Weatherman’s interview on equal rights

I caught the interview of guest Sam Champion from the Weather Channel on CNN a few days ago. His opinion seemed to be the recent Supreme Court decision to mandate gay marriage allowance from coast to coast was basically an endorsement of an equal rights issue for all Americans. He further made the point that gay marriage approval is not intended to be, nor should  it be interpreted to be a protest against America’s religions or American’s religious rights. Champion stated it is perfectly acceptable for organized religions to have their own doctrines about gay acceptance or rejection and then gays can just choose to go to those religious institutions that accept gays, if they are religiously inclined.

Doesn’t that sound logical? Let’s see. The above would imply non-gay churches would have the right, if it was their religious doctrine of course, to exclude gays as members, (but encourage them to attend) and decry their lifestyle from the pulpit. Seems Champion would agree this would be totally acceptable behavior in America. Additionally, it would seem acceptable for non-gay churches to openly pray for the repentance of gays from a ‘sin’ standpoint, without any government punitive actions.

In the Bible belt, any real Bible believer could look up 1 Corinthians 6:9, which is a partial list of those folks who will not inherit the Kingdom of God, whether they have equal rights on Earth or not. Could it be gay rights is not an equal rights issue or a religious issue but only a salvation issue?

The recent Supreme Court decision is just the beginning of legislating morality in America. Be sure to recognize this as the end times emergence becomes more and more obvious.

Jim Moore


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Weatherman’s interview on equal rights