FWC Law Enforcement weekly report

January 16th thru January 22nd, 2015

This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past week;

however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.

Patrol, Protect, Preserve



Lieutenant Hahr and Officers Hoomes and Ramos were working a night hunting detail in a well known area where deer gather and where a large buck was recently seen.  Soon after concealing their presence, a truck stopped near where Lieutenant Hahr and Officer Ramos were concealed. The driver of the truck jumped out and shot across a field at a deer. When the two officers announced their presence and identified themselves as law enforcement officers, the suspect jumped back in his truck and sped away.  Officer Hoomes stopped the vehicle down the road.  The four occupants were questioned by the officers. Two of the subjects admitted trying to kill the deer in the field.  The driver was charged with attempting to take deer with a gun and light, shooting from a public roadway, and resisting arrest without violence.  The other man was also charged with attempting to take deer by gun and light for actively participating by working the light for the driver. An infraction was issued to one of the other passengers for violation of the open container law.

Lieutenant Hahr and Officers Hutchinson and Barnard were working an area where numerous complaints of night hunting have been received. They observed a truck drive by them and shine a nearby field. After stopping the truck, the officers observed a rifle and a spotlight.  The two men admitted they were trying to kill a big buck they had seen in the area.  Both subjects were issued notices to appear for attempting to take deer at night with a gun and light.



While working a dog-hunting complaint on private property, Officer Mims and Investigator Bembry located hunt club suspects on water management land near Windsor. Officer Mims located several club members outside a gate and observed the lock missing. After a short conversation he had the club members radio the other trucks to come out. When the trucks arrived, Officer Mims questioned the occupants on the missing lock and none admitted to cutting it. Officer Mims and Investigator Bembry issued appropriate citations for hunting on water management lands and warnings for driving in a closed area.


Lieutenant Williams and Officer Wiggins were on patrol in Dixie County when at approximately 1:00 a.m. the officers observed a vehicle operating on some private properties in a wooded area. After a short surveillance, they observed the subjects shining a spotlight in and around all of the openings. The vehicle eventually came out of the private property and continued shining its spotlight along the county road. Lieutenant Williams conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle. Once the vehicle containing the three subjects had stopped the officers observed a loaded 30-30 rifle in the front seat. During interviews with the subjects they admitted to attempting to take a large buck that had been seen in the area and trespassing on private property. All three subjects were issued citations for attempting to take deer at night with a gun and light. The rifle and spotlight were seized as evidence.


Officer Sweat conducted a hunting license check on a hunter who stopped at a gate along a county road. The hunter stated that he was looking for his fifteen year old son whom he had left in the area earlier to deer hunt. After checking the man’s hunting license and identification, it was discovered that his driver’s license was suspended and that he also had an outstanding warrant. The suspect’s son was located by other members of the club. The son was hunting with a .243 rifle that his father had loaned him. The father was booked into the Nassau County Jail for driving on a suspended driver’s license and the outstanding warrant. He was also issued a written warning for allowing a child less than sixteen years of age to possess a firearm without adult supervision.

On Sunday, the last day of the 2014–2015 Hunting Season, Officer Sweat received a call from a local land owner in reference to hunting dogs on his property. After a dog was retrieved from the land owner, Officer Sweat located the hunters. One of the hunters had received a citation earlier that day for failure to possess a valid hunting license. When asked if he had purchased a hunting license, he stated, “no.” The hunter received a second citation for failure to possess a valid hunting license. The other hunter received a notice to appear and a written warning for violation of the deer dog hunting responsibilities.


The dispatch received a report from the Taylor County Sheriff’s Office of two individuals lost in Snipe Island Wildlife Management Area. Officers Yates and Bean responded and located the subjects’ vehicle on Cherry Island grade. U.S. Fish and Wildlife K-9 Officer Brannon responded to provide K9 assistance. The officers searched the wooded area towards the coast and located the unharmed subjects approximately one mile from the vehicle.


Lieutenant Arkin and K-9 Officer Ivey did a presentation to approximately 50 members of the Boys Scouts along with their families in Jacksonville. The presentation was on the Florida Fish and Wildlife Division of Law Enforcement. Officer Ivey also did a live demonstration with K-9 Scooby and Lieutenant Arkin did a demonstration with an alligator.

Lieutenant Arkin did a presentation for Cunningham Elementary School’s 3rd Graders on FWC Division of Law Enforcement.

Lieutenant Arkin spoke to approximately 150 naval students at the Jacksonville Naval Air Station on Boating and Hunting Safety. Lieutenant Arkin also spoke about the Florida Black Bear and what action to take if they came in contact with one.



