FWC Division of Law Enforcement weekly report

February 6th, 2015 thru February 12th, 2015

This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past week;

however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.

Patrol, Protect, Preserve



Officers Livesay and Miller checked a hunter who was dropping a ten point buck off at a taxidermist in the Molino area. The hunter explained he shot the buck in Alabama but did not possess an Alabama or Florida hunting license. After documenting the hunters name and related information, Officers Livesay and Miller contacted Alabama Game and Fish. Officers Livesay and Miller also determined the hunter was hunting in the Brewton area. A couple of days later, Alabama Fish and Game caught the hunter trespassing on private property. After interviewing the subject he was arrested for trespassing and drug possession. He was also cited for not having an Alabama hunting license. The subject confessed to killing more deer in Alabama. The day after the subject was arrested, Officer Livesay observed the subject in Century leaving a restaurant. During the course of the investigation it was found the subject was a convicted felon and did not possess a driver license. He was considered a habitual traffic offender and it is a felony for him to drive. Officer Livesay stopped the subject and while speaking with him, the subject fled on foot and was quickly picked up by a second unknown vehicle. Officer Livesay had the vehicle towed and while inventorying the vehicle he found multiple rounds of ammunition. Officer Livesay obtained a warrant for the subject for felony driving on a suspended license and possession of ammunition by a convicted felon. Officer Livesay and Miller also contacted the US Fish and Wildlife who are investigating the subject for a Lacey Act violation. They also seized antlers from five deer from the subject which he still had at the taxidermist.


Officers Holmes and Johnson were off duty assisting with the mobility impaired hunt at the Hutton Unit when they heard a gunshot in close proximity to the check station. They went to investigate the source of the gun shot and encountered a "non mobility impaired hunter" who had entered the WMA illegally. The hunter had shot a buck deer and was trying to get it out of the area before being caught. Officers Holmes and Johnson requested assistance from K-9 Officers Pineda and Lewis who arrived on scene shortly thereafter. Officer Pineda interviewed the subject, who stated he had shot the deer while hunting south of Highway 90 and then trailed the deer north of Highway 90 into the Hutton unit where he retrieved it. Officer Pineda deployed his K9 to locate any evidence that may be in the area and to ascertain if the hunter was being truthful. Through the use of his K-9, Officer Pineda was able to disprove the hunter’s story. Officer Pineda and his K9 located where the hunter had been dropped off, crossed the fence of the Hutton Unit, and the exact location of where the hunter had actually shot the deer within the Hutton Unit. When confronted with this information, the hunter quickly changed his story and admitted to illegally hunting within the Hutton Unit. The hunter was charged with hunting in the Hutton Unit during a closed period and several license and permit violations. The deer and all other evidence used in the commission of this crime were seized.

Officer Hutchinson responded to a trespass complaint in which the suspect allegedly killed a small buck on private property. He located a blind and a chair near a feeder on the complainant's property. He also found blood and drag marks onto the adjacent property. He located the resident and obtained a confession to killing a buck while trespassing. The suspect also admitted to trespassing on another property when he disposed of the carcass. The suspect was charged with armed trespass, simple trespass, and littering.

Officer Hutchinson responded to a campsite along the Escambia River WMA where an RV was spilling raw sewage. Lieutenant Lambert and Captain Rondeau first observed the violation, but the owner of the RV was not present. Officer Hutchinson later located the owner and charged him with a violation of the littering law, dumping raw sewage.

The annual Mobility Impaired hunts on the Blackwater River WMA Hutton Unit concluded this weekend. Santa Rosa County officers teamed up with the Division of Hunting and Game Management to provide a hunting experience for the mobility impaired hunters like no other place in the state. Through generous donations and fund raising efforts, the team provided lunch for each of the six day hunts. Raffle prizes were awarded, as well as gift cards for the biggest deer contest. There were approximately 35 hunters plus their guests participating in each weekend hunt. The hunters were very successful, taking several antlerless deer and a few nice bucks. Officers and volunteers assisted the hunters with tracking and retrieving deer as well as cleaning them once checked in. Overall, this year's hunt was an excellent example of teamwork within the agency, and an example why hunters from across the state (and surrounding states) look forward to the opportunity to participate in this hunt.

