March 7 Speak Out

Tuesday 2:41 p.m.

Yes, I would like to thank all of the over-paid, under-worked members of the Santa Rosa County School Board, the Santa Rosa County Superintendent, the State Board of Education, and Governor Rick Scott for all of the work they did in prepping and doing their job for the new test they have rolled out for the statewide testing. Today, all the students took their writing test. Turns out nothing they prepped for and crammed for for over 2 weeks counts for anything other than being guinea pigs for the state of Florida and our local school district. Seems that with over a year’s knowing they’re changing the testing, they don’t know if the test it is good or bad. David Lester

Tuesday 7:59 p.m.

Hey this is Dennis Dean. Just had a thought. Let’s say a predominantly black area in America elected a white representative Do you believe that white congressman or congresswoman would be allowed into the congressional black caucus? Just curious.

Wednesday 10:46 a.m.

Yeah this is Bobby. I just wanted to say a little word about the Local Yokel in East Milton. It’s been there a good while. It was a great store and it’s recently been bought out by Circle K. I just figured they probably bought it because it’s had such a booming business. And I wanted to remind them that there’s three reasons that I know of for that booming business: one of them was the people, one of them was the food, and the other is the fact that it was the only place around you don’t have to make two trips inside to buy gas. You could pull up to the pump, gas your car, go in and pay, and leave instead of having to go inside, wait in line, give them your money, go back outside, pump your car, go back inside and get your change and your receipt. I hope they take that into consideration. Thank you.

Wednesday 11:39 a.m.

Yes, this is Raymond and I would like to say I admire the efforts of Judge Roy Moore and would like to say that anybody who professes to be a Christian, who loves God should try to help him in his effort and remember the things that happened to Sodom and Gomorrah could happen to this country as well. We need to pay attention and do what’s right in God.

Wednesday 12:36 p.m.

Yeah, this is Bobby. I keep reading about the Garcon Point Bridge and when the toll goes to $5 they’re not going to have any business hardly, but it’s really a needed bridge. After Hurricane Ivan, that was the only bridge you could come across from Pensacola for a while unless you went up through Cantonment and it’s a direct evacuation route from the island and from South Santa Rosa County. So, it looks to me like everybody’s got their fingers out getting money from FEMA and BP and everywhere else. You’d think that somehow they could get a grant from the state and from FEMA and pay that bridge off and turn it over to the state to maintain and use for an evacuation route. Otherwise, you’d think they’d just close it up and that would really inconvenience you when there’s a hurricane coming.

Wednesday 4:16 p.m.

Hi, this is Chuck in Milton. I wanted to say I enjoy getting the Gazette and have gotten it for many years. I do object to the delivery method in use now. We live 1,000 feet from the mail box and when it gets there with the mail it stays nice and dry and convenient to pick up. Right now we’ve got to walk up and catch it before somebody else does. So, in review, I’d like to go back to the old system of having it in the mail. Thank you.

Editor’s Note:

Please call the office and request to be placed back on the postal service carrier list. The number for customer service is 623-2120.

Wednesday 7:31 p.m.

Hey this is Dennis Dean. Republican Speaker John Boenher caves again. Man, quit playing politics and fight it out with the left. If you would just lead, we would follow.

Wednesday 8:05 p.m.

This is Jerry Cummings. I would just like for Tony (East Milton) to know that he is more correct than he probably knows. The historical society does control everything and that includes Mr. Meiss, former historical society president. When one looks at the board makeup of the historical society and Main Street Milton there is no surprise that they are basically one and the same. Note too, that the TDC (tourism development council) has a heavy affiliation to both those organizations. While the mission statements of those organizations are admirable, they are also up to interpretation if you care to push the envelop.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: March 7 Speak Out