Officers Weber and Weis responded to a report of a bear being shot and killed in the Sorrento area. The officers spoke with numerous subjects and got a conflicting story from the main suspect. Evidence and facts were gathered and the bear was eventually located in a remote location. The bear was covered with brush and palmetto fronds in an attempt to be concealed. The suspect finally gave Officer Weber a phone call and gave a sworn statement of how he shot the bear out of a tree, killed it, and then drug it to the woods and in an attempt to bury it. The bear was a 60 pound, yearling cub. Appropriate charges for killing a Florida Black Bear have been direct filed with the Lake County State Attorney’s Office. Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon charges are also pending.


Officers Sweet and Wilke were monitoring a local closed wildlife management area unit that is closed to hunting. Officer Sweet and numerous other officers suspected that someone was hunting a very desirable closed area and had been putting in numerous hours trying to apprehend the illegal hunter. They entered the area again and noticed a hunter in the suspected tree with a scoped rifle. The illegal hunter was in a gilley suit in full camouflage from head to toe. The subject admitted to deer hunting during the closed season in a closed area. The suspect was issued numerous citations for hunting closed season / closed area, license violations, and possession of marijuana. Possession of firearm by a convicted felon charges are also pending.   

Officer Weis was patrolling a closed portion of a local wildlife management area unit that is closed to hunting when he located a subject deer hunting in the closed area. The subject was issued the appropriate citation for hunting in the closed season / closed area.

Officer Sweet and Officer Weber were patrolling a local wildlife management areas when they were approached by a local subject hauling a truckload of tires. The subject asked the plain clothed officer if they wanted to hang out and light a fire. Officers told the subject they would meet him at the fire. The officers made contact with the subject a few minutes later at a crossroad in the wildlife management area. The subject already had two of the tires on the ground and lit on fire.  The officers identified themselves, extinguished the fire and issued the appropriate citation.


Officer Scrambling organized a night hunting detail utilizing the robo deer. Investigator Trusley, Officer Mendez and Officer Land participated in the detail. They observed a truck pass the decoy deer traveling slow headed north, then it turned around and drove back south  in a manner consistent with someone attempting to illegally harvest deer. The truck then turned around again and continued at a slow rate of speed back to the north. A short while later the officers heard a shot from a high power rifle just to the north of them. They drove to the north and observed the same truck headed south again at a slow rate of speed as the officers turned around to observe the vehicles actions. A short time later, dispatch received complaints from local land owners that heard the shot. The officers stopped the vehicle and their investigation concluded that the occupants had attempted to illegally harvest a deer from a paved road or public right of way at night with a gun and light. They were issued notices to appear for the violations and the rifle was seized.


Lieutenant Hudson, Investigator Milstead and Officer McGuire responded to assist the Orange County Sheriff’s Office with a call reference road killed deer. When the Sheriff’s Office arrived on-scene they discovered four male subjects sleeping in a Yellow Mini Cooper with a deer visible in the back hatch area. The officers initiated an investigation and discovered that the group had illegally shot three deer and deliberately ran over a fourth deer. The deer that the group ran over had actually immobilized the car and was located stuck beneath it.  Two subjects were booked into the Orange County Jail for taking deer during the closed season, one subject was charged with shooting from a roadway and the other subject was charged with violation of probation and possession of marijuana under 20 grams.        



Officer Cristofaro stopped a person for a fishing license check in Madard Park. Officer Cristofaro ran the subjects name through FCIC/NCIC and found there was an outstanding warrant out of Hillsborough County. The subject was taken into custody and transported to the Hillsborough County Correctional Facility. The warrant was for violation of probation, original charges, burglary and grand theft.

Officer Cristofaro initiated a traffic stop after observing a vehicle enter a restricted area in Little Manatee State Park. The vehicle quickly left the area at a high rate of speed. Officer Cristofaro caught up with the vehicle a few minutes later and conducted a traffic stop. The driver, a Hispanic male, was arrested for: no valid driver license, operating a non registered vehicle and speeding in excess of 90 mph in a posted 30 mph zone. The subject was transported to the Hillsborough County Corrections Facility. The passenger, a Hispanic juvenile male was arrested for an outstanding warrant and transported to the Hillsborough County Juvenile Center.


Officer McColgin, Reserve Officer Brown and Officer Raczek were conducting Joint Enforcement Agreement (JEA) marine fisheries inspections on Sanibel Island when they observed a vessel that they recognized from previous fisheries violations. The officers set up and waited for the chance to inspect operator.  When the time was right, the officers approached the vessel and conducted a fisheries and boating safety inspection.  The officers found the operator had a few legal fish in one part of the boat, but also found several undersized Red Grouper and Amberjack in another part of the boat.  The operator was cited for the violations.    



