FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report

This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past week;

however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.



Officers Gore and Moore found a vessel with three commercial oystermen harvesting shell stock in a closed area. A resource inspection also found oysters mixed in and around the vessel’s gasoline tank.  Citations were issued for these violations and the product was returned to the water.

Officer Gore was working St. Andrews State Park when he observed a truck skid to a stop to avoid ramming the park’s entrance gate.  The truck then backed up and sped toward the gate, again slamming on its brakes.  Officer Gore approached the driver, who admitted to drinking six beers and one mixed drink over the last four hours.  Field sobriety tasks were given and failed, and a breath sample showed a .167/.164 blood alcohol content (BAC).  The operator was arrested and charged with driving with a BAC over .08 and careless operation of a vehicle.

Officer Moore investigated a boat fire at a local marina that caused $12,500 in estimated damages.  The fire was found to have started from an electrical issue at a shore power outlet, causing one vessel to catch fire.  The fire resulted in damage to three nearby vessels and the marina’s dock.

Officer Brady received information concerning a Mako shark that had been illegally harvested by harpooning and the act was posted on Facebook.  Officer Brady found the vessel and escorted it to the dock where Officer T. Basford met him to assist with the case.  Investigator Thomas was contacted concerning having the Facebook video downloaded for evidence.  The shark was identified as a short finned Mako that had been harvested in state waters.  The fish was photographed, weighed (507 pounds) and placed on bid.  The violator, who said he was commercial fishing, was cited for illegal method of take and improper federal permit.  The harpoon was seized, the shark sold to a local wholesale market and the proceeds of the sale placed in an escrow account.


Lieutenant Walsingham followed up on information of possible illegal turkey hunting and after an investigation, filed charges with the State Attorney’s Office.  Two Bonifay juveniles were charged with taking over the daily bag limit of turkey and taking over the season bag limit of turkey. A total of six gobblers had been killed during two incidents by the pair.


Officer Letcher received a call of an individual working a suspicious net at the end of Highway 331 Causeway.  Officer Letcher responded and observed an individual working a monofilament gill net from the beach.  As Officer Letcher approached, the subject fled on foot.  Officer Tison and Lieutenant Walsingham responded to assist and a perimeter was established with the assistance of the Walton County Sheriff’s Department.  The Walton Correctional Institution K9 Team was notified and upon their arrival, the subject emerged from the woods and surrendered. The subject was arrested and charged with felony use of a monofilament entanglement net and two other associated misdemeanors.  The net measured over 1000 square feet.


Officer Kinney responded to a report of overdue boaters on Econfina Creek.  The subjects had not allotted enough time to make it to their destination before dark. Officer Kinney advised them to continue down the creek and he would meet them at Walsingham Bridge.  A short time before dark, the subjects arrived and Officer Kinney transported them to their vehicles.


Officer Lewis made contact with two females picking ferns in Blackwater River State Forest. Picking plants in the forest is prohibited.  Officer Lewis recognized the two females as subjects he previously warned for picking ferns.  Officer Lewis issued citations to the pair.



Lieutenant Zukowsky, Investigators Grigg, Chase, Milstead and Jabluszewski, along with Officers Greenier, Hickman, Miller, Lawshe, Ramsey, McDonough, and Sapp, participated in St. Augustine’s annual Blessing of the Fleet on Palm Sunday. An area Roman Catholic Bishop blessed approximately 150 participating vessels during the three hour event. Officers were tasked with developing and coordinating vessel traffic control and security for the event. In addition to the six patrol vessels and their crews, other public safety vessels assisting with traffic control and security included the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office, the St. Augustine Police Department, United States Coast Guard, and the St. Augustine Fire-Rescue.


Officer Rice was working a bait site that he has been working for several years. While he was concealed a short distance from the blind, he heard two gun shots. The hunter killed a turkey and there was cracked corn approximately 10 yards away from the blind. The hunter was issued a notice to appear for taking a turkey over bait.



Lieutenant Loyed was called out to assist the Citrus County Sheriff’s office to locate a suicidal subject. With limited information, Lieutenant Loyed located the sleeping subject in a tent on the Chassahowitzka River. The subject was then transported back to the boat ramp and Baker Acted by the sheriff’s deputies on the scene.

