USS Harry Mudd: Much more than ‘Star Trek’ fan club

USS Harry Mudd club members simulate an attack on the USS Enterprise.

Although the ‘USS Harry Mudd’ is part of Starfleet, the international Star Trek Fan Association Inc. and named after a character from the original ‘Star Trek’ series, club members say there are several misconceptions about the Milton-based club.  

“Nobody in this club lives in their mother’s basement, not one,” said Chris Hammonds, who serves as the ship’s commanding officer.

Hammonds said the club’s membership has grown since it began in 2012. Initially there was only seven members, currently there are nearly 30, he said.

The ship’s Executive Officer Bruce Dolan agreed saying members of the club come from various backgrounds and interests other than the popular science fiction series.

“People don’t expect to see that crossover in that people who hunt and fish can’t possibly be a Star Trek fan” said Dolan, who also works as a maintenance supervisor at the Santa Rosa Medical Center. “I love to hunt and fish.”

 “The whole idea with the space ship with mud tires and the name ‘mudd’ in our logo…it’s all fun,” Dolan said.

In addition to being named after a space pirate from the original ‘Star Trek’ television series, which ran from 1966 to 1969, the club’s title also resonates the Gulf Coast’s history and lifestyle.

“By using Harry Mudd, we are incorporating the pirate lore,” said Vinny Monteleone, the ship’s security officer. “ With ‘Mudd,’ we are using the down home, southern, mudding, fishing (and) hunting.”

Monteleone, who has been part of the local chapter for the past two years, said another common misconception is that the USS Harry Mudd is for Star Trek fans only.

“It’s not just science fiction,” he said.

Monteleone said the club members will talk about other popular science fiction series, including fantasy and other topics including football.

“It’s not just the love for (science fiction), fantasy, video games and things like that, it’s the fact that these people have the same likes the same character,” he said.  Even though we may not always agree on everything. The little non-important things we can put aside for the most important things like the charities and the kids.”

In addition to supporting fundraisers for area Special Olympics, the club has also previously collected funds for an area family misplaced by a house fire. The club is currently working with a Milton-based organization ‘For the Children’ to construct a residence for homeless teenagers in the area.

Last year, Sue McKinney received ‘Officer of the Year’ in the club, due to the amount of volunteer work she puts in.

 McKinney said she enjoys the club for the “camaraderie” and “getting together to do things.” McKinney joined the club with her husband Kevin, their son Chris is also a member. Chris serves as the Captain’s assistant

In addition to having a regular club meeting on the first Saturday of each month at the Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce building in Milton, the club also meets for game night in the same building on third Friday of each month. The club also regularly plans for trips to the theatre and camp outings.

For more information on the USS Harry Mudd, visit their Facebook page at or email Chris Hammonds at  The club will also have members on hand at Friday’s Scratch Ankle Festival in downtown Milton.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: USS Harry Mudd: Much more than ‘Star Trek’ fan club