Courts should consider changing times in family law

Dear Editor,

 Family law judges still lean heavily to the mothers. In an era of political correctness, racial equality, gender equality etc, small town family court judges have not gotten the word. They still favor the mothers in most  custodial matters. In a time where most fathers play a greater role inside the home as far as feeding the children meals, dressing them, helping with homework etc, most judges are still caught in the 1950's where women cared for the home and chidren and men "went away" to work. This is obviously 2015. Many women are now the primary breadwinners with the men assuming more of the child reering and housework. But, when it comes to matters of the court, unless the father can prove the mother extremely unfit, she will assureadly get custody of the minor children. Sometimes both parents are "fit" and not bad people and sometimes just because of economic issues, better school systems, outside family support, a more stable home enviroment in general, the father should get the nod. This needs to change. Our culture has changed. It's not odd to see a dad at dance class with his daughter or a mom at karate lessons with her son. Our family law judges need to wake up also.

Tommy Bell


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Courts should consider changing times in family law