Officer VanNess received a call of a subject trying to catch an alligator on a fishing pole in Cooter Pond in Inverness. Officer VanNess arrived and found the subject with the fishing pole, but the suspect denied any wrongdoing and said that he was only fishing. After several witness interviews, Officer VanNess found two witnesses who had video evidence of the suspect attempting to harass the alligator with a fish that he had on the end of his fishing line. Charges were filed on the subject for attempting to take alligator during the closed season.


Officer Mobley worked surveillance on a hunting blind that was positioned 25 yards from scratch feed, peas, and whole corn. Earlier in the season, Officer Mobley had located fresh turkey feathers and a shotgun wadding in front of the blind. While Officer Mobley was conducting another site check, he observed a turkey decoy placed near the feeding station and could hear someone using a turkey call while sitting in the blind. Officer Mobley made contact and cited the hunter with attempting to take turkey within 100 yards of a feeding station.



The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office and FWC Investigators Cooke, Schefano and Officer Morrison participated in a BUI Detail.  Investigator Cooke stopped a vessel for a regulatory inspection.  During the inspection, Investigator Cooke located several fish fillets hidden in a cooler.  The operator stated they were reef fish and he knew that he shouldn’t keep them.  The operator was cited accordingly.  Later in the day Investigator Cooke stopped another vessel to perform an inspection.  The operator was showing signs of impairment.  After the seated SFST’s the operator was arrested for BUI and booked into the county jail. Officer Morrison also noticed an impaired operator and booked him into Charlotte County jail.


Officers Morrow and Raczek gave a marine fisheries presentation to an audience of approximately thirty anglers at the Landings Marina Fishing Club in Fort Myers.  Some of the topics covered were the up-coming changes in the salt water rules and regulations, boating safely in manatee zones and the new Gulf Reef Fish Survey which went into effect April 1st.  Both officers fielded questions at the end and handed out educational materials and other items.  


Officer Morrow responded to a boating accident involving two rental boats that had occurred earlier in the day in the area of San Carlos Bay.  An investigation was conducted and it was determined that one of the vessels struck the other from behind. There were no injuries reported and both vessels had damage exceeding $2,000.  The operator who was determined to be at fault was issued a citation for careless operation. 

Officer McColgin was conducting marine fisheries inspections at Big Carlos Pass for resource violations when he observed three subjects fishing under the bridge.  After watching the people fish for a few minutes, Officer McColgin performed an inspection.  When asked if they had caught anything, one of the men said, “no, only catfish.” Partially hidden under a rag, Officer McColgin could see several undersized mangrove snapper and flounder.  When he pointed them out, the man then confessed he knew the fish were undersize.  The subjects were cited for the violations.

Officer McColgin was conducting marine fisheries inspections at San Carlos Beach for resource violations when he observed two subjects wade fishing.  A resource inspection revealed the subjects were in possession of undersized redfish and sheepshead. The subjects were cited for the violations.

Officer McColgin was conducting marine fisheries inspections at New Pass for resource violations when he observed three subjects fishing with cast nets.  A resource inspection revealed the subjects were in possession of several undersized mangrove snapper and sheepshead. The subjects were cited for the violations.

Officer Spoede assisted the FWC Training Academy with new officers all week with vessel operations.


Officer Laskowski was patrolling the Bishop Harbor area and saw two individuals throwing a cast net. When the individuals came back to their vehicle, Officer Laskowski asked to inspect their catch. Inside their cooler were six undersized snook. Both individuals admitted to catching the snook with the cast net. Both individuals were issued citations for possession of over the bag limit of snook. They were also issued written warnings for possession of undersized snook, taking snook by illegal method, and no snook permit.


Officers Brown, Laskowski and Norris worked a joint detail with the Venice Police Department targeting illegal alcohol, narcotics and marine fisheries violations on the piers and beaches in Venice. Officers Brown and Laskowski stopped a vessel for operating on plane in a manatee slow speed zone. The operator of the vessel showed signs of alcohol impairment. When asked to complete standardized field sobriety tasks the operator refused. Based on the officer’s observations and interaction with the operator, he was placed under arrest for boating under the influence. He was also issued an infraction for violating the manatee slow speed zone and a warning for not having a working stern navigation light. He was transported and booked to the Sarasota County Jail.



