Speak Out December 13

Tuesday 8:20 a.m.

Yes, this is Bob. I have some questions. Was Michael Brown a child or a street thug? Was Michael Brown a civil rights hero or a criminal? Does the color of skin determine truth? Are white people the only ones that can be racist? Can anyone have justice that ignores truth? Will we allow the president to destroy our country because his skin is black? Thank you and good day.

Wednesday 6:09 a.m.

Yeah, Marco Rubio worries what they say about President Bush, and he was mean to all these people with the CIA or no CIA. He don’t have to worry about anybody. President Bush knows how to defend himself. But he don’t need to worry because he knows he did it. So Marco Rubio, you’ll never be a president but you can go challenge Raul Castro in Cuba. Thank you.

Wednesday 10:43 a.m.

This is Bobby. I don’t know if everybody heard but yesterday when they released the probe into the so-called torture of Al Qaeda suspects and all whether or not you think we tortured them. Why would you announce it to the world and tell our enemy what we did, even if we did something totally wrong that you disagree with, you shouldn’t throw the whole country under the bus and tell our enemies what we did so they’d hate us even more than they do. To me, it’s the most unpatriotic thing I’ve ever heard of. They should take Diane Feinstein and do to her just like the guy from Wikipedia that released all the secrets and stuff we had. They wanted to try him for treason but she’s in the senate and she’s celebrated. Thank you.

Wednesday 5:43 p.m.

Yeah this is Bobby. The letter that was in Wednesday’s paper about Ferguson, Missouri says the young man was selling cigars, he wasn’t selling cigars, he was stealing cigars. And the guy in New York was selling cigarettes and he said neither of them deserved to die for what they did. They didn’t die from what they did, they died from not complying with a lawful order from police. When they give you an order, you need to do it. Both of them would be alive today if they obeyed the police. Thank you.

Wednesday 7:52 p.m.

This is Mark from Stonebrook Village. Regarding Mr. Little’s article from today, December 10, I believe the Bank of New York Mellon has every right to enforce an increase in the fare. They need to get recoupment from their payment. I’m sure you’d felt the same if you were the one holding the obligation on that bridge. Thank you.

Wednesday 8:29 p.m.

This is Dennis Dean. I saw in the paper where the Gulf Islands National Seashore proposed a $20 toll to drive between Navarre and Pensacola Beach. What madness. Who are these crazy people? Thank God it was shot down. Whoever these crazy people are, they ought to be run out of town on a rail.

Wednesday 9:13 p.m.

Hey this is Dennis Dean. There are so many groups that say they are special. They have learned that the squeaky wheel gets grease. They battle by seeing who can scream the loudest and the federal government will throw a lot of money their way. I see one group who is under a clear and present danger and it is Christians, though most Christians remain silent.

Thursday 7:33 a.m.

Hi, this is Charlie. I’m calling about the guy who called in about Ferguson, Missouri, killing the young black thug. He wasn’t selling cigars; he just stole the cigars. What part of that don’t you understand? He was ordered out on the street and he continued walking down the street then attacked a cop, so the cop shot him. I call that suicide by cop and he deserved it. Thank you.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out December 13