vessel in the water for the first time. The crew worked throughout the week to supply and rig the vessel for its first offshore patrols over the 4th of July weekend.

On the first patrol aboard the Sentinel, the crew conducted a boarding of a vessel trolling approximately 16 miles off of Jacksonville Beach with three people on board. Upon inspection, Officer Read found that among other species, the fishermen possessed eight red snapper which are closed to harvest which were caught in federal waters.

On the next day’s patrol aboard the Sentinel, the crew stopped a vessel approximately 28 miles east of the St. Johns River entrance with three people on board. Officer Geib boarded the vessel to conduct an inspection and discovered multiple fisheries violations. The fishermen were found to be 30 fish over the bag limit of red porgy, 8 fish over the bag limit of vermilion snapper, possession of an undersized gray triggerfish, as well as being in possession of three red snapper which are closed to harvest which were caught in federal waters.

In both cases all the people on board were issued federal citations for the violations. The charges will be filed with NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service for prosecution.

Additionally, the crew provided security of the safety zone around the Jacksonville Beach pier during the 4th of July fireworks display, issued two resource warnings for possession of undersized black sea bass and 12 boating safety/vessel registration violations.



FWC Officers along with the Coast Guard, and Punta Gorda Police Department assisted approximately 100 swimmers as they crossed the Peace River. The approximately one and a half miles took the swimmers anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 and a 1/2 hours. FWC Officers took one female subject to jail for disorderly conduct.

FWC Officers responded to a boating accident with a missing boater. After the collision of the two vessels, one of the operators didn't want to report the incident and fled the area. The uncooperative operator was located and apprehended several hours later while hiding in the mangroves. The vessel and contents were seized. He was transported to Lee Memorial Hospital for internal injuries, while nothing was life threatening. Alcohol and not displaying navigational lights are contributing causes of the accident. The following day FWC was contacted by the Sherriff's office concerning theft of fishing gear. The stolen gear appears to be the same as in the vessel that was seized. The investigation is ongoing.

FWC Officers responded to a missing diver off Englewood Beach. The diver was reported as approximately 25 years old and a good swimmer, however this was his first dive. The diver had entered the water approximately one and a half hours before he was reported missing. The multi-agency search went on for approximately 30 minutes before the diver was located on the beach with no injuries.


Officer Furbay and Lieutenant Ruggiero were on water patrol near the Alva Bridge when they observed a vessel on plane in a slow speed area. The officers stopped the vessel to address the violation and conduct a boating safety inspection. While speaking with the operator, it was obvious that he was nervous. When asked for his identification he said he did not have any. The officers located an old Florida driver's license for the operator and ran his information through dispatch. Dispatch advised the man had an active warrant for his arrest and he was taken into custody. He was delivered to the Lee County Jail without incident.

Officer Morrow and Fogle were running stationary radar in Lover's Key State Park enforcing the speed laws during the Independence Holiday weekend when they clocked a white Acura exiting from the park at a speed of 27 MPH in a 15 MPH zone. A license check was conducted and the driver who was found to be unlicensed and suspended; second offense. The driver was subsequently placed under arrest and transported by Officer Morrow to the Lee County Jail where he was booked and later turned over to the Sheriff's deputies. The driver was issued a misdemeanor traffic citation for knowingly operating a vehicle while suspended. He was also issued a written warning for speeding in a state park. There were several other vehicles stopped during the holiday weekend for various high speeds and issued written warnings.


Officers McCoigin and Furbay were working the Lee and Hendry county line in regards to some trespassing complaints they received. The officers came across a vehicle in a weird location and set up surveillance on the area. A short time later, the officers observed 2 adults and 3 juveniles approach from the Hendry county side of some private property that was clearly marked as "No Trespassing". As they walked, they were fishing along the canal. After a while, the men pulled up a portion of the fence so they could exit the property. When they got to the vehicle, the officers stopped them to conduct a fisheries inspection and to address the trespassing violation. Officer McColgin located 5 bass inside of a bucket one of the men was carrying. One of the men admitted to catching all of the bass using the fishing pole. After measuring the fish they found that two of the bass were oversized. Two misdemeanors were issued for trespassing, one misdemeanor was issued for possession of oversized bass and a fishing license citation was issued to the adults. The juveniles were issued warnings for trespassing.


Officer Cocke received information of an individual who had taken an alligator. Officer Cocke and Lieutenant Parisoe responded to a residence to interview the suspect. During the conversation, the Officer and Lieutenant could see in plain view a large alligator carcass that was freshly dismembered. The alligator was seized and the individual was cited for the violation.

Officer Pulaski received information of a delayed accident involving two vessels. The vessels were operating in the area of the Hudson Beach tripod when they collided. One vessel was damaged, but no injuries were reported.