While on patrol in the Gulf of Mexico, southwest of Destin Pass, the crew of the “Fincat” off shore patrol vessel overheard a charter boat captain communicating with Coast Guard in regards to a medical situation. One of the passengers on the charter fishing vessel was complaining of chest pain. The vessel was underway and headed back to port. The Fincat crew was able acquire the vessel’s position and be alongside them within ten minutes. Lieutenant Berryman boarded the vessel to assess the situation. The subject’s condition was improving. They escorted the vessel back to the Destin Pass in case the situation worsened.


Officer Nichols stopped a vehicle for being on Eglin WMA late at night during prohibited hours. A records checked of the driver revealed he had an outstanding felony warrant from Okaloosa County for worthless checks. The driver also had a suspended driver license. The subject was taken into custody for the active warrant and booked into the Okaloosa County Jail. He was also charged for entering the WMA during prohibited hours and driving while his license was suspended.



Officer Burnsed received information from a hunter in Union County complaining about a walker hound he had lost while training puppies. The complainant said the dog he had lost was very unique by its markings and he later found it posted for sale on the internet by someone unknown to him. The hunter told Officer Burnsed that when the dog was lost, it had a tracking collar which also identified him as the owner along with contact information for him. When the hunter found his dog for sale in Columbia County, he purchased it and asked for a receipt from the people who were in possession of it, and then provided the information to law enforcement. Officers Burnsed and Bailey went to the person who had sold the dog back to the original owner to get their side of the story. During the Officers interview and investigation, the people who sold the dog admitted that they had taken the dog out of a “lost dog box” (commonly used in areas where deer dogs are used and trained). They also admitted to removing the collars from the dog and discarding them so they could keep the dog and sell it. Officer Burnsed provided his investigative report to the state attorney’s office requesting prosecution for the theft and for selling stolen property on the internet.


Officer Allen was conducting vessel inspections while doing resource land patrol in Dixie County when Officer Allen observed a vessel coming into a secluded boat ramp. During the vessel inspection he located several bags of oysters to which the fisherman was adamant that he was only fishing recreationally. Inspection of his oysters revealed he was over the recreational bag limit. Officer Allen issued the fisherman a citation for over the bag limit of oysters and seized the amount he was over for evidence.


Officer Cooper conducted speaking engagements at Bell Elementary and Dixie High Schools in Dixie County with approximately 75 students. Officer Cooper spoke on the details of his job as a FWC officer.


Lieutenant Arkin was on land patrol of a boat ramp in Jacksonville when he observed two subjects sitting next to the ramp in a Nissan Altima vehicle. The entire interior of the vehicle was filled with smoke and Lieutenant Arkin smelled cannabis. The driver admitted to smoking the cannabis and stated that it all belonged to him. Approximately 9.6 grams of cannabis, two packs of rolling papers, one pack of filter tips, a scale, a cigar/cigarette roller and a grinder were seized as evidence. Lieutenant Arkin issued the driver a notice to appear for possession of cannabis under 20 grams and also for possession of drug paraphernalia.


Investigator Ayers and Officer Wiggins were on land patrol in Gilchrist County. During their patrol they observed tire tracks going around a gate into a tract of private property in Northern Gilchrist County. The officers followed the tire tracks for approximately an hour before locating the suspect’s vehicle. During initial conversation with the female driver she stated she drove around the gate to use the restroom. Further investigation revealed she was in possession of a mobile meth lab and was in the process of cooking meth. Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Office responded along with a Hazmat team. The Incident was turned over to the Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Office. The suspect was arrested and her vehicle seized by the Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Office.


