Speak Out October 15

Today 5:15 a.m.

Yes this is Blair. I would just like to say I’ve been thinking about some things and I would just like to say 25 years ago we had Ronald Regan, Johnny Cash, and Bob Hope. Now we have Obama, no cash, and no hope. Thank you.

Sunday Oct 5 7:09 a.m.

This is Kenneth. I would like to address the individual that said don’t spare the rod and spoil the child is not in the Bible. I suggest he look at Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 22:15, Proverbs 23:13-15, and Proverbs 29:15. I believe that if you love your child you’ll not spare the rod. You should not do this in anger. You should do this with love toward your child. There are too many people today who are not loved by their parents. You can see the results of this by looking at the prisons. A lot of them come from one parent families and the love is not shown to them. They had no discipline whatsoever. Therefore, if we do not apply discipline to young people when they are very small all the way through until they become adults then we must not love them. On this I pray that God will guard and protect and every one of our young people. Thank you.

 Sunday October 5 12:57 p.m.

Yes, this is Dale from the big city. Keep our troops in your prayers. I have one short brief question. How many times do you have to plead the fifth to keep the President? I know it’s 75 for the governor. All right, have a good one. Bye.

Wednesday October 8

This is Dee, I have been reading Speak Out for a number of weeks now concerning moving the overflow traffic from downtown Milton, to Berryhill Road. The people who want this apparently do not live off of Berryhill Road. Berryhill is already used for the overflow traffic. People use it as a cutoff from downtown to Woodbine Road, then up Woodbine Road to Highway 90. The end of Berryhill, which came out at Five Points has already been moved further down Woodbine to alleviate traffic. Berryhill has at least six churches, three day care centers, and one school. The school busses pick up and drop off children twice a day. That’s not counting the parents who pick up and drop off children twice a day. Not to mention all the heavy log trucks who fly up and down Berryhill to get to Quintette. You can’t get out of your subdivision at rush hour for the traffic. So, let me say, Berryhill is not your answer. Everyone wants something done about the traffic, but no one wants to have their little piece of heaven bothered. The people of Berryhill have given enough. It’s someone else’s turn.

Monday October 6 5:22 p.m.

Yes I say get revenge. Fix them up. Maybe that’ll stop them from doing what they’re doing to the Americans. Let’s go for ISIS. We need to revenge now.

Tuesday 2:45 p.m.

Hello, my name is Barbara. I’m 65 years old. I’m learning that I’ve lost some of my freedoms. The most important one is the freedom to choose my doctor or a hospital. I have Medicare, never mind that I still pay the same for Blue Cross, Blue Shield. It is now a supplement. Before I was 65 I could still use my BCBS to see any doctor and any use any hospital. The next thing is you have to wait weeks to see a doctor, not the one you prefer. I am concerned about all the walk-in clinics. Do you get the same type of care? Probably not. They don’t know you. We don’t know them. The chances are we all will be visiting one soon. Thank you, bye.

Wednesday 6:27 a.m.

Hey this is Dennis Dean. One or two years ago one of John McCain’s buddies convinced President Obama that we need to enter the Syrian conflict. President Obama was near days from pulling the trigger but the American people rose up and cried no, do not get involved. He thankfully backed down. Well, here we are shooting tomahawk missiles inside the Syrian Borders. I got on Google and typed in the cost of a tomahawk missile. Guess what, it costs 1.5 million dollars per tomahawk missile. That was a 2014 cost. All of this fighting and killing sure is putting a lot of money in somebody’s pocket.

Wednesday 12:27 p.m.

This is for taking the paddle away. I think we need to bring it back. When I volunteered in the elementary school in Michigan the principal had a paddle. In Proverbs 13:24 “He that spares the rod hats his son.” The Living Bible says spanking a child helps him learn. Then there is Proverbs 29:15. I know there were 8 of us and my daddy sure put it on us, but we all turned out better people.

Wednesday 2:46 p.m.

Hi, this is Linda. I just wanted to say that the times are really incorrect for the Riverwalk Run because Mr. Jone had to turn around, come back and ask the people standing in front of the band where he should go because there was yellow tape across the road. It was not clearly marked. The deputy had to stop and wait for cones to be moved. Then the first female runner tripped over the safety wire across the road. So they should have been credited with the times they lost due to incorrect setup. Thank you.

Wednesday 5:38 p.m.

Hey this is Dennis Dean. I have a bad feeling about this Amendment 1 on the upcoming election. I’ve got a feeling it will be a land and water grab by the State of Florida using our tax dollars. It would not surprise me if they use eminent domain to take our land and water and then deny us access to it, or either restrict our access to it. I’m voting no.

Wednesday 8p.m.

Hey this is Dennis Dean. I have called a few times about securing our borders to keep terrorists out. But hey, how about securing our borders to keep Ebola and other disease out. To all you liberals an democrats out there who want open borders, I say no terrorist or disease cares what political party you’re in. They’ll get you also.

Thursday 12:21 a.m.

This is Gene. I was reading an article about how the church voted this last election and was less than 40%. I challenge every church and every denomination in Santa Rosa County to get out and vote for Godly men. Research it. Find out which one’s the best and vote for them. If you don’t vote, church, it’s your fault for what’s going on. I voted. Now it’s time for you to vote. God bless America.

Saturday 12:55 p.m.

Yes, I’m calling on Saturday’s Speak Out where the person had something on their mind and wanted a response from others on Ebola. You stated that you’re wondering about the children from Central America and Mexico. If you watch CNN news or Channel 3 news, or any other news affiliate you will realize that it was not the children of Mexico or Central America that brought the Ebola virus in. It was the Christians, the news media, and good old lying Duncan and of course our government that didn’t’ have the common sense to put them in an isolated place in the first place. Don’t blame the children of Central America or Mexico on this. You’ve seen it with your own eyes. Thank you. Linda.

Saturday 12:57 pm.

Yes, I’m calling about the wishy-washy reference to the darn courthouse which everybody has heard about for almost a year. If you really need a place for the courthouse to be let it be right where it is and put a 4-car garage right across the street in that nice big empty lot that you would have plenty of parking and you’ll solve your problems. If not, take it down there to the old Food World at the end of Kmart where there is plenty of room. You can paint it up and have it look like United Way and our property appraiser’s offices. You got plenty of parking solve yours problem there. What’s wrong with this town? Thanks, bye bye.

Saturday 9:57 p.m.

Hey I saw George’s call-in to the Speak Out line about how he doesn’t think anybody should be able to vote for the courthouse except just Milton. Well, excuse me George, but the courthouse belongs to the county. It’s the county’s courthouse and it should go where most of the people in the county feel comfortable with where it is. Putting it next to that bridge and that traffic bottleneck is a mistake, and if Milton isn’t smart enough to figure that out then they don’t deserve to have the courthouse in Milton any longer. This is Tony in East Milton, and it’s time for the courthouse to get moved out of the City of Milton and put some place where it makes sense. Thank you.

Monday 9:11 a.m.

Yes, this is Cecil. I agree with Fred that people need to get out and vote and I encourage them to vote but when you vote please know who you’re voting for and what amendment you’re voting on and what it’s about. Please understand that. Thank you.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out October 15