Widening Highway 90 through downtown may cost the city tax revenue

     The word "progress" means to expand, make something bigger, make it better. When destroying something it is not so until it is replaced. Destroying downtown businesses and replacing them with a road makes the road bigger and better but makes the business structure smaller with less business attractions. For the businesses to be replaced someone must be willing to come in and build on a even smaller lot meaning a smaller building or less parking provided by the business. So is this truly progress to eliminate commerce for a road thus with every business lost the attraction to downtown is also eliminated? How soon can commerce return to downtown Milton? Also while waiting on this return to downtown, how much lost tax revenue to the City of Milton? So is it progression or regression? A business in hand is worth two in the bush or so it is said.

Steven King


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Widening Highway 90 through downtown may cost the city tax revenue