While on land patrol at 11:00 p.m., Officer Johnston noticed a truck traveling on the highway at a very low speed, allowing several other vehicles to pass by pulling off the road when they approached. He followed from a distance and noted the truck performing a U-turn on the highway to head back in the direction it came. Officer Johnston followed and the truck slowed, the passenger fired from the passenger window with a 12-gauge shotgun at deer on the roadside. Officer Johnston stopped the vehicle and during the course of an interview the driver admitted to shooting at the deer from the roadway. It was also disclosed that the person was a (6 time) convicted felon. Officer Johnston seized the firearm, arrested the felon and booked him into the Levy County Jail. Appropriate citations were issued.


Lieutenant Lee, Investigator McMillan and Officers Deweese, Yates, Bean, Pekerol, Bailey, Huff, Wilcox, Brookes and Korade targeted bag and size limit violations of marine fish along the Taylor County coastline from Keaton Beach to Steinhatchee. Throughout the day, officers used surveillance techniques to verify violations. One particular vessel with four individuals on board harvested a limit of spotted sea trout and left the area. The vessel returned about two hours later containing the same subjects and harvested another limit of spotted sea trout. Officers stopped and interviewed the individuals and they admitted to harvesting double their daily bag limit of spotted sea trout. The officers issued all four subjects notice to appear for the violation and seized the 40 spotted sea trout.



Officer Greenier, Investigator Brechler, and Lieutenant Zukowsky participated in the Heroes on the Water, Northeast Florida Chapter kayak outingin the Palm Valley area of the Intracoastal Waterway. The three officers provided vessel traffic control and general waterborne security for approximately 68 military veterans and their family members. Many of them fished for several hours in and around the tidal creeks in the narrow stretch of the Intracoastal Waterway near the SR 210 Bridge. Following the kayak outing and in appreciation for their participation, the officers were invited to attend a celebratory cookout sponsored by the Heroes on the Water leadership.



Officer Morrison responded to a complaint of someone cutting down mangroves which covered the entire length of their property line. The property owner was not present upon arrival, however there were freshly cut mangroves piled up on the owner’s property. Witness statements were obtained and the property owner was contacted by phone. The case is pending and was filled with the States Attorney’s Office.

Lieutenant Frantz was interviewed on “Fishn Franks” “Pod Cast”. The interview was concerning being aware of your surrounding area when fishing and boating.

Officer Norris received a call from dispatch about a vessel that was sinking near the El Jobean Bridge. The caller advised that he could see two people in the water who did not appear to have on life jackets and that the water was extremely rough due to the wind.  Officer Norris contacted Investigator Cooke who he knew was towing a vessel and was also nearby.  Investigator Cooke launched the vessel and along with two Charlotte County Deputies, responded to the location of the sinking vessel.  Investigator Cooke arrived just as a Good Samaritan was pulling the two people out of the water.  The two occupants of the vessel were transferred to the FWC vessel and taken back to shore where EMS was standing by.  Investigator Cooke and FWC Officer Morrison returned back to the vessel’s location and were able to keep the capsized boat from sinking and towed it back to the boat ramp where it was returned to the owners.  After warming up and drying off in the ambulance, the two occupants were released safe and unharmed.


While patrolling a large section of private property with a history of poaching and trespassing violations, Lieutenant Barrett encountered three subjects fishing for bass in a large lake. The three individuals did not have permission to be on the property and had entered through a broken gate. Further investigation revealed that none of the subjects had a valid freshwater fishing license and that one of the three was in possession of 9 black bass, 3 of which were over 14 inches in length. In the area of Lee County south of SR 80, a person may only possess one black bass over 14 inches.   The subjects were issued citations for the license violations and warnings for trespassing on the property. The subject with the 9 bass was charged with over the limit of bass and possession of more than one bass over 14 inches.

While patrolling a WMA during the early morning hours, Officer Salem heard a group of ATV’s and trucks on an adjacent section of private property. Both the WMA and the private property have had serious issues with trespassing, illegal access, breaking of fences, and operation of off road vehicles during the dry winter season. Officer Salem located the vehicles and determined that one of the subjects had been previously warned about trespass on this property. That subject was charged with trespassing and the others were issued written warnings for the same.