Lieutenant Harp, Officers Ornold, Harris, Alford, Ariza, Investigators Rubio, Bingham and NMFS OLE Special Agent Maguire responded to an address in Ft. Lauderdale. The response regarded a report of a subject in possession of a Sawfish Rostrum. 68B-44.008 Prohibited Species; Prohibition of Harvest, Landing, and Sale.

•              No person shall harvest, possess, land, purchase, sell, or exchange any or any part of these species:

(aa) Largetooth sawfish (Pristis pristis).

(bb) Smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata).

It is reported the subject in possession of the rostrum was identified and negotiated the sale of the rostrum for $1,200 US currency. Subsequently, the subject was issued a Notice to Appear for the above violation. The sawfish rostrum was seized and placed in an approved FWC Evidence Facility.             


Officers Taylor, Nasworth, and McLendon were working snook complaints in Glades County. The officers set up in different positions around a popular snook fishing spot and began conducting surveillance of the area. The officers were able to observe a subject catch a snook and place it on a stringer and tie it off on the fishing pier. Shortly after, the subject caught another very large snook and placed it in the back of their vehicle and left the area without taking the snook on the stringer. The Officers stopped the vehicle to conduct a resource inspection and found the fish in the vehicle was 35 inches long. The officers then went to retrieve the second fish and another subject claimed that he had just caught the fish, despite the officers witnessing the other subject place it on a stringer. The first subject was cited for possession of oversize snook and taking over the daily bag limit of snook. The second subject was warned for being an accessory to the crime. Both snook were seized as evidence.


Officers Rogers and Moss were on water patrol in Martin County on the waterways of the ICW, they noticed a vessel coming from Boy Scout Island shinning a spot light. The vessel’s spot light was directed at the officers and causing an unsafe situation. Officer Rogers and Moss stopped the vessel to complete a safety inspection. The operator of the vessel had slurred speech and smelled strongly of an unknown alcoholic beverage.

Officer Rogers asked the subject if he had any weapons, the subject said, “Yes”. The suspect then reached into his pants pocket for a firearm. Officer Moss ordered the suspect to display his hands and Officer Moss took possession and secured the weapon for officer safety. The Officers then had the subject board their vessel so the suspect could perform Seated Field Sobriety Tests (SFST’s). While the subject was sitting on the front of the patrol vessel, Officer Moss witnessed the subject throw into the water what appeared to be a baggie with a white powdery substance. Due to the performance of the SFST's and the totality of the circumstances, the subject was transported to the Martin County Jail and arrested for BUI.    


Investigator Garzaniti initiated an investigation of an ad on Craigslist for an Albino “Balmise Python” for sale. The next day, Investigators Howell and Orteguera joined in assistance with the investigation. Communication was established with the seller. Additional investigative efforts indicated the snake for sale was a Burmese Python, which requires a permit to possess and/or sell. The seller was identified and located in Palm Beach County. The seller agreed to sell the Burmese Python for $350. Subsequently, the seller was issued a notice to appear for possession of Burmese Python without a permit and for possession of wildlife (Burmese Python) for sale without a permit. The subject was issued warnings for; unlocked enclosure, possession Burmese Python no microchip and for no records of acquisition for Burmese Python. The Burmese Python was placed at a permitted facility.



Lieutenant Walsh and Officer Lugg were conducting fisheries inspections at the Jolley Bridge near Marco Island.  During one inspection, the Officers found a subject that was fishing without a saltwater fishing license and had an active warrant for larceny out of Lee County.  The subject was taken into custody and booked into the Naples Jail


Officers Johnson and White were on water patrol in Collier County.  Near Gordon Pass they observed a flats boat with 2 people onboard.  The gentlemen seemed nervous to see the Officers and would not return a greeting.  The Officers observed rods onboard the vessel and blood on the gunwales.  The Officers stopped the vessel to perform a boating safety and resource check.  During the check the Officers discovered 6 undersized red grouper, the largest of which was 18 inches.  Red grouper are required to be 20 inches to be harvested recreationally.  The occupants were cited accordingly.

Officers Futch and Thurkettle received information that Collier County Sheriff’s deputies found an alligator while executing a search warrant at a residence in Naples.  The Officers arrived on the scene and located the alligator, which was contained in an aquarium inside the home.  During a brief interview with the suspect, he admitted to catching the alligator a month earlier.  The subject was arrested and booked into the Naples Jail Center for possessing an alligator without a permit.

