Milton resident sentenced to prison, probation for video voyeurism

 William David Webb, 43, of Milton was sentenced to two years in state prison followed by ten years of sex offender probation by a judge after being found guilty of 23 counts of video voyeurism, according to a press release from State Attorney Bill Eddins office.

According to the press release, Webb secretly filmed three victims without their knowledge or consent in various stages of undress in their bedrooms and bathroom over the course of one year.  Webb stored the videos of the victims onto his computer.

 The  23 counts pertain to three different victims, while eight of the victims pertain to a victim under the 16 years old. According to the press release, Webb previously entered a plea to these charges on April 10.

The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office is credited with conducting the investigation, which led to Webb’s prosecution.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Milton resident sentenced to prison, probation for video voyeurism