Homecoming at East Side Baptist Church

Doris Kingry

 'Homecoming' at church hods many connotations. Homecoming often means a special program, guest speaker, dinner on the grounds (but rarely these days), and renewal of friendships. As a former active member there for many years, and as a charter member of East Side Baptist Church, I attended the 73rd homecoming in April.

The original building where I attended is no longer standing but replaced by a small sanctuary, then renovated tastefully after the area was flooded a few years ago. Besides the sanctuary, the campus also has some of the old Sunday School rooms (one in which I began the first nursery some 57 years ago),  and a  building that houses a full kitchen and dining area.

I began attending Sunday afternoon Bible study classes there before the building was chartered as a Southern Baptist Church.  The old building once housed a Presbyterian congregation where my friend Marietta's grandmother was the Sunday School Superintendent. The building stood empty for many years. A few people began congregating for Sunday afternoon Bible studies. My friend Marietta, who lived across the road from the building, invited me, and, because it was within walking distance from where I lived, I attended.  When East Side Baptist Church was chartered, I moved my letter there from Hickory Hammock Baptist Church where I joined earlier.

Now, as the only surviving charter member, I am honored to be especially invited to attend homecomings, although I am no longer a member there. This year was no exception. I had the date on my calendar for a month and anticipated the reunion with old and new friends, the fellowship and the good food.

Even though there are few members at the church of whom I've known since the beginning,  I always feel the warmth and sweet spirit that fills my heart when I go there. I enjoy the delicious food and conversations and reminisces.

To me, homecoming at East Side connotes warmness, spirituality, goodness and simplicity—all qualities that I cherish.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Homecoming at East Side Baptist Church