Speak Out October 1

Thursday 7:35 p.m.

Yes this is for Helen from New York. Helen, I just got back from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York and your roads up there are just as bad as ours once you get out of the cities where they don’t have the street sweepers. Our schools down here in Santa Rosa County are the some of the best in the state. We don’t need the unions down here or taxes any more. I don’t understand why you would want to come down here and screw up a place you like so much. If New York was so great, go back and stay and take one of the snow birds with you. This was Larry. Thank you.

Friday 8:11 a.m.

I wanted to respond to Bob’s Speak Out on the Wednesday September 24 paper. Bob complains about Tim Wyrosdick and the school board doing away with corporal punishment, but I think Bob needs to read his Bible because God did not say, “Spare the rod; spoil the child.” That phrase does not appear anywhere in the Bible. I think it’s a good thing what Wyrosdick and the school board did. No one needs to be hitting a child with wooden boards. If a parent hit a child with a wooden board, they would go to jail. There’s no reason for a school administrator to do that either. I think it’s a good thing that corporal punishment ended and it’s time the Santa Rosa County school board moved forward and started treating children like the human beings they deserve to be treated as.

Friday 8:47 a.m.

This is Billy Rogers in Blackwater. I‘d like to remind all the hunters that 90 percent of the does here have 2-week-old babies. Real sportsmen would not kill a doe deer during October. Real hunters would also not hunt around somebody’s private property fence to mess them up hunting on their own property. There are thousands of acres in Blackwater. Please don’t hunt around my fence. You’re messing my grandsons up hunting on and enjoying our own property.

Friday 11:01 a.m.

Hey this is Dennis. In the future, I will add my middle name since another Dennis is speaking out. My middle name is Dean. If you watch CBS, MSNBC, or ABC, you could conclude only black people are mistreated by police in America. I don’t buy it. In this large, vast country of ours, no whites, no Mexicans, no Native Americans, or Chinese, or Japanese, or Cubans are mistreated by our police? Could this lopsided betrayal be by design? I believe there are people in this world that are so evil they would not only intentionally set their own house on fire but would be tickled pink to see it burned to the ground.

Friday 12:58 p.m.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak my mind. I was just trying to say that when a person has the opportunity to speak out and it’s their sole opinion to speak out and then other people come behind and contradict the opportunity for freedom of speech and try to twist it like Satan. I think that’s really stupid because why do they have to be right and I have to be wrong or anybody who says anything about white people has to be wrong? White people cause a lot of problems in the world. They own everything. They run everything. And a lot of them ruin everything. So just because I speak my opinion doesn’t mean I hate all white people, it just pertains to those who are doing what they’re doing to cause problems in the world.

Friday 2:20 p.m.

Yeah, good morning. I would like to express my dissatisfaction for all the political signs that are still left out. Everybody’s raising hell about signs, and yard sale signs, and stuff like that but these politicians, Melvin, Esser, Bob Cole, there are several of them. Y’all know who I’m talking about. They just leave the signs out and don’t care. If you’re going to put them out, you need to pick them up. I appreciate it.

Friday 8:32 p.m.

Hey this is Dennis Dean. I am sure that not all Muslims are terrorists but it seems like all terrorists are Muslims. The be-heading in Moore, Oklahoma is proof positive that evil can only be stopped by a good person with a gun. To take away the right of good people to keep and bear arms would only leave us at the mercy of evil people.

Friday 11:02 p.m.

This is Jerry. I want to express my support for the effort to widen Highway 90 through Milton and remove some of the old buildings if necessary. If you sit for half an hour back up in your car trying to get through Milton, and if you have to work and have to do that, can’t go around, you waste over 3 40-hour work weeks, 52 weeks out of the year just sitting in your vehicle, not to mention the gas wasted sitting still and all the exhaust pollution settling in downtown Milton. There are lots of county people that ought to be considered in this. They have to use that route probably more than city people. By stalling the widening of Highway 90 through Milton is just causing more and more suffering. I hope the people that are opposed to widening Highway 90 would go ahead and consider the inconvenience they’re causing for all the other people. Thank you.

Saturday 8:27 p.m.

Thank you for the article concerning the southern bypass. You are now going to be besieged with responses that will attempt to deny all the facts you have printed. Yes, they are facts and cannot be denied. I hope the Press Gazette has the stamina to withstand this coming onslaught but you have gotten your foot into the door of becoming a real newspaper again. Thank you again for this research and for having the integrity to print it. Thank you.

Saturday 8:30 p.m.

Hey, I want to say I just finished reading the article about the property owners along the proposed southern route for the new Highway 90 and I want to say that’s the finest piece of journalism ever to appear in the Gazette. A small group of people who stand in the way of modernizing Milton actually have a different motive and it’s time they came out. They stand to make a pile of money and cost the rest of us millions of dollars and it’s unnecessary. Plus they would willingly sacrifice the Blackwater River and all those wetlands. Those are treasures God gave us. I’m sorry, but this ought to end. They ought to knock down that old courthouse. They ought to fix up that bridge and they ought to connect up that highway and make those 4 lanes go through there and give Milton a future and give East Milton a future by doing it. Thanks.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out October 1