Officers Mullins and Taylor were on land patrol when a trespass call came in. The Sheriff’s Office was requesting assistance with some trespassers on a local farm. Officers Mullins and Taylor met at the farm to find fishermen with kayaks fishing in a private pond located within the farm. The two older subjects were issued notices to appear, while the younger subject was issued a trespass warning.

Officer Nasworth was contacted by U.S. Sugar security guards regarding four subjects trespassing on sugar property. Officer Nasworth responded to the area where he made contact with the security officer and the subjects. Officer Nasworth issued three subjects notices to appear along with court dates for Glades County. Officer Nasworth placed the 4th subject under arrest and transported the subject to the Glades County Jail due to the fact he was an out of state resident.


Officer Teal received a call that U.S Sugar security had five individuals detained on ATV’s on Alico property in southern Hendry County.  Officers Teal and Mullins arrived to find five individuals with high performance ATV’s on the edge of the sugar cane field. After talking with U.S Sugar security, the Officers were able to determine where the subjects entered the property. All the subjects were issued notices to appear in court for trespassing on private property.

K-9 Officer Lilley was off duty when he was contacted by Lieutenant Steelman who advised that the Hendry County Sheriff’s Office was requesting assistance from Officer Lilley to use his K-9 for an area search for evidence.  Officer Lilley responded to the area where he met with deputies who advised that a subject had been fired from his company. The subject reportedly then held his co-workers at knife point and stole the company truck and fled the area.  The truck was located sometime later abandoned in a sugar cane field and the suspect was located by deputies sitting on the edge of the highway awaiting a ride to the airport.  Witnesses in the cane field observed the suspect throwing items into the sugar cane next to the truck.  Officer Lilley deployed K-9 Roscoe downwind of the area where K-9 Roscoe almost immediately went to the canal at the driver’s side of the truck where he jumped in and began swimming a circle while looking at Officer Lilley.  Officer Lilley used a lettuce rake to drag the canal in that area where he located a large role of copper wire, a power pole roller, multiple chains and hooks, a ski mask, an ammo box and miscellaneous tools.  K-9 Roscoe then worked the cane field on the passenger side of the truck where he located multiple canned foods, company paperwork, a jacket and the owner’s manual to the stolen truck.  The knife that was used in the crime was not located in the search area but if it was in the canal, the lettuce rake may have been too wide to retrieve it. The suspect is facing charges of grand theft auto, trespassing, assault with a deadly weapon and theft.  

Officers Alford, Barber and Hofheinz responded to a boating accident with injuries on Lake Okeechobee. The accident occurred on the levee approximately one mile east of Clewiston. The Officer’s investigation found that the operator of the bass boat was attempting to overtake a large vessel at a high rate of speed, went airborne, and steered into the levee. The vessel crashed into the rocks that line the bottom of the levee and continued on for approximately 30 yards. Both subjects on board were injured, but refused medical attention on scene. Both subjects transported themselves to a hospital in Lakeland. The operator of the vessel was cited for careless operation resulting in a boating accident.

While on plain clothes patrol, Officer Alford observed a light moving in the sugar cane field at US Sugar/ Sugarton Farm. Officer Alford turned in at the south entrance to find a vehicle parked at the locked gate. As Officer Alford pulled in behind the vehicle, the light that had caught his attention turned off. Five subjects emerged from the private property, three adults and two juveniles. After communication with a land owner representative, the adult subjects were cited for trespass.


Officer Moss was on patrol in Martin County. While driving past the House of Refuge he observed two males subjects cast netting in the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) and another male standing near them with two buckets. He stopped to complete a fisheries inspection. When he approached the three subjects the one with the buckets closest to the shore turned around and made eye contact. When he turned back around he scooped water into the bucket and through the contents of it into the air. Moss watched the water and fish fall only a few feet in front of the subject into the ICW. Officer Moss had him retrieve the fish and he observed that one of the fish was a snook. He called the other subjects over and asked them who caught the snook. One subject raised his hand and advised he caught it. The only equipment for fishing that the subjects had was two cast nets.   Officer Moss let him know that he could not keep snook, it was out of season. He also advised him he was only allowed to use hook and line to harvest them as well. The one subject was found to be in possession of one snook out of season and caught by illegal methods. He was issued a criminal citation for the violations. The snook was returned to the resource.