Officers Mirabal, Strader, and Ryan responded to a multiple vessel fire in the New River, Ft. Lauderdale. Two yachts were still on fire when the officers arrived on scene, but no injuries were reported. The three officers, Ft. Lauderdale Police Department and Broward County Sheriff’s Office assisted with identifying the damaged vessels. Ft. Lauderdale Police Department and the Fire Marshall’s Office took over the investigation.

While on vessel patrol in Broward County, Officer Mirabal and Reserve Officer Gabon stopped a vessel ¼ mile east of Dania Beach Pier and conducted a marine fisheries and boating safety inspection. A records check of the vessel’s occupants reveled that one person had a warrant for felony violation of probation and a misdemeanor warrant for driving with a suspended license. The subject was taken into custody and transported to Broward County Jail for processing.

While on land patrol, Officers Mirabal and Ryan conducted a marine fisheries inspection at the West Lake Bridge on Sheridan Street in Dania Beach. Four males were checked with no major violations present. All subjects were verbally warned in reference to not having a valid shoreline fishing license. While leaving the area, Officer Ryan found an undersized snook hidden in the bushes near were the subjects were fishing. One of the subjects admitted to catching the snook with a cast net just before the officers made contact with them. The subject was issued a criminal notice to appear for possession of an undersized snook out of season. The subject was also issued warnings for catching snook by illegal method, interference with an FWC officer and no shoreline fishing license.


On January 17, a call came in about a hunter that had not been heard from since 5:45pm on the 16th. Officers Davis, Hofheinz and Bergwerff responded to the Chandler Slough Public Use area located off of Hwy. 98 in Basinger. The officers split up and came in from several areas, Lieutenant Strenth made contact with the son to obtain more information about where he may be hunting. Officer Bergwerff located the subjects bicycle hidden next to the fence but his canoe was gone. Officer Bergwerff located the canoe a short time later and proceeded to travel south along a dike area and found the subject walking out. The subject stated his phone had no service and didn’t know anyone was looking for him. Officer Bergwerff checked to make sure he didn’t need any additional assistance and closed the case.

Information in the form of complaints from different hunters on the Starvation Slough Public Hunting Area had been coming in throughout the general gun season.   The hunters complained about hunters that were chasing deer in airboats and shooting them while underway. They also complained the airboaters were herding dear away from other hunters and were using modern weapons in the primitive hunt area. Officer J.Davis set up a four day operation to cover the last two weekends of general gun season. With the help from Investigator Douglas, Officers Bergwerff, M. Davis, Alford, Hofheinz and Lieutenant Strenth the operation called for the use of several Robotic Deer Decoys to be placed beyond the signs saying “airboats could not pass and the area was a primitive weapons hunting area only”. A boat approached and the passenger pointed to the deer and the driver positioned the boat facing directly at the decoys and gunned the engine running past the sign saying “No Airboat Beyond this Point” and the passenger raised up and fired at the doe decoy while traveling at a high speed.   When they realized nothing fell or ran off they tried to turn away and became stuck and the passenger had to get out and push the boat. The driver then left the area with the passenger walking out. Officers M. Davis, J. Davis and Lieutenant Strenth stopped the airboat while Officers Hofheinz and Officer Bergwerff stopped the person walking. Investigator Douglas had been the observer and Safety Officer. Both subjects received notice to appear for taking wildlife from a moving motorized vessel, in a restricted area, using modern weapon in a primitive hunt area (archery only) attempting to take a doe out of season. The doe had four double OO buck shot hits in the shoulder and lung area.


Officers Mirabal, Strader, and Ryan responded to a “shots fired” call in the Lox Mitigation Area, Palm Beach. A Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office helicopter located the individuals and deputies were able to get three subjects in custody just before the officer’s arrival. The subjects admitted to trespassing and fishing in the area, but said they had not shot a firearm. The subjects were not in possession of a firearm and no firearm was located in the area. The subjects were cited for no fishing license and warned for trespassing.



Officer Collazo was patrolling the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed Wildlife Management Area (WMA) and noticed a campfire with three subjects standing next to the trail at Gate 3.  Officer Collazo approached the subjects and discovered a 4-man tent and a live small pine tree that had been freshly cut, in the campfire.  The subjects admitted to cutting down the tree and camping illegally.  They stated that they parked at Gate 1 of the Corkscrew Regional Escosystem Watershed Marsh and did not see the regulations to the area.  Also, the subjects admitted to this being their 4th illegal camping trip and cutting down trees.  Officer Collazo issued all three subjects misdemeanor citations for the violations.

While working a night net enforcement detail in Naples Bay, Officers Harris and Lugg, who were conducting surveillance from land, observed a commercial vessel heading into the Pass.  They contacted Officers Miller and Tidwell who intercepted and stopped the vessel.  The captain of the vessel did not have a Saltwater Products License (SPL) in his possession and he did not have a Restricted Species Endorsement (RSE) for the kingfish on board.  Officer Miller issued the Captain a citation for the violation and seized 844 pounds of king mackerel, which were sold to the highest bidder and the monies put into escrow.

