MPD: Milton Man arrested for ER fight

 Milton resident Donald Boone, 30, is facing multiple charges of battery and aggravated battery following an incident which occurred at the Santa Rosa Medical Center’s emergency room on January 3.

According to a arrest report from Milton Police Department (MPD), Boone was brought to the ER for evaluation after being assaulted. According to a physician at the ER, Boone was intoxicated and did not know what had happened to him. In the report, Boone went to the ER to be evaluated at the request of friends.

Reports said a CT scan revealed Boone had multiple facial fractures and medical staff advised Boone to be transferred to a higher level of care.

“He then became combative and would not follow commands,” the  report said.

The reports states Boone asked medical staff to contact his mother. The staff did contact Boone’s mother who advised staff to not let him leave and contact police if necessary.

After the message was relayed to Boone, he told a medical care provider he was leaving. Boone then punched the medical care provider in the face. Deputies reported the strike caused pain the medical provider’s jaw and a broken tooth. Reports said that while Boone was being restrained, along with the help of additional SRMC staff, he dug his finger nail into the medical care provider’s face, left forearm and injured left hand.

Another medical care provider received bruising in on her left forearm, while assisting in restraining Boone. Also involved in assisting to restrain Boone was a female security officer, who reported Boone repeatedly kicked her in the process.  The security officer reported bruising on the right wrist.

An MPD officer reported observing the strong smell of alcohol on Boone, after encountering Boone as he was restrained to the gurney. The officer observed Boone was very upset at the time and was cursing loudly, demanding to be allowed to leave the hospital.

Due to his intoxicated condition and immediate need for medical treatment, Boone was not placed under arrest. According to the report, Boone was later transferred to Sacred Heart Hospital via Lifeguard Emergency Services while under escort from the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office.

  Boone currently remains in custody at the Santa Rosa County Jail on a $35,000 bond, while facing charges of battery on an emergency medical care provider and aggravated battery on an emergency medical care provider.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: MPD: Milton Man arrested for ER fight