Officers Davis, Harris and Lieutenant Brown responded to a search and rescue in the Henry Creek area.   Additional information indicated that one of the individuals was on oxygen. Officer Davis was able to locate the individuals from the top of the dike using binoculars. The only visible sign was a small American flag that was attached to a fishing pole and raised above the vegetation. Officer Harris attempted to reach the individuals in a kicker boat but the vegetation was too thick. Lt. Brown retrieved an airboat to get to them. Lt. Brown and Officer Davis got on the airboat while Officer Harris spotted from the dike. Lt. Brown and Officer Davis located the subjects in a head of cattails about 12’ tall. They were able to get the vessel out and to open water where they cleaned the prop and water intake of vegetation. The individuals were able to make it back to the locks where they had launched.


Customs and Border Patrol contacted FWC in reference to subjects returning to the US from the Bahamas with queen conch and lobster aboard the Grand Celebration cruise ship. Officers Godward and Wright responded to the Port of Palm Beach where they located two subjects that were in possession of 16 one gallon bags of queen conch weighing in total 80.58 lbs. Both subjects will be charged for the violation. These two subjects were previously cited for the same violation less than three months earlier.   The two subjects who were cited own and run a local conch stand at all the green markets.


Officers Irwin and Payne responded to a boat crash on the North Fork of the Saint Lucie River near River Park and Marina. Several individuals were transported to a local hospital and one minor was airlifted to Saint Mary’s Hospital in West Palm Beach for treatment. Lieutenant Rogerson also responded to assist at the scene. A later report indicated that none of the injuries were life threatening but mainly cuts / lacerations and bruises and a possible concussion. Two vessels were involved. The preliminary investigation determined that one vessel cut in front of another oncoming vessel causing it to strike it. The investigation is ongoing and charges are pending.  



Over a two day period, seven FWC Officers and a FWC Pilot, Dan Willman, spent approximately forty man-hours assisting Everglades National Park Rangers, the United States Coast Guard and the Collier County Sherriff’s Department with a search and rescue of a missing person involved in a vessel capsizing near Jewell Key.  As a result of everyone’s efforts, the deceased male victim was located and he was turned over to Everglades National Park Rangers for a return voyage to shore.


An investigator was patrolling Black Point Marina one evening when he stopped to check a subject that had just returned to the marina and was docking his vessel.  The investigator found the subject to be in possession of five undersized mutton snappers.  The subject wrongfully believed that the species had a twelve inch minimum size limit.  However, after measuring all five fish, the investigator found only one that exceeded twelve inches (but was still short of the legal sixteen inch minimum limit).  The subject was cited for the violation.

Officer Washington was on land patrol in the area of the Haulover Boat Ramp when he noticed a vessel returning to dock. The vessel was occupied by 6 subjects all of which appeared to have been fishing. Officer Washington proceeded to conduct a boating safety inspection as well as a fisheries inspection on the vessel. As a result of the fisheries inspection Officer Washington discovered 11 undersized vermillion snapper in the front left storage compartment of the vessel. The captain admitted to harvesting the undersized snappers and was subsequently cited for the violation.


Officer Foell and Robb were on land patrol in their marked patrol vehicle in the lower Keys when they approached two subjects who were fishing. As the officers approached, one of the subjects began to throw numerous items into the water. A marine fisheries inspection revealed an undersized mangrove snapper and an undersized lane snapper in their tackle box. After reading one of the subjects his Miranda Warnings, he admitted to throwing multiple undersized snapper into the water as the officers approached their vehicle. The two subjects were cited with possession of undersized mangrove and lane snapper, one subject was also cited with interference with an FWC Law Enforcement Officer.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: FWC Division of Law Enforcement weekly report