Lieutenant Walsh, Investigator O’Horo and Officer White responded to a boating accident involving a young girl that was ejected from an airboat while on a tour with her family in the Everglades.  Lieutenant Walsh and Investigator O’Horo responded to the scene to investigate, while Officer White responded to the hospital to meet the victim.  The victim was transported to North Naples Community Hospital, where she is recovering from her injuries.

Officer Reams responded to a call for individuals that were lost on a trail off of Shady Hollow Road in Naples.  The individuals had been out for several hours walking the trail and as night fell they found themselves without flash lights and very little cellphone reception or battery life.  After Officer Reams arrived on the scene, he walked approximately two miles down the trail and was able to locate the family (mother, daughter and two sons).  The family members were all in good condition and very thankful to have Officer Reams there to help guide them back to their vehicle.


An Officer patrolling the waters near the Houlover Inlet responded to a call at Beer Can Island in northern Miami Dade County reporting that a female was yelling obscenities and displaying signs of intoxication. As the officer arrived on scene he saw the female yelling and threatening other beach goers. When the officer approached the subject she became enraged and threw a punch at the officer hitting him in the face. The officer managed to control the subject and quickly place her under arrest. The subject was subsequently transported to jail where she now faces disorderly intoxication charges as well as battery on a law enforcement officer.

Several FWC Officers partnered with Maritime Partners in Miami-Dade County to target derelict vessels in the county. As a result of the officers efforts, several (notice to appear) arrests were issued. They also issued 8 boating safety infractions and 6 warnings.

An FWC Officer was patrolling Bill Baggs State Park when he was notified that a man was hitting a woman on the beach. When the officer arrived on scene he saw a woman covering her face with a noticeable bruise on her face. Further investigation revealed that the woman and her live in boyfriend got involved in a heated argument that ultimately turned physical. Several witnesses stated that both individuals were the aggressors. As a result of the investigation, the two parties were arrested for domestic violence.

An officer responded to a canal in southern Miami-Dade County to reports that several males were attempting to catch an alligator. Once the Officer arrived on scene he saw a crocodile, not an alligator, crudely tied up near the bank of the canal and several subjects believed to be the persons responsible for molesting the crocodile detained by officers from the Miami-Dade Police Department. The investigation ultimately revealed that two of the subjects decided to capture the crocodile for no apparent reason. As a result the duo were arrested and booked into the Miami-Dade Jail.


Officer Mattson was patrolling the waters in the upper Keys when he saw a personal water craft (PWC) being operated in a careless manner. The operator of the PWC was jumping the wake of other boats and spraying passing boaters. Officer Mattson stopped the PWC only to discover that the operator was 12 years of age. The operator stated that her father was on board a nearby vessel. Officer Mattson approached the said vessel and made contact with the subject’s father who admitted to allowing his daughter to operate the PWC. The father was charged with allowing a person under the age of 14 to operate a PWC.

Officer Mattson stopped a vessel in the upper Keys after noticing a person dangling his legs over the bow of the vessel as the vessel was under way. A resource inspection of the vessel revealed 3 undersized yellowtail snapper and 1 undersized hogfish. The captain of the vessel was cited for careless operation and the passenger was cited for the fisheries violations.

Officer Mattson saw a PWC with two passengers enter the “No Motor Zone” near the Whale Harbor Channel in the upper Keys. The operator of the PWC was operating the PWC in a careless manner causing one of the passengers to fall into the water. Officer Mattson stopped the PWC and immediately noticed signs that the operator may be intoxicated. The subject went on to fail the field sobriety tests and was subsequently arrested and transported to jail.

The crew of the Peter Gladding responded to a vessel in distress 7 miles north of Keys West. According to the report a large vessel with 7 passengers on board collided with the “East Jetty”. Fortunately, the Peter Gladding arrived on scene and removed the shaken but relieved passengers and crew off the vessel moments before the vessel sank. The parties were taken to shore without any further incident.


Officer Dube and members from the USCG taught the “Boat Smart Boating Safety Program” to approximately 20 students in Islamorada. The students were taught how to Marlinspike, the importance of understanding the features on your GPS and different navigational rules and laws. All the students successfully passed the written test.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report