Speak Out December 3

Wednesday, Nov. 26 6:16 a.m.

People should step back and take a breath and read what actually happened in Ferguson with the police officer and the young man. The young man was huge he had already stolen. People just need to think what they would do in that situation. Read and don’t let the media embellish the story. I know this won’t make it in the paper, but it should.

Wednesday, Nov. 26

This is Dennis Dean. I really enjoyed reading the article by Doris Kingry. You did a great job.

Wednesday, Nov. 26 8:12 p.m

This is Dennis Dean.  Some people seem so eager to make excuses for unlawful behavior. The police are not perfect but they have a difficult job. Without the police we would have Wild West chaos. Some people in high places of authority seen the place of police in a position saying ‘danged if they do and danged if they don’t.’ I believe some people want to divide and destroy our country. I hope that reasonable people of all color can see this and not let it happen. I believe in the freedom of speech, but have we gotten to a point that it is legal to riot, kill destroy property and terrorize our fellow citizens.

Thursday 8 a.m.

This is David. I want to speak out about the case in Ferguson, Missouri. I think everybody is missing the mark on this. It’s not a white thing, a black thing or law enforcement. This is a thing about parents don’t discipline their children anymore. Parents want to be friends with their kids. That goes for whites and blacks, everybody except the Asians. The Asians have a thing called shame. If a kid does something bad they go ‘shame on you.’ They seem to have a lot of better results. They are a minority in this country, but they have more doctors, attorneys, writers and journalists in successful children. We have lost our way. Many years ago, you could spank a child and discipline them, but now it seems like everyone wants to make friends with their kids, covering all races.

Saturday, Nov. 29 6:12 a.m.

Hi, this is Kenneth.  I would like to address the shopping locally issue. I think if the people of Milton would take a look at what is going on they will realize that these red light cameras are a big deterrent to people shopping in Milton. With caution to poise light to set at such a slow rate, it’s an entrapment to many people. I realize that this generates some income for the city of Milton. However, I think it causes the merchants to lose a lot of income. Why should they come to Milton where they could become entrapped by a red light camera? When they could go to Pensacola, Brewton, or Fort Walton and not worry about this situation. A number of years ago, Charlotte, North Carolina took down their cameras because it created more problems than it solved.    

Saturday, Nov. 29 3:16 p.m.

This is George. I’m talking about the Ferguson paper. There seems like a group of people in the United States who have no concern for other folks. Policeman was just trying to do his job, he was attacked and he saves his life.  And people put down their nose at him. Anyway I think a father is very important to have in a family. Without a father a kid gets no discipline and so he does not know what to do. My view.

Saturday, Nov 29 at 4:32 p.m.

This is Bobby. I noticed in Saturday’s paper that somebody called in and said that me and Dennis Dean should run for office, because we have an opinion about everything.  Well we don’t have to run for office to have an opinion and opinions are like rear ends, everybody has one and most of them stink.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out December 3