Officers Angelis, Beckman, Jones, Pulaski and Williams responded to a single vessel accident involving a personal watercraft. The accident occurred in the Green Key area. The operator was injured when they both were ejected from the watercraft. Officer Beckman is completing the investigation.

Officer Williams was on land patrol at Anclote River Boat Ramp when he observed a small vessel with fishing equipment pull into dock. After making contact, Officer Williams performed a boating safety and fishery inspection. The inspection revealed the anglers were in possession of two undersized red drum. The fish were seized and Officer Williams issued a citation for the violation.

Officer Prowant received a telephone call from a landowner in Pasco County about multiple subjects trespassing and illegally hunting on his property. Officers Fagan and Williams along with deputies from Pasco County responded and six individuals were arrested for misdemeanor trespass. The subjects were found to be hog hunting illegally on private property.


Officers Freemon, Thompson and Smith were on patrol in an unmarked vessel. They were inspecting fishing vessels for compliance and stopped to inspect a vessel that was heading back from offshore. The Officers located several undersized red grouper. In addition, the vessel was over the bag limit of red grouper. A citation was issued for undersized and over the bag limit of red grouper.


Officer Fisher was on water patrol in front of the south Coquina Boat Ramp. An incoming vessel signaled for him to approach, the operator of the vessel advised Officer Fisher there were swimmers in trouble on the other side of the anchored barge. The barge was anchored on the Inter-costal Waterway, east side of the Longboat Pass Bridge. Officer Fisher proceeded over to the barge and noticed there were two individuals on the barge attempting to throw a line to the two swimmers who were being dragged out of the pass in the tidal current toward a second barge on the gulf, west side of the bridge. The swimmers who were in distress were hanging onto the floating debris boom. The current was unusually strong that day, accelerating to 5-6 mph under the bridge both swimmers were wearing life jackets but the current was still pulling them under. They were unable to hang onto the rope that was being thrown to them. Officer Fisher quickly pulled alongside the barge and put his bow next to the swimmers. He left the motors in reverse to hold the vessel stationary against the current and ran to the bow where he was able to grab the distressed swimmers and pull them into his vessel. The swimmers were safely returned to Coquina Boat Ramp, both declined EMS treatment.



While on land patrol, Investigator Coffin and Officer Delatorre stopped by Sewell Lock to conduct fisheries inspections. There were two subjects fishing at the lock. One of the subjects stated that he didn’t have a fishing license. A records check showed that the individual had an active warrant. Officer Delatorre also found marijuana on the subject during the pat down. The subject was placed under arrest and transported to the Broward County Jail.

Officers Mirabal, Delatorre, and Investigator Corteguera were conducting fisheries inspections at John Lloyd State Park. Officer Mirabal noticed a vessel with possible undersized dolphin. They conducted an inspection on the vessel and found 21 dolphin, 15 of the dolphin were undersized. The subjects stated that they were measuring the dolphin with their foot even though there was a cooler onboard that had a measuring device on the lid. The three subjects were cited for the undersized dolphin.

While conducting a fisheries inspection, on the Commercial fishing pier in Broward County Officers Brock and Vacin observed a female subject in possession of several fish including grey triggerfish.  Grey triggerfish have a size limit of 12 inches to the fork of the tail.  Six of the grey triggerfish in her possession were undersized.  The subject was issued a notice to appear citation and the fish were seized as evidence. 

Officer Ryan conducted a traffic stop in John U. Lloyd Park in Broward County.  During the traffic stop he could smell marijuana coming from the vehicle.  After calling for backup due to a large irate crowd forming, several officers from FWC and Hollywood PD showed up to secure the scene and make it safe for officers to search the vehicle.  During a search of the vehicle a bag of marijuana was found along with a grinder that had more marijuana in it.  The subject was arrested and cited for possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia, and resisting arrest without violence due to him pulling away while Officer Ryan was trying to put him into handcuffs.  The vehicle was towed and the stop ended without further incident.

During the Fourth of July weekend, a medical call was received from a John U. Lloyd State Park ranger.  Lieutenant McDonald, and Officers Coffin, Delatorre, and Strader responded to the subject who was an elderly white male who had just been in the hospital days earlier.  The subject was very pale, lethargic, and was vomiting.  EMS responded and transported the subject to the hospital. 

Officers Strader and Vacin investigated a report of an American Alligator that was illegally killed in a local neighborhood. After investigating the incident and conducting interviews, charges were filed with the Broward State Attorney’s Office for taking an American Alligator.


