Speak Out August 27

Thursday 8:11 a.m.

I think President Obama is doing the right thing. If they find out who these people are killing the people in the Middle East, the American journalists, they should follow the families of the people doing that and maybe that’ll stop them if they love their families. Of course, they don’t love anybody. They just kill and that’s it, like dogs or cats. Enough is enough of violence against the Americans. Thank you.

Saturday 5:02 p.m.

This is Bobby. The reason Saturday’s speak out column, they didn’t put their name talking about Ferguson, Missouri, and how they released the name of the cop and he wanted to kill somebody over a cigarette. He wasn’t killed over a cigarette. If anything, he’d still be alive if he did what the cop told him. That’s what everybody should teach their kids. The cop, whether you like him or not, you should respect him and do what he tells you to do. Don’t rush him. Don’t argue with him. Don’t cuss him. Just yes sir, no sir, and you’ll be on your way. If you stand there and argue with him, it will just make him mad. So, teach your kids to obey the cops and there won’t be any more killings. Thank you.

Sunday 5:17 p.m.

Yes, I’m sitting here watch CNN and this is August 24 and I’m amazed to really sit and watch what’s going on with our country. As I was watching TV on CNN, it stated that President Obama was going to send three US Representatives to the Michael Brown’s funeral that’s supposed to be estimated at 5,000 people attending. I don’t know what’s wrong with this country. This man had a run-in with the law as thousands of whites, Hispanics, and blacks have daily. Why should our government send representatives to represent an incident where somebody got in with the law? If the boy wouldn’t have had a problem with the law, he probably would be alive today. I don’t know what the issue is there. So our president really needs to pay attention to what’s going on with ISIS and the beheading of our journalist, and things like this. As I say, Michael Brown, I’m sorry the young man has died, but there are thousands of people that have problems and run-ins with the law and they get shot, and they get mangled, and they die. Let it rest.

Sunday 8 p.m.

This is Margret. I just read the opinion page in your Saturday, August 23 paper. Letters to the editor hit the nail on the head. Speak Out had several good points, but most of all Ron Heart’s column was hilarious and I’m a woman. If you didn’t read it, go get your paper out of the garbage and read it. It’s worth the trouble. Kudos!

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out August 27