Church organizations sought for transportation help

Ferris Hill Baptist Church in Milton is hosting a Santa Rosa County faith-based transportation meeting, seeking input and resources from local faith organizations in lending their support to provide transportation for residents in need.

 In addition to the public, faith-based organizations are invited to attend the Santa Rosa Faith-Based Transportation meeting at Ferris Hill Baptist Church in Milton June 15.

The meeting, which will be presented by Dr. Brian Nall, the pastor of Ferris Hill, will allow the local churches to consider combining their transportation resources to benefit Santa Rosa County.

“This is just another step in the journey,” Nall said. “We have been able to identify the need both emotionally (and) statistically (and) we have been able to bring in multiple sectors who share the vision.”

The vision Dr. Nall mentioned is fulfilling a need in Santa Rosa County of providing transportation to residents in need.  

Whether for employment, education, or needed medical appointments, Nall seeks assistance from local faith based organizations willing to use their vehicles, whether they be buses, vans or volunteers willing to drive residents who are unable to commute themselves.

Although the need is county-wide, Nall said a faith based transportation service could start on a smaller scale in order to see what works and what does not and then expand from there. As an example, the faith based transportation services could start in Milton, then expand to Jay, then along the U.S. Hwy 90 corridor.

“All of these things are to be determined,” Nall said. “We just want to learn, explore and grow.”

Other areas of discussion are how the service would operate including insurance needs, maintenance requirements, safety protocols and overall funding of expenses.

In addition to Gloria Neal of First Transit in Escambia County, Shawn Ward, the Transportation Planning Director for Santa Rosa County is also expected to attend the meeting, where both will give presentations and answer any questions.

Ward, who has been working with the Santa Rosa County Bridges Out of Poverty organization on behalf of the county, said the county did have the Santa Rosa Transit transportation system from 2010 to 2012 funded through a federal grant. The service was then discontinued due to a vote by the Board of Santa Rosa County Commissioners.  

In May, Ward gave a presentation to the Bridges organization on transportation and economic development. One of the conclusions stated in the presentation was ‘(Santa Rosa County) residents want (a) fixed-route public transportation.’ 

In addition to receiving support from the county, the meeting is also receiving support from the City of Milton. In this week’s executive committee meeting, the council voted in favor of appropriating $200 for providing snacks and refreshments for the transportation meeting.  The item will be part of the council’s consent agenda, which will be voted upon in next week’s regular meeting.

 Council member Mary Ellen Johnson, who made the motion to appropriate the funds, also believes there is need for transportation in the county.

“We all know we have a major problem with transportation problem in this county,” Johnson said. “It is certainly impacting the economics of the city.”   

With the insight and resources of county and church officials, Nall hopes to bring a transportation solution to the Santa Rosa County Commissioners at a future meeting.  

“Hopefully by the end of this year, the vision would be that we as a county, partnering all of our resources together, could come back to our county commissioners and say ‘here is what we are willing to do in order to serve our county’,”  Nall said.


WHAT: Santa Rosa County Faith-Based Transportation Meeting

WHEN: 6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 15

WHERE:  Ferris Hill Baptist Church located at 6848 Chaffin Street in Milton

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Church organizations sought for transportation help