Keep campaigns clean

Dear Editor,

 It is commendable that you have chosen to pursue election to a position to benefit the community that you and your family and friends live in.  Run on the pertinent issues that will or do affect your locality.  Tell those of us that you want votes from what you consider important and how you would either initiate that issue, preserve what is already in place and working or to eliminate what is not working for the good of the community.  Don’t try to make your opponent(s) look bad by name-calling, blaming or pointing out their negative aspects as compared to your better aspects.  All you are doing is saying, “Pick me.  I’m the lesser of two evils.” I personally don’t want the “lesser of worst” to represent my community interests.  I want the best person for the job.  Run on your issues and forget the mud slinging.  Allow the voters to make a sound, informed choice of public leadership.

Cynthia Wyant


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Keep campaigns clean