Officers Futch and Reams responded to a request for service where it was reported that a property owner was intentionally feeding bears in Copeland.  A bear trap was already in place at the residence where the nuisance was occurring because of a previous nuisance bear complaint.  Upon contact with the owner, the Officers discovered that the owner was feeding the bear on and off for two to three months.  The owner was issued a Notice to Appear for feeding the bear. 

Officer Futch was on land patrol in the Big Cypress Wildlife Management Area working a resource detail focusing on migratory waterfowl hunting when he observed a vessel approaching his position with two subjects onboard.  As the vessel came to a stop at the boat ramp, Officer Futch made contact with the two subjects and conducted a resource inspection.  During the inspection, Officer Futch discovered two shotguns and asked the subjects to remove the ammunition for safety.  While the subjects were complying, Officer Futch counted four shells eject from one of the shotguns.  The owner of the shotgun was issued a Notice to Appear for using a shotgun that was capable of holding more than three shells in the magazine and chamber combined.  The owner was also issued a warning for failing to possess a valid Federal Migratory Waterfowl permit.


Officers Yanez and Rodriguez were patrolling the waters of Biscayne Bay near the Matheson Hammock boat ramp when they stopped a vessel to perform a boating safety inspection. During the inspection the officers noticed that the operator was exhibiting signs of impairment. Officer Rodriguez asked the operator to perform several field sobriety tests which he failed. The operator was placed under arrest. During the subsequent investigation the officers learned that the subject was arrested once before for boating under the influence.

Officer Pestka was dispatched to a residence in Miami Dade County where a woman was reporting to have an injured owl in her possession after the owl apparently fell out of a tree. Once on scene Officer Pestka was able to identify the owl as a baby Eastern Screech Owl. The owl was transported to Pelican Harbor Sea Bird Station where the staff was able to stabilize the owl who apparently suffered head trauma after falling from the tree. The staff informed Officer Pestka that the owl should make a full recovery and will be returned to the wild when the time comes.

Officer Washington and Investigator Almagro were patrolling the Haulover boat ramp when they stopped a vessel that had recently returned from a day of fishing. The officers went on to search the vessel and discovered 1 undersized queen trigger fish amongst several other unregulated fish in the live well. The captain of the vessel stated that there were no other fish on board. However, the officers went on to find 5 more undersized trigger fish in a plastic bag hidden in an enclosed container. The Captain was subsequently cited for multiple resource violations.


Officers Ingellis and Mert participated in the 11th annual career day at the Aventura Charter School of Excellence. The officers spoke to approximately 100 students about their daily responsibilities and also talked about the importance of preserving Florida’s natural resources for future generations.


Officer Bulger was patrolling the area of South Pine Channel Bridge in the Florida Keys when he saw a truck parked on the side of the road and a subject snorkeling near the shore line. It wasn’t long after that Officer Bulger saw the subject exit the water holding a spiny lobster. A check of the subjects catch revealed (6) spiny lobster, (5) of which were under sized. The subject was cited accordingly.

Officer Mattson was patrolling the waters off of Tavernier Creek Bridge when he noticed 2 fishermen fishing from the bridge. Approximately 2 hours later, Officer Mattson completed his water patrol duties; he went to check the fishermen by land. The subjects were found to be in possession of 4 undersized snapper. As a result the 2 fishermen were charged with the possession of undersized snapper.

Officer Foell was on land patrol in Monroe County when he spotted a seafood transportation vehicle. Officer Foell stopped the vehicle to conduct a seafood quality control and marine fisheries inspection. The subject supplied Officer Foell with an invoice for yellowtail snapper and king mackerel. Upon further inspection, Officer Foell found a bag of stone crab claws, blue runners and jack crevales that were not recorded on the invoice. As Officer Foell continued with the inspection, the subject created a false invoice for the unrecorded fish and handed it to Officer Foell. Officer Foell asked the subject why the invoice was different than what he had supplied before prompting the subject to admit to falsifying the second invoice. The subject was given a notice to appear, for failure to possess invoices showing the required information for a seafood inspection and with interfering with an FWC Officer.


Officer Dube participated in the Monroe County’s annual beach cleanup at Anne's Beach in Islamorada. Officer Dube gave a presentation to approximately 40 high school students and their parents on the FWC's core missions and on how to be a good steward of the Florida Keys. The kids picked up approximately 700 pounds of garbage and marine debris along the shoreline and under the bridges in the Islamorada area. Some of the recycled materials will be used for different art projects later in the year.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: FWC Law Enforcement weekly report