Speak Out November 1

Monday 2:24 a.m.

Voters please vote no for the 1 cent increase in sales tax. From my understanding, they’re saying we, as the voters, would be able to choose where we want the new courthouse to be located at. I don’t believe this. I believe that the county commissioners will all get together and decide where they want the courthouse put at and it will be put where the majority of the county commissioners will want it to be put at. If anything, they can add on to the courthouse that is here now at. Please, voters, vote no for the one cent increase in sales tax. Thank you.

Monday 11:44 a.m.

Yes, this is Joe. I read countless letters of all our elected officials, the sheriff, Wendell Hall, Donald Spencer, all the county commissioners writing all these extensive letters about needing a new courthouse. In all these letters, not a single one of these politicians that we pay a lot of money to do these studies, to review where the courthouse should be but not a single one has come out and stated where they believe the courthouse should go. It makes you wonder why. Are they afraid they will hurt a group of voters that might not get them elected if they say the wrong thing about the location of the courthouse? I challenge them to come out on the record, each one of these elected officials, and say exactly where they feel the courthouse should be located. Thank you very much.

Tuesday 9:44 a.m.

People in the world never cease to amaze me how every Halloween they race out to try to entertain demonic activity and instill it in their children. It’s just so stupid how they don’t realize most of the stuff going on with children comes from demonic activity. The Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities. Principalities are demonic forces. So you know who you are out there every time you try to put on these ghostly tours and ghostly plays. You are idiots who entertain principalities and instill it in your children.

Tuesday 8:38 p.m.

Hey this is Dennis Dean. Let’s look at a hypothetical situation. Let’s say our country keeps our borders wide open. They encourage people and their diseases to just come on in. Their diseases spiral out of control here in America then our country restricts our movements and calls for mandatory vaccinations. If you refuse to be vaccinated you are detained and sent to a concentration camp. Could it all be a slippery slope leading to the mark of the beast? Sounds a little weird but hey we are living in perilous times.

Wednesday 8:08 a.m.

Yes, I’m responding to what Fred said in the paper this past Wednesday. I agree with him and I urge everyone to vote “No” on the tax until they decide where they want to put the courthouse and tell us upfront what we are voting on. I don’t believe the voters have any say so on where the courthouse is going to be located at and until they make their mind up and tell us exactly where it’s going to be located I urge everyone to vote “No” on the tax.

Wednesday 6:18 p.m.

Yeah, this is Bobby. I was just wondering on these three locations for the courthouse. When they were originally talking about East Milton they were talking about next to the sheriff’s office on free land. Then, I thought they were talking about on Highway 87; somebody was going to give them some land. So how did we arrive at the place by the airport? Who owns that land or did somebody give it to the county? I just wondered. Thank you.

Thursday 1:48 a.m.

I just wanted to wish Jim good luck as he moves from Milton to Alabama. I hope that he’ll us know how much he enjoys paying property tax in Alabama, plus the state income tax, plus the sales tax on his medicine and the food that he buys, something that is exempt here in that state Florida. I’m sure that he’ll want us to know these things where we can move there with him. Thank you.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out November 1