Strange meteorlogical event leads shepherds to baby

Several local shepherds outside of the little town of Bethlehem witnessed a strange and wild occurrence Monday evening. Three of them at the Simcha Tavern, according to the owner, Aryeh, spent the last hour telling customers what happened.

Akiva, one of the shepherds, said he regularly works with Dov and Netanel. While keeping watch over their flocks during the night, Akiva said, an angel of the Lord appeared to them.

Dov said, “I’ve killed cougars and coyotes looking out for my sheep. But I was scared out of my mind. I forgot all about them.”

According to the group, the angel told them about a baby wrapped in ‘swaddling’ cloths and lying in a manger who is the Messiah, the Lord.

Netanel said, “Man, what a gift to everyone.”

Akiva said, “Normally, nights out in the field are pretty quiet. Dov usually does the chasing if any predators show up and Netanel and me, we go get the sheep if any wander off. That night was the most amazing thing I’ve seen in all my life.”

Netanel said, “It was wonderful. We were shaking at first, but when the angel told us about the savior in the town of David, we had to see.”

Akiva continued, “I don’t really remember how the sheep reacted, but it blew me away when the rest of the angels showed up. It was so bright and loud. All of those voices were praising God saying ‘Glory to God in the highest on Heaven and on Earth, peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

Dov said, “We fell on our knees we were so overwhelmed. I’ve never felt anything like it before. As soon as the angels left we had to get to Bethlehem and see this thing the Lord told us about.”

Netanel said, “We had a few miles to go, but I think we ran most of the way there.” 

Netanel went on saying, “I could feel the baby’s smile inside me . . . and Mary and Joseph, his parents, were so nice.”

Akiva said, “We’ve seen a few travelers lately since Rome wants this census thing. Most of the ones we saw were headed to Jerusalem. I couldn’t imagine how rough it was being on the road with a wife with child, but they made it all right.”

With so much local clamor over these events, updates to this astounding story will follow soon. Planned for an upcoming edition are an exclusive interview with the couple as well as thoughts from a local doctor who has been recording the travails of young Mary, Joseph, and their child.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Strange meteorlogical event leads shepherds to baby