Cost of doing nothing about courthouse isn’t fair for future generations

Dear Editor,

The Santa Rosa County Courthouse has obviously out served its initial design and purpose.  Built in 1927, the building size is no longer sufficient for all the necessary courthouse functions.  The design of the building creates security issues for the public and staff, and the parking, heating and cooling system, and telephone and computer infrastructure are no longer adequate for daily operations.  The public and judicial staffs cross paths with those in custody creating security and public safety concerns, including having to share restrooms.  On trial days many of the jurors have to stand outside in the heat, cold or rain waiting to clear through the security system.

Through the years, with repairs, expansions and updates, we have managed to extend the useful life of the existing courthouse.  We now have run out of options.  Repairs, additions, renovations and lawsuits have totaled more than $3.3 million over the last 10 years.  As you can tell, the cost of doing nothing is very expensive.  It’s time to look to the future and build a secure and more efficient courthouse that will provide the judicial services for our citizens for the next 75 years. The judicial center reflects who we are in Santa Rosa County and should be built to serve our entire county.

Over the past two years, the Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners have had numerous public meetings and discussing the need for a new courthouse and how to best pay for it.  Obviously the need exist and the only fair way to pay for it is with a one percent local option sales tax.  This way, unlike property taxes everyone pays their fair share, including our tourist and other visitors who make purchases in our county.  The new courthouse would cost approximately $50 million and could be paid for within five years or sooner, with the one percent sales tax, which would generate approximately $10 to $12 million dollars each year.  Many of us shop in Pensacola where we pay their one cent additional sales tax.  If we are willing to pay the additional penny to improve things in Escambia County, then surely we are willing to do the same in our own home county.  Remember the cost of doing nothing is very expensive!  So we are asking the voters of our county to approve the one cent sales tax for five years and also choose one of three possible locations for the new courthouse.  The three sites are:

·         Downtown Milton – the five acres behind the current courthouse

·         East Milton – A 15 acre site off Hwy. 90 just southwest of Peter Prince Airport

·         Pea Ridge – A 22.46 acre site on Hwy. 90 west of Avalon Blvd.

Of the three sites, there are question of traffic, parking, accessibility for all residents in the north and south ends of our county and room for growth.  Please remember this facility will serve the citizens of our county for the next 75 years.  So please get informed on all these issues, and it’s a very important decision that will impact generations of Santa Rosa residents.  Remember the “cost of doing nothing” is expensive and not fair for our children and grandchildren.

Don Salter, Pace

Santa RosaCountyCommissioner

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Cost of doing nothing about courthouse isn’t fair for future generations