Christians continue work, regardless of coming troubles

Dear Editor,

For centuries many gave their lives for worthy causes. The King of Saudi Arabia warns ISIS is overtaking Europe and America is next. The radical Islamists’ cause is convert or die. God rest the souls of all our military. They didn’t give in to ISIS, ISIL, Hamas, Jihad, Al-Qaeda, Boco Haram, or the Muslim Brotherhood. American journalist James and Stephen, beheaded, risked their lives to report on atrocities. They remind me of another James and Stephen, full of love and compassion, sharing the Gospel to help people be ready to meet their maker. Not willing anyone should die, Christians today continue their mission. Muslims await the return of their Mahdi. Jews and Christians await the coming of Messiah, Yeshua, Hamashiach, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus the Christ. Hallelujah! By the way, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s new book, “The Mystery of Shemitah,” reveals a plausible explanation of today’s world situation, including ISIS activities and the rise and fall of nations. It’s exciting, fascinating, astounding information regarding Biblical warnings. Current events mandate all Americans read it and heed its warning without delay. God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha.

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Christians continue work, regardless of coming troubles