Speak Out September 10

Wednesday 5:56 p.m.

This is Dennis. I read in the paper where only 14 percent of the people voted in this election. All I’ve got to say is “pitiful.”

Wednesday 8:12 p.m.

Hey this is Dennis. I am amazed that only 14 percent of the people voted. Why? Do people read the paper or watch the news? Are they so glued to facebook and TV sitcoms that they are out of touch? Maybe they are hooked on sports or reality shows. Why the big disconnect? Maybe they have a sense of hopelessness and that my vote does not matter or does not count. Has the family, the church, or schools failed to emphasize the importance of voting? To me the future of our local, state, and federal government is more important than a football game between Alabama and Auburn

Thursday 10:05 a.m.

This is Bobby. This is a little thing but it’s kind of annoying. When you print the paper, anybody that works a crossword puzzle likes to be able to fold the paper once vertically and once horizontally. Can the crossword needs to be in the corner, any corner you want to put it in? But y’all always seem to put it up just enough so you can’t even fold it in the middle and to the side enough you can’t even fold it in the middle so you end up with a biger pice of paper to work the crossword puzzle. If you could check into that, all the crossword puzzlers would really appreciate that. Thank you.

Thursday 10:29 a.m.

This is Helen. I am calling in response to the person who called about my letter to the editor on August 30 in regard to litter along the roads in Santa Rosa County. He apparently didn’t read the whole letter as he talks about taxes. It appears to me he is anti tax and anti government. Where would we be without our government and the people who serve us? The government supports our military, police, firefighters, builds roads, bridges, and so forth. He indicated that I didn’t like living here and I said the opposite in my letter. I find the area beautiful but the beauty is spoiled by the trash thrown along the road. He mentioned my reason for moving here. It is simple. We have family in the area, are retired, and decided we wanted to get away from the harsh winters. As the slogan goes, I love New York, but we had no family left there and decided to retire here. We are glad to be residents of Santa Rosa County and love it here, too, but that doesn’t mean we have to like the litter. We need a solution to this problem. I am sure that I’m not the only person upset by this. Maybe this gentleman, since he doesn’t want his taxes increased by perhaps a whopping $150 per year, would go out a couple days a week and pick up some litter. I saw yesterday, as I was driving along Berryhill Road, the litter there was simply awful. May he could start there.

Thursday 1:35 p.m.

Hi, mine is more of a question than a comment. I read the paper this week and I see where they did a fantastic story (it is a great story) on the new cafeteria in Jay, but was there any story on the new cafeteria in Chumuckla Elementary? There is a new Chumuckla Elementary cafeteria. It opened the first day of school this year. There should be a little follow up or at least a little add-on to the story about Jay’s that there is also another cafeteria open in the north end of the county. Thanks, just a thought.

Thursday 3:15 p.m.

Yes, I would like Mr. Little to please explain exactly how tobacco and alcohol regulate themselves. I don’t quite understand that, so if you could explain it, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

Thursday 5:57 p.m.

Yean this is Bobby. A few weeks ago somebody commented in the paper that they didn’t want to vote on the location of the courthouse and the tax at the same time because if they don’t get it where they want it they’re not going to vote for the tax. That really shouldn’t matter because if you vote you want to pay for it for your location so whatever location wins if all those people vote for the tax, it’s going to pass, so I think they’re worried about nothing now. Thank you.

Friday 2:16 p.m.

Hey, this is Tony from Pace. I just got behind a bus. We were both stopped at the same time. They took off. I took off, in a 35 mph zone and they left me. I kind of sped up to 40 and I was still blown away. I think these buses should slow down with these kids on them. Thank you.

Friday 8:31 p.m.

Hey, this is Dennis. So much has happened in the last month that the southern border has fallen off the radar for the most part. As we, the legal citizens, lose a lot of our freedoms and the cost of living just keeps going up along with our taxes I would guess that illegals are still pouring across the border. With no jobs, I figure that we the people will pick up 100 percent of the tab.  I still wonder how many terrorists are crossing the border. If and when they strike, we will probably lose even more of our freedoms in the name of national security. I say to Washington DC, secure our borders.

Saturday 10:46 a.m.

Yeah, this is Bobby. I’ve just got a question. I always thought Escambia Bay at Santa Rosa County is more or less on the east side path of it and Escambia County on the western half, but I noticed  when you come under Scenic Highway coming toward the east, there’s a sign right there that says “Entering Santa Rosa County” so does Santa Rosa County own the whole bay? Or how does that go? If anybody knows, I’d sure like to know. Thank you.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out September 10