The following activities are scheduled to occur the week of November 24 – November 28 at the Guy Thompson Community Center. All activities are free and open to the public unless a fee is indicated.

Monday – November 24

9 a.m. – Cards and games for seniors. Come out and enjoy games and refreshments at the Milton Community Center.

10 a.m. – Line Dancing: Kick up your heels and learn a few dance steps in the Milton Community Center Gym. Class is $5.

Tuesday – November 25

The gym is being used for a holiday food distribution.

6 p.m. – Yoga: An enjoyable exercise class for all skill levels. Class is $5.

Wednesday – November 26

9 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Artist gathering: If you paint, draw or sketch you are invited to the community center to practice your art among other artist in a fun and relaxing atmosphere.

1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. – Pickleball: come play a game similar to tennis, but not on nearly as big of a court and not nearly as fast. Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports in America and you are welcome to come out and give it a try.

2 p.m. – Ballroom Dancing: Learn the popular dance steps to the Samba, Salsa, and other popular ball room dances. Class is $5.

6 p.m. – Yoga: An enjoyable exercise class for all skill levels. Class is $5.

Thursday – November 27

Closed due to the Thanksgiving Holiday

Friday – November 28

Closed due to the Thanksgiving Holiday

If you would like to suggest an event or activity please call Joe Paschal at 983-5466 or e-mail bill.gamblin@ci.milton.fl.us.

Don’t forget to check out our website for information regarding all city sports and activities at www.ci.milton.fl.us or contact the Guy Thompson Community Center at 983-5466

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: WEEKLY ACTIVITIES AT THE GUY THOMPSON COMMUNITY CENTER