A divided nation needs change on deeper level


All will agree our nation stands divided on many levels today. Some refer to the division between ‘leftist liberals’ and ‘right winged conservatives.’  Some might say it goes a bit deeper than this. This separation shows debate on every level of issue, substantial or not, with a supposed outcome based on whether or not a person is conservative or liberal. Unless this popular viewpoint is changed, nothing will ever be settled.

 Our country must decide upon three layers of issues before pointing fingers toward political views. We say changes to the system must be made individually, culturally and nationally. Individual decisions should reside on who a person is and the moral fabric decisions are based upon. Who are you? How do you define yourself? What ethical fiber holds you together deferring you to know what’s right and wrong?

Culturally, what values do we extol as a society?  For example, we labor over the question of homeland security. Should we mind if a drone spies upon us as we fish on the Yellow River? If we do are we protecting our homeland or allowing big brother to interfere? Are we a nation under God? We write and publish memes on social media depicting our right to free speech, freedom of religion and the right to bear arms yet what actions are we taking to stand behind those rights and beliefs? Do we continue to allow the minority to change the way the majority conducts their way of life? What facets of our culture do we desire to continue for posterity or should we bring to an abrupt end?

We must make decisions regarding our goals of where we want to be and grow for our future based upon principal. Nationally, do we want to be considered a nanny state or a capitalist republic? The fact our decisions are made via majority vote is causing continuous mistrust and uncertainty. One might argue the system, although flawed, does work. However, the current utility of majority vote doesn’t reflect upon its original concept. The stress and strain continues over who (which party) will win the next election and not over the most serious of issue because of the great division of political parties.

Americans continue to be deceived over the differences betwixt need versus want. We continue to feed the beast and yet moan and groan over swollen debt.  It is our view  that until these decisions are defined, nothing will ever be enough. Without asking ourselves these questions, change will not come to Santa Rosa County, our great State of Florida nor Washington D. C.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: A divided nation needs change on deeper level