Seen on Scene: Vision of Hope’s ‘Sock Hop’ dance (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The Vision of Hope organization recently celebrated the 1950’s with a sock hop dance at the First Presbyterian Church of Milton. The nonprofit organization, which provides school to workforce transitional assistance to young adults with developmental disabilities, regularly schedules monthly events allowing these young adults to congregate, express their creativity and have fun.

“We started having activities for the kids, that way we felt like we could reach more,” said Jane Simmons, the founder and director of the faith-based organization. “(We have) different things each month.”

Click here: To view photos from the Sock Hop dance

From going to the movies to having game nights and even an upcoming summer camps, Simmons plans to offer upcoming classes for her clientele.

“In the fall, we are going to be starting art classes, Bible study classes, music, and we are hoping to begin a choir,” Simmons said. “We don’t have that here.”

Simmons said the classes and activities keep the young adults active with “meaning and purpose.”

“They are so appreciate and they just love seeing each other and coming together,” he said. “It’s self fulfillment.”

Vision of Hope, which offers their services to both Santa Rosa and Escambia Counties, raises funding for such projects through the organization’s ‘Hope Chest’ located on Woodbine Road in Pace. The boutique sells gently used home décor, furniture, and other household items all of which is donated by the community.

The organization continues to look for additional community support, whether through volunteerism, donations or sponsorship.

For more information on the Vision of Hope organization, visit their website at For more information on the Vision of Hope organization contact either the Hope Chest location at 736-8022 or the Vision of Hope Transition and Resource Center at 736-8022.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Seen on Scene: Vision of Hope’s ‘Sock Hop’ dance (PHOTOS, VIDEO)