Union down

Dear Editor,

My husband spent World War II on a destroyer. When we moved to Milton in August, 2006 he put an American flag in our yard. Back in 2010, when this country got so far into debt, along with other things, I hung the flag with the union down. When you hang the union down it means the flag should only be displayed as a signal of distress. Lately someone has come into my yard and put the flag with the union up. I returned it to union down. They’ve also took the flag down, pulled it from the holder and threw it on the ground. It rained that night and the flag was soaked. A few days ago someone again took my flag down, turned it once more and put a wire through the flag in which my son had to cut away.

No one should do things like this if they don’t know what “union down” means. I suggest they read a small, 48 page book entitled “Our Flag.”

My feeling is that the country is in distress with the national debt out of sight, our military weaker than before WW2 and our borders wide open; I will continue to fly my flag as it is proper in the circumstances we find ourselves in.

God bless America and our military.

Kay Addison


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Union down