Officer Carroll and Investigator Patterson stopped a vessel for violating a 600 ft. from shore manatee zone. The vessel was a 30 ft. Pursuit with four people on board. The operator of the vessel had all needed safety equipment and was given a warning for the manatee zone. During the safety inspection, Patterson detected a strong odor of alcoholic beverage from the operator, and noticed he was steading himself as he moved through his vessel. After the boating safety inspection he was asked to come aboard the FWC vessel where Officer Patterson performed seated field sobriety tests on the subject. He did not pass the SFST’s and Officer Patterson placed him under arrest for boating under the influence (BUI). Once at the jail he refused to submit to a Breath Alcohol Test.

Officer Rogers assisted the Martin County Sheriff Marine unit in search of improper Marine Sanitation Device (MSD) disposal aboard vessels at the Jensen Beach Causeway. The Officers, along with local media crews, disembarked on the Martin County Sheriff Marine vessel from Sandsprit Park in Stuart Florida. Once aboard, the Martin County Deputies educated media personal on the value of proper MSD and Y valve disposal. These inspections are conducted to ensure vessels are not discharging raw sewage into the Intracoastal Waterways and the St. Lucie River in order to preserve our waterways. The local media crew captured both Officer Rogers and Martin County Deputies boarding multiple vessels to conduct the proper MSD and Y valve inspections. In conclusion, Officer Rogers and the Martin County Deputies found no violations during inspections for improper Marine Sanitation Device (MSD) or Y valve disposal.


Officer Toby and Nasworth were on foot patrol in the area of Canal Point Locks. As Officer Nasworth was walking down the lock he observed a subject reach into a fish basket at his feet. Officer Nasworth gave the subject verbal commands not to throw any fish. As Officer Nasworth closed the distance on the subject, he observed him grab a black crappie out of the fish basket and start pulling it out. Officer Nasworth gave the subject verbal commands again not to throw the fish, at which time the subject threw the fish into the water. Officer Nasworth provided the subject with a citation and court date for “failure to allow inspection”.

While on patrol at the Lock 7 Boat Ramp on Lake Okeechobee, Lieutenant Harris observed an individual cast netting. After watching the individual throw the net several times Lieutenant Harris noticed he was keeping all the fish he caught. Lieutenant Harris contacted Officers J. Davis and M. Davis and asked for assistance in checking the subject. Contact was made and a fisheries inspection was conducted resulting in possession of an undersized black bass (17 inches) and four pan fish. A citation was issued for illegal method of take of fresh water game fish (cast net) and possession of a black bass less than 18 inches (Lake Okeechobee area)

 Investigators Brian Sierra and Erik Howell responded to a report of Marine Sea Turtles in a home aquarium in Jupiter, Fl. The reported information was relayed through local FWC Uniform Patrol Officers. Investigators Howell and Sierra were able to observe (2) suspected loggerhead turtles in a large tank at the home location. Investigators suspect the turtles were removed from the canal near the house. Investigators seized both turtles and transferred them to a permitted rehab facility. Marine Turtles are regulated/protected by FS 379.2431 the “Marine Turtle Protection Act”; 68A-27.003 Designation of Endangered/Threatened Species; and FAC 68A-27.0031 Marine Endangered and Threatened Species.


Officer Fretwel was conducting a boating safety inspections at a local boat ramp and observed a vessel operating in an unsafe manner. The vessel almost hit another vessel and then ran into the nearby dock. Upon making contact with the operator, Officer Fretwell could smell a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming the subject’s mouth. Field sobriety tasks were performed unsatisfactorily and the operator was arrested for boating under the influence. The vessel which also contained two minors, was turned over to the operator’s brother. At the jail, the suspect refused to provide a breath sample. He received a citation for BUI and for the violation of refusing to submit a breath sample. This was his second refusal.



Officer Lugg and Johnson were on land patrol when they were dispatched to a call reporting that a male was fishing from the beach and keeping undersized snook. When they arrived on scene they saw a male fitting the description of the fisherman described earlier. The officers concealed themselves and watched the male for approximately 20 minutes. After identifying the man’s personal belongings, which included a cooler, the officers approached the man and questioned him. Officer Johnson opened the man’s cooler and discovered two undersized snook. The subject was cited accordingly.

Lieutenant Mahoney and Officer Johnson were fueling their patrol vessel at the Hamilton Harbor Marina when they saw a vessel on plane in an idle speed zone in a very congested area. The officers signaled to the operator and got his attention. They then asked the operator to come alongside their vessel. As the operator approached he began to argue and demonstrate signs of impairment. Once alongside the officer’s vessel, Officer Johnson immediately noticed a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage. He also noticed that the captain was slurring his speech and had blood shot eyes. As a result, the subject was transferred to the officer’s vessel for further testing. The subject was subsequently arrested for boating under the influence and transported to the Collier County Jail.

