Speak Out

Tuesday 10:37 a.m.

This is Gene, from Pace. Everybody talks about how bad Bush was, but when Bush took office the debt to capital ratio was 41 to 1. That means $41 of debt for every $1 of capital. When he left office, he had gotten it down to 22 meaning they had $22 of debt on their books for every $1 of capital. Today, Obama’s got it 77 to 1. That being said, that means $77 of debt for every $1 of capital. I think Obama’s doing a terrible job and our economy’s about to sink. Our dollar’s about to explode and not be worth anything and these other countries are going to stop using our dollar, and it may happen soon. It may happen by the middle of next year so we need to get out and be sure to get a republican senate so you all think about that. Have a good day.

Wednesday 11:19 a.m.

These people, democrats and republicans, talk so bad about Obama. I don’t want anybody to call my house. It’s a private number. They do not need to call my house to talk bad about Obama or anybody else. They are funding themselves for themselves. They are not good enough to match Obama. When they run for president none of these people win. I don’t understand nothing about politics. We need our family home, our military home. That’s it. Thank you. This is Maria.

Wednesday 1:16 p.m.

I’d like to know what is wrong with some of Santa Rosa’s parents. Football is in season at the Milton community center. The temperature is running 100 with a heat index of 110. You have your small children running around in hot padded uniforms, hot padded helmets, and passing out. Is the sport so important to you, the parent, that you put your child through this? To me, you’re the same as a parent who leaves the child in a hot car with the windows up a/c turned off. Thank you.

Wednesday 1:33 p.m.

The elections are over and we now have a new mayor. Guy Thompson was a wonderful mayor for 20 years for the City of Milton. He will truly be missed. Let’s hope the new mayor can fill Guy Thompson’s shoes. We all wanted a change when voting for the president, and boy did we get a change, especially with our medical. Let’s hope when we vote again for a president it’s hopefully Judge Judy. Thank you, Linda.

Wednesday 2:56 p.m.

Yes, I’m calling about an article I read in your paper. It said that three U.S. Representatives were being sent to attend Michael Brown’s funeral by President Obama. Did Obama pay for their travel and lodging expenses or did we, the taxpayers? It’s sort of like Jayer Williamson was granted a seat on the council. What is his salary, as he also has no experience? And I thought you had to live in Milton to serve on the City Council. This young man lives in Pace. What is the issue here? Is it a good-boy system or what? I’d really like to know. Thank you. Margaret.

Editor’s Note:  Jayer Williamson had no opposition in the primary for his appointed seat in the Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners. He is not on the Milton City Council. You are correct that you must live in the City of Milton to be a City Councilman, however, Jayer Williamson is representing his district in Pace.

Wednesday 5:40 p.m.

This is Bobby. To the person who wrote the Letter to the Editor about how filthy Santa Rosa County is if she likes New York so good, I wonder why she left? It’s probably because the taxes are so high up there; she came down here for cheaper taxes. With cheaper taxes, the government doesn’t have as much money to waste on picking up, doing this, and doing that, so take your choice. Go back to New York or take it like it is. People down here don’t like the government just deciding we’re going to make you take this garbage service or whatever and we’re going to add the bill to your taxes. If you don’t like it down here, I don’t know why you’re here in the first place. Thank you.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out