Abbi DuBose visits with Sunrise Kiwanis

Abbi DuBose has spent 30 years as a helper, guardian, of all things children.  Her first five years were spent in Pensacola, and the last twenty five in the Milton area working as manager for the United Methodist Children's home.  She is shown with Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis President John Stone, receiving the Milton Pride Tag Holder.  You don't have to be a Methodist to be a resident, all faiths are accepted, and all girls go to their preferred place of worship on Sunday.  The goal of the home is to work to reunite the girls with their family after being separated because of a disruption in the family unit.  After recommendation and acceptance the stay is six weeks to six months with an extended stay if necessary.  For more information visit       Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis welcomes all to their Wednesday morning 7 a.m. meeting at Tanglewood Golf Course where breakfast is served. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Abbi DuBose visits with Sunrise Kiwanis