Speak Out September 27

Monday 3:09 p.m.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak whatever’s on my mind. I’d like to say that the greedy lawyers are at it again trying to keep robbing BP for money and got people standing in line just to do it. They were briefed when they received the job from BP about the conditions and the safety. They should have been glad to have the job. Now they want to come back around and try to rob these people again. Well, guess what you’ll only run up the gas prices sooner or later. So when that happens, run out and ask your lawyer and talk with him about what you can do about gas prices.

Tuesday 1:30 p.m.

Did you see the first responder citizens save the teenagers that had flipped over in a river and the citizens, the first responders, the real first res ponders, came and flipped the car over and saved their lives? This was in Utah’s Jordan River. It’s great to see real first responders as we see every day in the news helping people in distress, whether it’s making a call to police of fire department or just getting out there and saving lives themselves. They do it every day. They’re the first and the best first responders. No one can beat the citizens of America. This is Joel Miller. Thank you.

Tuesday 5:13 p.m.

Hey, this is Dennis. Have you noticed that they quit calling it global warming to climate change? Hello, the climate is always changing. Study the world climate history of our planet. Extreme changes are prophesied in the Bible for the latter days.

Wednesday 9:39 a.m.

Yeah, this is Bobby. I just rode by Wayside Park or Mail Park next to the Taco Bell and they were down there mowing the grass. They keep it up prettier than they did when I was growing up, but nobody can use it because it stays polluted. You can’t swim in it and when I was growing up everybody swam in I it. The water was so pure you could drink the water. I don’t know what  they spend all the money keeping it up for if you can’t use it. Thank you.

Wednesday 4:20 p.m.

Hey this is Dennis. I see another Dennis has entered the fray here on speak out. I say welcome.

Wednesday 4:40 p.m.

Yeah I got a couple comments. One of them is in reference to big trucks on Berryhill Road. I know they pay taxes and licensing and everything to use the roadway system but Berryhill Road is getting really eroded now and starting to crack up. I was wondering if anybody is keeping their eye on the ball by the roads are getting tore up and some of this money the trucks pay to use it are ever going to go back into repairing the road. I have another comment about the bridges being built between Escambia River and Woodbine Road. It goes long periods where nobody’s working out there. Probably somebody’s going to say well they won the bid and have a timeline to get to it. It seems to me nobody’s paying attention to what’s going on. My last comment is our friendly sheriff spends a long time parked in the driveways even going to Benny Russell Park. We’re paying for sheriff services and it seems like we don’t get much of it. I don’t see how they’re instructed to spend time in driveways to save gas or what.

Wednesday 4:54 p.m.

Yeah this is Bobby. I read Helen’s Speak Out column in Wednesday’s paper and it’s just like I said. They move down south and then they want to change everything to make it just like up north. She wants all these union benefits for part time bus drivers. If you want full-time benefits go get a full-time job. It’s a part time job. It’s like minimum wage. It’s not to make a career out of. A minimum wage is to get you started. As far as New York, they have the highest taxes in the United States so that’s why they throw all the money away with the unions and everything. I saw on the news where in New York they got hundreds of teachers that they can’t fire because of the union. They won’t let them teach. They just go to school and hang out in the rooms and do whatever they want to do and still drawing twice as much money as a teacher makes here. I don’t want more taxes and I don’t think part time bus drivers should be part of a union to get more and more money, and as far as the bridge they built for me to get to work, it was on interstate 10. It was the federal government that built the bridge. That’s their job. Thank you.

Wednesday, 5 p.m.

This is Jason in Milton. Lately, I am disturbed by the lack of knowledge of people within our community. Everyone needs to become an informed voter. Do your research on each candidate. Do not just listen to the news, or what they say. Use the internet. Look at their past voting record, know where they stand on certain topics/issues. This disturbs me that people are just taking for granite their voting rights and the consequences they hold at election.

Next, know the role of the government. I have read where people want the city government to put a Dollar Tree in a certain area. This is not the role of the city. If Dollar Tree feels the need to put a store in that location they will. People you need to educate yourself or remind yourself of your rights and stop voting your rights away. Stop being dependent on the government and expecting the government to take care of you.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out September 27