Lieutenant Walsh and Officer Kleis conducted surveillance on 4 fisherman at Monument Point in Rookery National Estuarine Research Reserve.  Upon conducting a fisheries inspection, Officer Kleis found an undersized and out of season snook. A records check revealed that three of the individuals did not have a fishing license.  All four individuals denied catching the fish.  After conducting custodial interviews, one subject admitted to harvesting the snook.  The appropriate citations were issued and the snook was returned to the water alive.


Officer Almagro and Veloz were on late night water patrol on the ICW near the cruise ship channel when they noticed a recreational fishing vessel returning to port. As the officers approached the vessel they noticed one man dumping something overboard. Once the vessel was stopped, Officer Veloz boarded the fishing vessel and began to conduct a thorough fisheries inspection. It wasn’t long before Officer Veloz discovered 12 undersized dolphin along with 28 dolphin filets hidden in the center console of the vessel. The captain and the other three males on board were cited accordingly.

Lieutenants Smith and Pomares along with Officer Washington were on water patrol near the Haulover Inlet when they saw a white 34’ vessel heading back to port. The officers initiated a vessel stop and began to conduct a boating safety inspection. The captain was in compliance with all the safety equipment required however, he was in possession of an expired fire extinguisher. The officers then proceeded to conduct a fisheries inspection that revealed 18 dolphin in a cooler behind the center console. After measuring all the fish, the officers determined that 14 out of the 18 dolphins harvested were undersized. The captain received a citation for being in possession of undersized dolphin.

Captain Hodges, Officers Pino, Pestka and Delgado were on water patrol in the regions new vessel “The Century” in the area of the Haulover sand bar in northern Miami Dade County when they noticed a male operating a personal water craft in a careless manner weaving in and out of vessels in a very congested area. After several attempts to get the man’s attention, he placed is hands in the air and yelled, “I give up”. The officers managed to get close enough to the subject to safely bring him alongside the vessel. It wasn’t long before Officer Pino noticed that the operator was extremely intoxicated. He was transferred on to the marked police vessel and administered several sobriety tasks, which he failed. As a result, the subject was placed under arrest for boating under the influence.

Officer Almagro and Veloz were on water patrol in the area of Sand Spur Island near Haulover when they stopped a vessel that was displaying a divers down flag while on plane. Once the officers came alongside the vessel they noticed evidence that the two men were fishing. The officers conducted a fisheries inspection and questioned the fishermen regarding their catch. The men admitted to having only two fish on board their vessel and were very eager to demonstrate that. However, further inspection revealed fish fillets in a black bag that were later identified as red grouper. The captain of the vessel admitted to illegally harvesting the fish and was cited accordingly.


Lieutenant Robison, Investigator Cox and Officers Adams and Plussa responded to the Marathon Resort Marina after receiving information that a man was snorkeling and harvesting lobster in the marina basin without a dive flag. Once the officers arrived on scene they saw the man still in the water in possession of a hook stick. After speaking with the subject it was determined that Officer Adams would enter the water and search for any relevant evidence. After a short while Officer Adams found a dive bag containing 16 speared and wrung lobster. The subject was arrested and transported to the Monroe County Jail.

Lieutenant Riesz and Officer Mattson were on water patrol in the area of the Whale Harbor Channel when they saw three men on board a yellow two man kayak. It wasn’t long after that the kayak flipped sending the men into the water. After many attempts, the men were able to right the kayak and get back on. The officers came alongside the kayak and quickly identified the operator as having watery, glassy, bloodshot eyes and a slurred speech. The operator agreed to perform voluntary field sobriety tasks which he failed. He was arrested and taken to jail for boating under the influence.

Investigator Daniels conducted a fisheries inspection on a vessel returning to the dock at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park in Key Largo. An inspection of their cooler revealed 22 undersized dolphin (Mahi Mahi). Two persons were cited for possession of undersized dolphin and one warning was issued.

Officer Hein was on state land patrol in the Islamorada area when he saw a man fishing off the side of the road on some rocks. Officer Hein began to approach the man and noticed that he was also scaling fish. Officer Hein greeted the man and conducted a resource inspection. The man appeared startled and stopped what he was doing and began walking toward Officer Hein with the tool he was using to scale the fish in his hand. The man told Officer Hein that he didn’t catch any fish and that he just started fishing. Officer Hein walked over to the original location and observed two undersized schoolmaster snapper. The man was cited accordingly.

Lieutenant Haney and Officer Hein were on state water patrol in the Tavernier area when they saw a vessel heading straight towards them in a very wide channel. Officer Hein conducted a boating safety inspection and noticed signs of impairment. Officer Hein conducted field sobriety tests and determined the operator was impaired. The subject was arrested for boating under the influence.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report