United Way donations help local families in need

Before I started working at a nonprofit, I was very skeptical of where my donation really went and what percentage helped the needy. Straight out of high school and working part-time while in college, I wanted to share my new-found wealth. All I really knew about charities was – well, nothing – except some do not handle their donations the way they should. I became disinterested in donating my hard earned money and chose to volunteer some of my time instead.

Now working for a nonprofit, I would like to share an inside look at the United Way of Santa Rosa County. Of the 13 staff members, only four are paid positions. The rest of the team members are volunteers and interns who give their time and expertise to United Way. I have never met such dedicated and caring people; each one has a heart of gold and a sincere desire to help others.  The executive director, Guy Thompson, at the helm of the team for over 30 years, loves Santa Rosa County and the community we live in.

At UWSR, every effort goes into growing and strengthening our community and the people who live in it. We have 14 partner agencies carefully chosen to provide the best specialty care for our clients in need. When we’re not distributing raised funds to our agencies, we work to make sure local, state, and federal funding comes to Santa Rosa County. For example, in the past two years, through federal grants, United Way of Santa Rosa County provided emergency shelter housing for 63 homeless families.

UWSR is small but it has an enormous impact on this county. Because we have low administrative overhead, thanks in large part to our dedicated volunteers, we are able to allocate a major portion of donations to help people in need. Furthermore, through match dollars and leveraging funds, United Way can more than quadruple a donation. On average, when giving to a United Way agency through UWSR, every dollar is multiplied 6.24 times.

Every day I am amazed by the opportunities United Way creates, whether it be through its information and referral service, “First Call for Help,” its programs, such as Cram the Van or Fishin’ With a Mission, or other various fundraisers. All donations to UWSR stay local.  So, “Live United,” and give where you live.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: United Way donations help local families in need