Ebola, We Hardly Know Ya

When it comes any issue, what is best for America is not what drives Obama. Even with Ebola, he is like the trendy new song, “I’m all about the base, 'bout the base, not the trouble.”

As with any “crisis,” Obama and his 24/7 political machine do not "let a good crisis go to waste” without using it to create another government department so they can act like they know what they are doing.

Obama has appointed a political hack, lawyer Ron Klain, to be his Ebola "Czar." Klain has no experience in medicine.  He was Chief of Staff for both Al Gore and Sheriff Joe “Plugs” Biden, so you know he is smart. He has no healthcare experience, other than trying to stop Al Gore from drinking gravy all day and keeping sharp objects away from Joe Biden.

He is neither a security nor a  healthcare expert, nor is he a FEMA-type emergency manager. He is simply loyal to the President, and will spin the Ebola crisis in Obama's political favor to make his boss seem less feckless. If Klain is any kind of doctor, he's a "spin" doctor.

Administration speeches will imply that Obama has magnanimously eradicated this nasty disease. Yet he will not bar West African travelers from America until it is under control. In fact, Obama will personally lower the temperatures of those who have a fever and show signs of having contracted Ebola. He will perform this magic feat as he has done others, lowering their temperatures by switching from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

No one is better at changing the narrative and declaring himself successful than Obama, aided by his sycophants in the media.

So far, only 4,000 people have died of Ebola, entirely (with the exception of Liberian native Thomas Duncan) in a region of the world with antiquated, socialized medicine. This is not a big issue for the USA – yet. More people here die from bee stings each year. What is telling, however, is the inadequate response of the CDC and Obama. First, the CDC made this big proclamation, with such authority, that one can only get the virus by direct exposure to an infected person's bodily fluids. They are probably wrong. The nurse in Dallas did not come into contact with her patient’s bodily fluids. The truth is, we just do not know. Admitting you do not know something is not in the lexicon of government democratic know-it-alls.

Fear has gripped Dallas, Texas. Most blamed homosexuality in Africa for spreading the disease. Yet an African man brought it to the U.S., and almost all who have it in Africa are black. So if there is a bright spot here, Southerners seem to have moved beyond race since they are now blaming Ebola on gays.

In Obama's view, this is really more of a political problem. Americans are afraid because our leaders are so disorganized in their response. Even 225 workers who clean airplanes at LaGuardia walked off the job for fear of contracting Ebola.  They staged a sit-in after a CDC worker told a nurse with a temperature that she could fly. After sitting inside the LaGuardia terminal for an hour, the striking workers preferred to go back to work cleaning Ebola off of seats and take their chances.

I worry less about Ebola than I do the cost of the permanent programs Obama will put in place to ostensibly “save us” from it. Like the TSA and the Patriot Act, the lingering damage of a big government solution is more costly than the event that sparked it. The legacy of harm Osama bin Laden caused us is alive and well in the TSA and Homeland Security Agencies that we currently fund –and the freedoms we gave up in the process.

Even with ISIS advancing on Bagdad and Ebola allowed into America, Obama and his disciples keep telling us that global warming is our biggest threat. While marauding gangs of Islamic extremists are raping and beheading folks or the nasty Ebola virus is killing Americans, a quarter of a degree warmer temperature really doesn’t seem like much of a problem.

By Ron Hart

Los Angeles, CA

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Ebola, We Hardly Know Ya