Speak Out May 16

Speak Out

Monday 12:53 p.m.

Hi this is Fred. I read your article in Saturday’s paper about the courthouse but you left out one important thing we the people would like to know. How much money has the county commissioners  spent in studies, feasibility studies, environmental studies, architect within the 15 years they’ve worked on the site and still can’t decide? They put this issue on a ballot for the voters to vote on. I did not vote for the downtown site but I do believe in democracy, and since the downtown site got the most votes I stand behind them and that’s where the courthouse should be. There’s no use to put the tax on the ballot again because it will not pass. It would go against the voters’ wishes. Thank you.

Monday 10:04 p.m.

This is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. I’m just wondering as I watch the news where the policeman got killed in Mississippi. Where are the demonstrators? Where are the ones destroying buildings and setting fires and causing all the trouble like they were in Baltimore? Why are the not doing that? And where are the ones causing these disturbances? Are the policeman not as important as these other people? Thank you.

Tuesday 10:54 a.m.

Yes I’d like to know how dumb the county commissioners think the public is. They’re still fighting that courthouse.

They’ll try anything to keep from building it downtown. They’re having a meeting on the parcels at Tiger Point and where the courthouse is located really has no effect on the people who live down in that area but it does in Milton so why don’t they have that meeting in Milton because it’s going to affect all of us? How dumb do they think we are?

Tuesday 5:10 p.m.

Yeah this is Tony in East Milton. I’ve been reading about how the city is waiting for the people who own property near the courthouse to give them a price they want for their property. This is absolutely ridiculous. Condemn the property and let them fight it out in the courts as to what the price is.

Tuesday 5:19 p.m.

Yeah this is Bobby. I was reading an article in the Press Gazette Wednesday where the sheriff’s deputies are telling you to call in about unsafe, reckless drivers. The only problem with that most of the people complaining are reckless themselves. A lot of times the unsafe person is the one in the wrong lane driving slower than the prevailing traffic. Thank you.

Tuesday 5:24 p.m.

Yeah this is Bobby again. I don’t understand why the City of Milton wants the courthouse so bad in the city. It’s not a city courthouse. It’s a county courthouse. Milton just happens to be the county seat so anywhere around Milton would be fine. It doesn’t have to be in the city limits. They keep wanting to put money in it and want it downtown. I don’t see where the old one’s helping them that much. I mean you have court day, not a lot of parking. I don’t think people are visiting all the shops and buying stuff and that’s the only days the court’s got much business is on court date.

Wednesday 5:48 a.m.

This is Bob. My comment is about the courthouse. We don’t need to be wasting any more money putting the courthouse downtown. The county commissioners voted to put it on Highway 90 and that’s where they need to go do it but if they can’t make the decision they need to resign and let other people get in there and do the job. Thank you. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out May 16