On American Sniper and Unbroken

Dear Editor,

On the American Sniper: shame on Michael Moore, Bill Maher and others maligning Chris Kyle, American hero par excellence! Are there any two more undesirables than they? About them I say consider the source; enough said. Consider this too. I believe God gifted Chris Kyle with sharpshooting ability like He did Sgt. York in WWI. Both singlehandedly saved many, many lives, the total number known only to God. I don’t believe they wanted to kill, that was their job. York, a conscientious objector, was convinced by his pastor to enlist, to fight to preserve our freedoms in America. As some military commented, “All by his lonesome he captured 20 Germans,” after which he and 7 or 8 men caused 132 prisoners  to surrender because of his skills.

On Unbroken: I was disappointed “Unbroken” didn’t receive some award nominations. One of my sons texted, “I won’t be going to see “Unbroken” because I read Angelina Jolie, who produced it in typical Hollywood fashion, completely minimized the part of the man’s story of his conversion and Christian life, which I understand came about through an encounter with Billy Graham and/or one of his crusades. It’s like telling a true story without the whole truth.”

My brother read the book. We saw the movie. Louie Zamperini, 1936 Olympian, was tortured 10 times worse than depicted. What a hero. He refused to be used in propaganda by the Japanese. So they returned him to further prison camp horrors. Before writing “Unbroken,” “Sea Biscuits” author researched for 7 years. What a feat while suffering from a debilitating disease if I’m not mistaken. Late one night we switched on Fox TV. An enlightening documentary on Zamperini was on, using excerpts from Graham’s archives. Franklin Graham said “Angelina Jolie did a good job up to Chapter 33.” Not having read the book, we learned Zamperini’s hell accelerated after returning home. Then I understood my son’s texting. Zamperini had nightmares (demons), couldn’t sleep, became an alcoholic. He awoke one night choking his wife, thinking she was a tormentor. She began divorce proceedings. After attending a Billy Graham Crusade and hearing about forgiveness, she told him she wasn’t going to divorce him. He was thrilled because he loved her. He agreed to attend the crusade stating, “When he calls for eyes closed and heads bowed, I’m out of there.” He went again and was gloriously saved and delivered of his demons immediately. Not until he attended the crusades did he remember he promised God twice if He ever got him out of that mess he would serve God, like foxhole promises. The power of God zapped him and thenceforth he became part of the crusades for years, testifying of God’s mercy and grace.

On the raft in the Pacific Ocean for 47 days with Zamperini was the son of a Presbyterian minister who knew how to pray. A third survivor died after 30 some days on the raft after confessing they were all going to die. We should all be careful of what we say. The Bible says by your words you are justified and by your words you are condemned.  God compelled Zamperini to return to Japan to forgive his captors whom he hated with a passion. Many of his guards converted to Christianity like Corrie Ten Boom’s guard. She was incarcerated for hiding Jews from the Nais. See the movie and read the book. You will praise God and be thankful for all who suffered torture and imprisonment, for those who gave their lives for love of country and freedom, enabling us to live in a free country. God bless us as only He can. Maranatha!

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: On American Sniper and Unbroken