Incidents like Ferguson will keep America chaotic

Dear Editor,

Shame on the NFL for not disciplining the 5 RAM players in uniform protesting with raised hands, the “don’t shoot” stance right before the game. Thank God for Benjamin Watson, NFL Saints “saint.” Saint because he loves God and knows these incidents can be solved only by the blood of Christ. He said, “Its sin, not a skin issue.” Wow. Some try to focus, dwell on the issue as racial, not so in my opinion. For years I’ve said incidents like Ferguson will keep people and America chaotic until we’re changed from inside out, born again. Officer Wilson was simply doing his job, no doubt, justifiably fearing for his life. Thank God for law enforcement personnel everywhere daily putting their lives on the line. Shame on looters and the one starting the fire in the store. They should be prosecuted. God bless the black woman who tried to extinguish it with milk. Shame on those denying Wilson severance pay. Wanting to remain in his profession, he selflessly resigned considering the safety of others. God turns evildoing into something good. I’m sure God has something bigger and better for Wilson. If Michael Brown had not burglarized that store, intimidated the employee and assaulted a policeman, he’d still be alive. Perhaps Michael’s stepfather’s drug dealing convictions (twice) and his prison stint (5 years) influenced Michael’s bent toward crime, sad to say. Shame on Al Sharpton, a so-called “reverend,” owing $4.5 million in taxes. He and Jesse Jackson, riot inciters, perpetuating the racial thing, should have his title dropped. What’s with Sharpton’s 82 visits to the White House? Is the president acting surreptitiously? This is the bottom line: Christmas approaches and we’re reminded of Jesus Christ’s birth. He is the Savior of the world, America’s only hope. Hallelujah. God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha.

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Incidents like Ferguson will keep America chaotic